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Sikh Sangeet - About Us
About Us
Website Maintained by:
Grenade Singh (To contact, please mail admin at sikh sangeet com )

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long has this site been online?
The website started in about September 2006. We are continually growing, as our statistics show. At the end of 2006, the website was uploading 50 gb per week on average.
How do we afford the cost of running this site?
The advertisements that appear on the top of the page are Google ads. When our users click on them, we get paid for every click.
How much money is this site making?
All money gained from this site is spent on the website's hosting servers and for the services it provides.
Why do some MP3s not work (why cant we listen to some content on the website)?
First of all, PLEASE make sure NO other music/media player (such as Windows Media Player) is running on your computer. My friends and I listen to most of the available content, hence all mp3s most likely work. The only reason why you would think they do not work is because of extreme traffic on the website at some times of the day, causing the server to suffer (but this is very rare).
As I've said before, the advertisements above provide enough revenue to host the website at the moment. We do not need donations, but if you still want to contribute through music/code/etc, email us at admin at sikh sangeet com .
When will the Bhai, Bibi, Baba, words be added appropriately?
There is no need for formal titles. The current system works to avoid the clutter. Please forgive us for this decision. But if we have enough support, we may implement this feature.
Want to provide/distribute/share albums/Shabad Kirtan/anything?
Please contact us. We will be honored by your help. Thank you in advance.
Why is the album I requested not online already?
We're sorry, due to our limited resources and contacts, we are sometimes not able to get some rare content.
What is the rating mean on artists/tracks/albums?
The rating is not really a rating of the lyrics/shabads, it's a way to distinguish the presentation of the shabads. So as to say the quality, the singer/bhai/bibi's awaz, taal used, the tabla taal, the tabalchi's skill. I'm sure all our Sikhs understand that the rating is in no way rating gurbani, but just the kirtani/dhadi/geetkar. The rating is a crucial factor in determining what some people want to listen to.
Cannot read shabad lyrics in Gurmukhi?
You must have GurbaniWebThick font installed. Install instructions for installing the font can be found at Sikhnet (link).

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