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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
05 - Joginder Singh Riar - Vin Bolya Sabh Kich Janda Joginder Singh Riar (Ludhiane Wale) Khalsa Meri Jaan Ki Jaan HSinghDCWale
06 - Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh - Har Kirpa Kar Ke Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh Karaj Tera Hovai Poora HSinghDCWale
05 - Ravinder Singh - HarMandar Har Sajeya Ravinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Abchal Nagar Gobind Guru Ka nihang


This Shabad is by Guru Amar Daas Ji in Salok Vaaraan Thay Vadheek on Pannaa 1413

slok mhlw 3
salok mehalaa 3
Salok, Third Mehla:

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

AiBAwgq eyh n AwKIAih ijn kY mn mih Brmu ]
abhiaagath eaeh n aakheeahi jin kai man mehi bharam ||
Do not call the wandering beggars holy men, if their minds are filled with doubt.

iqn ky idqy nwnkw qyho jyhw Drmu ]1]
thin kae dhithae naanakaa thaeho jaehaa dhharam ||1||
Whoever gives to them, O Nanak, earns the same sort of merit. ||1||

ABY inrMjn prm pdu qw kw BIKku hoie ]
abhai nira(n)jan param padh thaa kaa bheekhak hoe ||
One who begs for the supreme status of the Fearless and Immaculate Lord

iqs kw Bojnu nwnkw ivrlw pwey koie ]2]
this kaa bhojan naanakaa viralaa paaeae koe ||2||
- how rare are those who have the opportunity, O Nanak, to give food to such a person. ||2||

hovw pMifqu joqkI vyd pVw muiK cwir ]
hovaa pa(n)ddith jothakee vaedh parraa mukh chaar ||
If I were a religious scholar, an astrologer, or one who could recite the four Vedas,

nvw KMfw ivic jwxIAw Apny cj vIcwr ]3]
navaa kha(n)ddaa vich jaaneeaa apanae chaj veechaar ||3||
I could be famous throughout the nine regions of the earth, for my wisdom and thoughtful contemplation. ||3||

bRhmx kYlI Gwqu kM\kw AxcwrI kw Dwnu ]
brehaman kailee ghaath ka(n)n(j)akaa anachaaree kaa dhhaan ||
If a Brahmin kills a cow or a female infant, and accepts the offerings of an evil person,

iPtk iPtkw koVu bdIAw sdw sdw AiBmwnu ]
fittak fittakaa korr badheeaa sadhaa sadhaa abhimaan ||
he is cursed with the leprosy of curses and criticism; he is forever and ever filled with egotistical pride.

pwih eyqy jwih vIsir nwnkw ieku nwmu ]
paahi eaethae jaahi veesar naanakaa eik naam ||
One who forgets the Naam, O Nanak, is covered by countless sins.

sB buDI jwlIAih ieku rhY qqu igAwnu ]4]
sabh budhhee jaaleeahi eik rehai thath giaan ||4||
Let all wisdom be burnt away, except for the essence of spiritual wisdom. ||4||

mwQY jo Duir iliKAw su myit n skY koie ]
maathhai jo dhhur likhiaa s maett n sakai koe ||
No one can erase that primal destiny written upon one's forehead.

nwnk jo iliKAw so vrqdw so bUJY ijs no ndir hoie ]5]
naanak jo likhiaa so varathadhaa so boojhai jis no nadhar hoe ||5||
O Nanak, whatever is written there, comes to pass. He alone understands, who is blessed by God's Grace. ||5||

ijnI nwmu ivswirAw kUVY lwlic lig ]
jinee naam visaariaa koorrai laalach lag ||
Those who forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and become attached to greed and fraud,

DMDw mwieAw mohxI AMqir iqsnw Aig ]
dhha(n)dhhaa maaeiaa mohanee a(n)thar thisanaa ag ||
are engrossed in the entanglements of Maya the enticer, with the fire of desire within them.

ijn@w vyil n qUMbVI mwieAw Tgy Tig ]
jinhaa vael n thoo(n)barree maaeiaa t(h)agae t(h)ag ||
Those who, like the pumpkin vine, are too stubborn climb the trellis, are cheated by Maya the cheater.

mnmuiK bMin@ clweIAih nw imlhI vig sig ]
manamukh ba(n)nih chalaaeeahi naa milehee vag sag ||
The self-willed manmukhs are bound and gagged and led away; the dogs do not join the herd of cows.

