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Sikh Sangeet - Surjan Singh Ragi - Asa Di War
Surjan Singh Ragi - Asa Di War
Artist: Surjan Singh Ragi
Album: Asa Di War
Genre: Gurbani Ucharan

Album Info:

Is utterances of Guru Nank Dev Ji, composed in the Raga Asa which is the Raga of the early morning and in the poetic form of War which is peculiar to Punjab and Rajasthan. A War is an account of the heroic deeds of the brave Gurunanak, the first guru of Sikhs, used this form to sing the glorious deeds of the Lord Creator of the whole Universe.


Is an attempt to exhort men to lead a life of Dharam i e, of Ethical and Moral values, for it is the life of dharma which is the first step towards ultimate Deliverance of Mukti. On the path of the Lord, There are a number of Stages which have been outlined by the Guru in JAP JI.


Is thus an exposition of the first stage of the path of the Lord and is complementary to the JAP JI, Sikhs recite it in KIRTAN at the daybreak.
Average Rating: 5 (6 votes)

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01 - Surjan Singh Ragi - Asa Di War 1   28937/25995

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Artist: Surjan Singh Ragi Title: Asa Di War 1 Album: Asa Di War
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 1
Playtime: 1196.72 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 19:57
File Size: 19149297 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (12 votes)
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02 - Surjan Singh Ragi - Asa Di War 2   27961/15588

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Artist: Surjan Singh Ragi Title: Asa Di War 2 Album: Asa Di War
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 2
Playtime: 1267.98 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 21:08
File Size: 20289490 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (9 votes)
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03 - Surjan Singh Ragi - Asa Di War 3   25042/13737

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Artist: Surjan Singh Ragi Title: Asa Di War 3 Album: Asa Di War
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 3
Playtime: 1176.11 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 19:36
File Size: 18819527 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (10 votes)
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04 - Surjan Singh Ragi - Asa Di War 4   20092/13945

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Artist: Surjan Singh Ragi Title: Asa Di War 4 Album: Asa Di War
Comment: Genre: Gurbani Uchaaran Track Number: 4
Playtime: 1249.78 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 20:50
File Size: 19998173 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (8 votes)
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