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Sikh Sangeet - 3 Singh Mafia - AK In Our Hands
3 Singh Mafia - AK In Our Hands
Artist: 3 Singh Mafia
Album: AK In Our Hands
Genre: Dharmik Geet/Songs

Album Info:
Average Rating: 3.5 (4 votes)

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01 - Lil Sikhsta - Khalistani Anthem - Jagowala Jatha   763/5977

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Artist: Lil Sikhsta - Jagowala Jatha Title: Khalistani Anthem Album: AK In Our Hands
Comment: Genre: Dharmik Track Number: 1
Playtime: 175.93 secs Bitrate: 320000 Playtime String: 2:56
File Size: 7038540 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR320 Compression Ratio: 0.22676
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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02 - Various - AK In Our Hands - Jagowala Jatha   1137/4206

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Artist: Various - Jagowala Jatha Title: AK in our hands Album: AK In Our Hands
Comment: Genre: Dharmik Track Number: 2
Playtime: 353.02 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 5:53
File Size: 5650354 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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03 - Dj Sat - Shahid Udham Singh - Manmohan Waris   885/2228

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Artist: Dj Sat - Manmohan Waris Title: Shahid Udham Singh Album: AK In Our Hands
Comment: Genre: Dharmik Track Number: 3
Playtime: 320.57 secs Bitrate: 192000 Playtime String: 5:21
File Size: 7694945 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR192 Compression Ratio: 0.13605
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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04 - Dj Double SM - Panth Sajjawan Ga (Refix) - Karan MC & Harvinder Singh   734/2080

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Artist: Dj Double SM - Karan MC & Harvinder Singh Title: Panth Sajjawan Ga (Refix) Album: AK In Our Hands
Comment: Genre: Dharmik Track Number: 4
Playtime: 291.87 secs Bitrate: 160000 Playtime String: 4:52
File Size: 5842068 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR160 Compression Ratio: 0.11338
Average Rating: 4 (1 votes)
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05 - Lil Sikhsta - 7th of January - Jagowala Jatha   694/1853

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Artist: Lil Sikhsta - Jagowala Jatha Title: 7th of January Album: AK In Our Hands
Comment: Genre: Dharmik Track Number: 5
Playtime: 270.45 secs Bitrate: 320000 Playtime String: 4:30
File Size: 10818981 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR320 Compression Ratio: 0.22676
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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06 - Lil Sikhsta - Basanti Chola - Ravinder Grewal   589/1347

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Artist: Lil Sikhsta - Ravinder Grewal Title: Basanti Chola Album: AK In Our Hands
Comment: Genre: Dharmik Track Number: 6
Playtime: 166.69 secs Bitrate: 320000 Playtime String: 2:47
File Size: 6668646 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR320 Compression Ratio: 0.22676
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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07 - Dj Double SM - Guru Arjan Dev Ji - Jagowala Jatha   539/1634

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Artist: Dj Double SM - Jagowala Jatha Title: Guru Arjan Dev Ji Album: AK In Our Hands
Comment: Genre: Dharmik Track Number: 7
Playtime: 357.49 secs Bitrate: 160000 Playtime String: 5:57
File Size: 7154460 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR160 Compression Ratio: 0.11338
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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08 - Dj Double SM - Satguru Nanak Teri Leela (Refix) - Lal Chand Yamla Jatt   545/2008

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Artist: Dj Double SM - Lal Chand Yamla Jatt Title: Satguru Nanak Teri Leela (Refix) Album: AK In Our Hands
Comment: Genre: Dharmik Track Number: 8
Playtime: 219.59 secs Bitrate: 160000 Playtime String: 3:40
File Size: 4396452 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR160 Compression Ratio: 0.11338
Average Rating: 5 (2 votes)
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09 - Lil Sikhsta - Bhagat Singh Rain of Vengeance - Ravinder Grewal   435/1261

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Artist: Lil Sikhsta - Ravinder Grewal Title: Bhagat Singh Rain of Vengeance Album: AK In Our Hands
Comment: Genre: Dharmik Track Number: 9
Playtime: 213.13 secs Bitrate: 320000 Playtime String: 3:33
File Size: 8526474 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR320 Compression Ratio: 0.22676
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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10 - Various - Operation Blue Star - Jagowala Jatha   416/2058

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Artist: Various - Jagowala Jatha Title: Operation Blue Star Album: AK In Our Hands
Comment: Genre: Dharmik Track Number: 10
Playtime: 270.08 secs Bitrate: 128000 Playtime String: 4:30
File Size: 4323368 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR128 Compression Ratio: 0.09070
Average Rating: 4 (1 votes)
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11 - Dj Sat - Singh - Romey Gill   457/1588

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Artist: Dj Sat - Romey Gill Title: Singh Album: AK In Our Hands
Comment: Genre: Dharmik Track Number: 11
Playtime: 304.30 secs Bitrate: 220165 Playtime String: 5:04
File Size: 8378733 Bitrate Mode: vbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: --preset extreme -b1 Compression Ratio: 0.15601
Average Rating: 0 (0 votes)
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12 - Lil Sikhsta - Bhagat Singh Vengeance Mix 2 - Ravinder Grewal   373/1200

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Artist: Lil Sikhsta - Ravinder Grewal Title: Bhagat Singh Vengeance Mix 2 Album: AK In Our Hands
Comment: Genre: Dharmik Track Number: 12
Playtime: 213.13 secs Bitrate: 320000 Playtime String: 3:33
File Size: 8526474 Bitrate Mode: cbr Channels: 2
Channel Mode: stereo Data Format: mp3 Sample Rate: 44100
Encoder Options: CBR320 Compression Ratio: 0.22676
Average Rating: 5 (1 votes)
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