Awip Bulwey BulIAY Awpy myil imlwie ]
aap bhulaaeae bhuleeai aapae mael milaae ||
The Lord Himself misleads the misguided ones, and He Himself unites them in His Union.

nwnk gurmuiK CutIAY jy clY siqgur Bwie ]6]
naanak guramukh shhutteeai jae chalai sathigur bhaae ||6||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are saved; they walk in harmony with the Will of the True Guru. ||6||

swlwhI swlwhxw BI scw swlwih ]
saalaahee saalaahanaa bhee sachaa saalaahi ||
I praise the Praiseworthy Lord, and sing the Praises of the True Lord.

nwnk scw eyku dru bIBw prhir Awih ]7]
naanak sachaa eaek dhar beebhaa parehar aahi ||7||
O Nanak, the One Lord alone is True; stay away from all other doors. ||7||

nwnk jh jh mY iPrau qh qh swcw soie ]
naanak jeh jeh mai firo theh theh saachaa soe ||
O Nanak, wherever I go, I find the True Lord.

jh dyKw qh eyku hY gurmuiK prgtu hoie ]8]
jeh dhaekhaa theh eaek hai guramukh paragatt hoe ||8||
Wherever I look, I see the One Lord. He reveals Himself to the Gurmukh. ||8||

dUK ivswrxu sbdu hY jy mMin vswey koie ]
dhookh visaaran sabadh hai jae ma(n)n vasaaeae koe ||
The Word of the Shabad is the Dispeller of sorrow, if one enshrines it in the mind.

gur ikrpw qy min vsY krm prwpiq hoie ]9]
gur kirapaa thae man vasai karam paraapath hoe ||9||
By Guru's Grace, it dwells in the mind; by God's Mercy, it is obtained. ||9||

nwnk hau hau krqy Kip muey KUhix lK AsMK ]
naanak ho ho karathae khap mueae khoohan lakh asa(n)kh ||
O Nanak, acting in egotism, countless thousands have wasted away to death.

siqgur imly su aubry swcY sbid AlµK ]10]
sathigur milae s oubarae saachai sabadh ala(n)kh ||10||
Those who meet with the True Guru are saved, through the Shabad, the True Word of the Inscrutable Lord. ||10||

ijnw siqguru iek min syivAw iqn jn lwgau pwie ]
jinaa sathigur eik man saeviaa thin jan laago paae ||
Those who serve the True Guru single-mindedly - I fall at the feet of those humble beings.

gur sbdI hir min vsY mwieAw kI BuK jwie ]
gur sabadhee har man vasai maaeiaa kee bhukh jaae ||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the Lord abides in the mind, and the hunger for Maya departs.

sy jn inrml aUjly ij gurmuiK nwim smwie ]
sae jan niramal oojalae j guramukh naam samaae ||
Immaculate and pure are those humble beings, who, as Gurmukh, merge in the Naam.

nwnk hoir piqswhIAw kUVIAw nwim rqy pwiqswh ]11]
naanak hor pathisaaheeaa koorreeaa naam rathae paathisaah ||11||
O Nanak, other empires are false; they alone are true emperors, who are imbued with the Naam. ||11||

ijau purKY Gir BgqI nwir hY Aiq locY BgqI Bwie ]
jio purakhai ghar bhagathee naar hai ath lochai bhagathee bhaae ||
The devoted wife in her husband's home has a great longing to perform loving devotional service to him;

bhu rs swlxy svwrdI Kt rs mITy pwie ]
bahu ras saalanae savaaradhee khatt ras meet(h)ae paae ||
she prepares and offers to him all sorts of sweet delicacies and dishes of all flavors.

iqau bwxI Bgq slwhdy hir nwmY icqu lwie ]
thio baanee bhagath salaahadhae har naamai chith laae ||
In the same way, the devotees praise the Word of the Guru's Bani, and focus their consciousness on the Lord's Name.

mnu qnu Dnu AwgY rwiKAw isru vyicAw gur AwgY jwie ]
man than dhhan aagai raakhiaa sir vaechiaa gur aagai jaae ||
They place mind, body and wealth in offering before the Guru, and sell their heads to Him.

BY BgqI Bgq bhu locdy pRB locw pUir imlwie ]
bhai bhagathee bhagath bahu lochadhae prabh lochaa poor milaae ||
In the Fear of God, His devotees yearn for His devotional worship; God fulfills their desires, and merges them with Himself.

hir pRBu vyprvwhu hY ikqu KwDY iqpqwie ]
har prabh vaeparavaahu hai kith khaadhhai thipathaae ||
My Lord God is Self-existent and Independent. What does He need to eat to be satisfied?

siqgur kY BwxY jo clY iqpqwsY hir gux gwie ]
sathigur kai bhaanai jo chalai thipathaasai har gun gaae ||
Whoever walks in harmony with the Will of the True Guru, and sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord, is pleasing to Him.

Dnu Dnu kljuig nwnkw ij cly siqgur Bwie ]12]
dhhan dhhan kalajug naanakaa j chalae sathigur bhaae ||12||
Blessed, blessed are they, in this Dark Age of Kali Yuga, O Nanak, who walk in harmony with the Will of the True Guru. ||12||

siqgurU n syivE sbdu n riKE aur Dwir ]
sathiguroo n saeviou sabadh n rakhiou our dhhaar ||
Those who do not serve the True Guru, and do not keep the Shabad enshrined in their hearts

iDgu iqnw kw jIivAw ikqu Awey sMswir ]
dhhig thinaa kaa jeeviaa kith aaeae sa(n)saar ||
cursed are their lives. Why did they even come into the world?

gurmqI Bau min pvY qW hir ris lgY ipAwir ]
guramathee bho man pavai thaa(n) har ras lagai piaar ||
If one follows the Guru's Teachings, and keeps the Fear of God in his mind, then he is lovingly attuned to the sublime essence of the Lord.

nwau imlY Duir iliKAw jn nwnk pwir auqwir ]13]
naao milai dhhur likhiaa jan naanak paar outhaar ||13||
By his primal destiny, he obtains the Name; O Nanak, he is carried across. ||13||

mwieAw moih jgu BrimAw Gru musY Kbir n hoie ]
maaeiaa mohi jag bharamiaa ghar musai khabar n hoe ||
The world wanders lost in emotional attachment to Maya; it does not realize that its own home is being plundered.

kwm k®oiD mnu ihir lieAw mnmuK AMDw loie ]
kaam krodhh man hir laeiaa manamukh a(n)dhhaa loe ||
The self-willed manmukh is blind in the world; his mind is lured away by sexual desire and anger.

igAwn KVg pMc dUq sMGwry gurmiq jwgY soie ]
giaan kharrag pa(n)ch dhooth sa(n)ghaarae guramath jaagai soe ||
With the sword of spiritual wisdom, kill the five demons. Remain awake and aware to the Guru's Teachings.

nwm rqnu prgwisAw mnu qnu inrmlu hoie ]
naam rathan paragaasiaa man than niramal hoe ||
The Jewel of the Naam is revealed, and the mind and body are purified.

nwmhIn nkty iPrih ibnu nwvY bih roie ]
naameheen nakattae firehi bin naavai behi roe ||
Those who lack the Naam wander around lost, with their noses cut off; without the Name, they sit and cry.

nwnk jo Duir krqY iliKAw su myit n skY koie ]14]
naanak jo dhhur karathai likhiaa s maett n sakai koe ||14||
O Nanak, no one can erase that which is pre-ordained by the Creator Lord. ||14||

gurmuKw hir Dnu KitAw gur kY sbid vIcwir ]
guramukhaa har dhhan khattiaa gur kai sabadh veechaar ||
The Gurmukhs earn the wealth of the Lord, contemplating the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

nwmu pdwrQu pwieAw Aqut Bry BMfwr ]
naam padhaarathh paaeiaa athutt bharae bha(n)ddaar ||
They receive the wealth of the Naam; their treasures are overflowing.

hir gux bwxI aucrih AMqu n pwrwvwru ]
har gun baanee oucharehi a(n)th n paaraavaar ||
Through the Word of the Guru's Bani, they utter the Glorious Praises of the Lord, whose end and limitations cannot be found.

nwnk sB kwrx krqw krY vyKY isrjnhwru ]15]
naanak sabh kaaran karathaa karai vaekhai sirajanehaar ||15||
O Nanak, the Creator is the Doer of all; the Creator Lord beholds all. ||15||

gurmuiK AMqir shju hY mnu ciVAw dsvY Awkwis ]
guramukh a(n)thar sehaj hai man charriaa dhasavai aakaas ||
Within the Gurmukh is intuitive peace and poise; his mind ascends to the Tenth Plane of the Akaashic Ethers.

iqQY aUNG n BuK hY hir AMimRq nwmu suK vwsu ]
thithhai oo(n)agh n bhukh hai har a(n)mrith naam sukh vaas ||
No one is sleepy or hungry there; they dwell in the peace of the Ambrosial Name of the Lord.

nwnk duKu suKu ivAwpq nhI ijQY Awqm rwm pRgwsu ]16]
naanak dhukh sukh viaapath nehee jithhai aatham raam pragaas ||16||
O Nanak, pain and pleasure do not afflict anyone, where the Light of the Lord, the Supreme Soul, illuminates. ||16||

kwm k®oD kw colVw sB gil Awey pwie ]
kaam krodhh kaa cholarraa sabh gal aaeae paae ||
All have come, wearing the robes of sexual desire and anger.

ieik aupjih ieik ibnis jWih hukmy AwvY jwie ]
eik oupajehi eik binas jaa(n)hi hukamae aavai jaae ||
Some are born, and some pass away. They come and go according to the Hukam of the Lord's Command.

jMmxu mrxu n cukeI rMgu lgw dUjY Bwie ]
ja(n)man maran n chukee ra(n)g lagaa dhoojai bhaae ||
Their comings and goings in reincarnation do not end; they are imbued with the love of duality.

bMDin bMiD BvweIAnu krxw kCU n jwie ]17]
ba(n)dhhan ba(n)dhh bhavaaeean karanaa kashhoo n jaae ||17||
Bound in bondage, they are made to wander, and they cannot do anything about it. ||17||

ijn kau ikrpw DwrIAnu iqnw siqguru imilAw Awie ]
jin ko kirapaa dhhaareean thinaa sathigur miliaa aae ||
Those, upon whom the Lord showers His Mercy, come and meet the True Guru.

siqguir imly aultI BeI mir jIivAw shij suBwie ]
sathigur milae oulattee bhee mar jeeviaa sehaj subhaae ||
Meeting with the True Guru, they turn away from the world; they remain dead while still alive, with intuitive peace and poise.

nwnk BgqI riqAw hir hir nwim smwie ]18]
naanak bhagathee rathiaa har har naam samaae ||18||
O Nanak, the devotees are imbued with the Lord; they are absorbed in the Name of the Lord. ||18||

mnmuK cMcl miq hY AMqir bhuqu cqurweI ]
manamukh cha(n)chal math hai a(n)thar bahuth chathuraaee ||
The intellect of the self-willed manmukh is fickle; he is very tricky and clever within.

kIqw kriqAw ibrQw gieAw ieku iqlu Qwie n pweI ]
keethaa karathiaa birathhaa gaeiaa eik thil thhaae n paaee ||
Whatever he has done, and all that he does, is useless. Not even an iota of it is acceptable.

puMn dwnu jo bIjdy sB Drm rwie kY jweI ]
pu(n)n dhaan jo beejadhae sabh dhharam raae kai jaaee ||
The charity and generosity he pretends to give will be judged by the Righteous Judge of Dharma.

ibnu siqgurU jmkwlu n CofeI dUjY Bwie KuAweI ]
bin sathiguroo jamakaal n shhoddee dhoojai bhaae khuaaee ||
Without the True Guru, the Messenger of Death does not leave the mortal alone; he is ruined by the love of duality.

jobnu jWdw ndir n AwveI jru phucY mir jweI ]
joban jaa(n)dhaa nadhar n aavee jar pahuchai mar jaaee ||
Youth slips away imperceptibly, old age comes, and then he dies.

puqu klqu mohu hyqu hY AMiq bylI ko n sKweI ]
puth kalath mohu haeth hai a(n)th baelee ko n sakhaaee ||
The mortal is caught in love and emotional attachment to children and spouse, but none of them will be his helper and support in the end.

siqguru syvy so suKu pwey nwau vsY min AweI ]
sathigur saevae so sukh paaeae naao vasai man aaee ||
Whoever serves the True Guru finds peace; the Name comes to abide in the mind.

nwnk sy vfy vfBwgI ij gurmuiK nwim smweI ]19]
naanak sae vaddae vaddabhaagee j guramukh naam samaaee ||19||
O Nanak, great and very fortunate are those who, as Gurmukh, are absorbed in the Naam. ||19||

mnmuK nwmu n cyqnI ibnu nwvY duK roie ]
manamukh naam n chaethanee bin naavai dhukh roe ||
The self-willed manmukhs do not even think of the Name; without the Name, they cry in pain.

Awqmw rwmu n pUjnI dUjY ikau suKu hoie ]
aathamaa raam n poojanee dhoojai kio sukh hoe ||
They do not worship the Lord, the Supreme Soul; how can they find peace in duality?

haumY AMqir mYlu hY sbid n kwFih Doie ]
houmai a(n)thar mail hai sabadh n kaadtehi dhhoe ||
They are filled with the filth of egotism; they do not wash it away with the Word of the Shabad.

nwnk ibnu nwvY mYilAw muey jnmu pdwrQu Koie ]20]
naanak bin naavai mailiaa mueae janam padhaarathh khoe ||20||
O Nanak, without the Name, they die in their filth; they waste the priceless opportunity of this human life. ||20||

mnmuK boly AMDuly iqsu mih AgnI kw vwsu ]
manamukh bolae a(n)dhhulae this mehi aganee kaa vaas ||
The self-willed manmukhs are deaf and blind; they are filled with the fire of desire.

bwxI suriq n buJnI sbid n krih pRgwsu ]
baanee surath n bujhanee sabadh n karehi pragaas ||
They have no intuitive understanding of the Guru's Bani; they are not illumined with the Shabad.

Enw AwpxI AMdir suiD nhI gur bcin n krih ivswsu ]
ounaa aapanee a(n)dhar sudhh nehee gur bachan n karehi visaas ||
They do not know their own inner being, and they have no faith in the Guru's Word.

igAwnIAw AMdir gur sbdu hY inq hir ilv sdw ivgwsu ]
giaaneeaa a(n)dhar gur sabadh hai nith har liv sadhaa vigaas ||
The Word of the Guru's Shabad is within the being of the spiritually wise ones. They always blossom in His love.

hir igAwnIAw kI rKdw hau sd bilhwrI qwsu ]
har giaaneeaa kee rakhadhaa ho sadh balihaaree thaas ||
The Lord saves the honor of the spiritually wise ones.I am forever a sacrifice to them.

gurmuiK jo hir syvdy jn nwnku qw kw dwsu ]21]
guramukh jo har saevadhae jan naanak thaa kaa dhaas ||21||
Servant Nanak is the slave of those Gurmukhs who serve the Lord. ||21||

mwieAw BuieAMgmu srpu hY jgu GyirAw ibKu mwie ]
maaeiaa bhueia(n)gam sarap hai jag ghaeriaa bikh maae ||
The poisonous snake, the serpent of Maya, has surrounded the world with its coils, O mother!

ibKu kw mwrxu hir nwmu hY gur gruV sbdu muiK pwie ]
bikh kaa maaran har naam hai gur garurr sabadh mukh paae ||
The antidote to this poisonous venom is the Name of the Lord; the Guru places the magic spell of the Shabad into the mouth.

ijn kau pUrib iliKAw iqn siqguru imilAw Awie ]
jin ko poorab likhiaa thin sathigur miliaa aae ||
Those who are blessed with such pre-ordained destiny come and meet the True Guru.

imil siqgur inrmlu hoieAw ibKu haumY gieAw iblwie ]
mil sathigur niramal hoeiaa bikh houmai gaeiaa bilaae ||
Meeting with the True Guru, they become immaculate, and the poison of egotism is eradicated.

gurmuKw ky muK aujly hir drgh soBw pwie ]
guramukhaa kae mukh oujalae har dharageh sobhaa paae ||
Radiant and bright are the faces of the Gurmukhs; they are honored in the Court of the Lord.

jn nwnku sdw kurbwxu iqn jo cwlih siqgur Bwie ]22]
jan naanak sadhaa kurabaan thin jo chaalehi sathigur bhaae ||22||
Servant Nanak is forever a sacrifice to those who walk in harmony with the Will of the True Guru. ||22||

siqgur purKu inrvYru hY inq ihrdY hir ilv lwie ]
sathigur purakh niravair hai nith hiradhai har liv laae ||
The True Guru, the Primal Being, has no hatred or vengeance. His heart is constantly attuned to the Lord.

inrvYrY nwil vYru rcwiedw ApxY Gir lUkI lwie ]
niravairai naal vair rachaaeidhaa apanai ghar lookee laae ||
Whoever directs hatred against the Guru, who has no hatred at all, only sets his own home on fire.

AMqir k®oDu AhMkwru hY Anidnu jlY sdw duKu pwie ]
a(n)thar krodhh aha(n)kaar hai anadhin jalai sadhaa dhukh paae ||
Anger and egotism are within him night and day; he burns, and suffers constant pain.

kUVu boil boil inq Baukdy ibKu KwDy dUjY Bwie ]
koorr bol bol nith bhoukadhae bikh khaadhhae dhoojai bhaae ||
They babble and tell lies, and keep on barking, eating the poison of the love of duality.

ibKu mwieAw kwrix Brmdy iPir Gir Gir piq gvwie ]
bikh maaeiaa kaaran bharamadhae fir ghar ghar path gavaae ||
For the sake of the poison of Maya, they wander from house to house, and lose their honor.

bysuAw kyry pUq ijau ipqw nwmu iqsu jwie ]
baesuaa kaerae pooth jio pithaa naam this jaae ||
They are like the son of a prostitute, who does not know the name of his father.

hir hir nwmu n cyqnI krqY Awip KuAwie ]
har har naam n chaethanee karathai aap khuaae ||
They do not remember the Name of the Lord, Har, Har; the Creator Himself brings them to ruin.

hir gurmuiK ikrpw DwrIAnu jn ivCuVy Awip imlwie ]
har guramukh kirapaa dhhaareean jan vishhurrae aap milaae ||
The Lord showers His Mercy upon the Gurmukhs, and reunites the separated ones with Himself.

jn nwnku iqsu bilhwrxY jo siqgur lwgy pwie ]23]
jan naanak this balihaaranai jo sathigur laagae paae ||23||
Servant Nanak is a sacrifice to those who fall at the Feet of the True Guru. ||23||

nwim lgy sy aUbry ibnu nwvY jm puir jWih ]
naam lagae sae oobarae bin naavai jam pur jaa(n)hi ||
Those who are attached to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, are saved; without the Name, they must go to the City of Death.

nwnk ibnu nwvY suKu nhI Awie gey pCuqwih ]24]
naanak bin naavai sukh nehee aae geae pashhuthaahi ||24||
O Nanak, without the Name, they find no peace; they come and go in reincarnation with regrets. ||24||

icMqw Dwvq rih gey qW min BieAw Anµdu ]
chi(n)thaa dhhaavath rehi geae thaa(n) man bhaeiaa ana(n)dh ||
When anxiety and wanderings come to an end, the mind becomes happy.

gur pRswdI buJIAY sw Dn suqI inicMd ]
gur prasaadhee bujheeai saa dhhan suthee nichi(n)dh ||
By Guru's Grace, the soul-bride understands, and then she sleeps without worry.

ijn kau pUrib iliKAw iqn@w ByitAw gur goivMdu ]
jin ko poorab likhiaa thinhaa bhaettiaa gur govi(n)dh ||
Those who have such pre-ordained destiny meet with the Guru, the Lord of the Universe.

nwnk shjy imil rhy hir pwieAw prmwnµdu ]25]
naanak sehajae mil rehae har paaeiaa paramaana(n)dh ||25||
O Nanak, they merge intuitively into the Lord, the Embodiment of Supreme Bliss. ||25||

siqguru syvin Awpxw gur sbdI vIcwir ]
sathigur saevan aapanaa gur sabadhee veechaar ||
Those who serve their True Guru, who contemplate the Word of the Guru's Shabad,

siqgur kw Bwxw mMin lYin hir nwmu rKih aur Dwir ]
sathigur kaa bhaanaa ma(n)n lain har naam rakhehi our dhhaar ||
who honor and obey the Will of the True Guru, who keep the Lord's Name enshrined within their hearts,

AYQY EQY mMnIAin hir nwim lgy vwpwir ]
aithhai outhhai ma(n)neean har naam lagae vaapaar ||
are honored, here and hereafter; they are dedicated to the business of the Lord's Name.

gurmuiK sbid is\wpdy iqqu swcY drbwir ]
guramukh sabadh sin(j)aapadhae thith saachai dharabaar ||
Through the Word of the Shabad, the Gurmukhs gain recognition in that Court of the True Lord.

scw saudw Krcu scu AMqir iprmu ipAwru ]
sachaa soudhaa kharach sach a(n)thar piram piaar ||
The True Name is their merchandise, the True Name is their expenditure; the Love of their Beloved fills their inner beings.

jmkwlu nyiV n AwveI Awip bKsy krqwir ]
jamakaal naerr n aavee aap bakhasae karathaar ||
The Messenger of Death does not even approach them; the Creator Lord Himself forgives them.

nwnk nwm rqy sy DnvMq hYin inrDnu horu sMswru ]26]
naanak naam rathae sae dhhanava(n)th hain niradhhan hor sa(n)saar ||26||
O Nanak, they alone are wealthy, who are imbued with the Naam; the rest of the world is poor. ||26||

jn kI tyk hir nwmu hir ibnu nwvY Tvr n Twau ]
jan kee ttaek har naam har bin naavai t(h)avar n t(h)aao ||
The Lord's Name is the Support of the Lord's humble servants. Without the Lord's Name, the there is no other place, no place of rest.

gurmqI nwau min vsY shjy shij smwau ]
guramathee naao man vasai sehajae sehaj samaao ||
Following the Guru's Teachings, the Name abides in the mind, and one is intuitively, automatically absorbed in the Lord.

vfBwgI nwmu iDAwieAw Aihinis lwgw Bwau ]
vaddabhaagee naam dhhiaaeiaa ahinis laagaa bhaao ||
Those with great good fortune meditate on the Naam; night and day, they embrace love for the Name.

jn nwnku mMgY DUiV iqn hau sd kurbwxY jwau ]27]
jan naanak ma(n)gai dhhoorr thin ho sadh kurabaanai jaao ||27||
Servant Nanak begs for the dust of their feet; I am forever a sacrifice to them. ||27||

lK caurwsIh mydnI iqsnw jlqI kry pukwr ]
lakh chouraaseeh maedhanee thisanaa jalathee karae pukaar ||
The 8.4 million species of beings burn in desire and cry in pain.

iehu mohu mwieAw sBu psirAw nwil clY n AMqI vwr ]
eihu mohu maaeiaa sabh pasariaa naal chalai n a(n)thee vaar ||
All this show of emotional attachment to Maya shall not go with you at that very last instant.

ibnu hir sWiq n AwveI iksu AwgY krI pukwr ]
bin har saa(n)th n aavee kis aagai karee pukaar ||
Without the Lord, peace and tranquility do not come; unto whom should we go and complain?

vfBwgI siqguru pwieAw bUiJAw bRhmu ibcwru ]
vaddabhaagee sathigur paaeiaa boojhiaa breham bichaar ||
By great good fortune, one meets the True Guru, and comes to understand the contemplation of God.

iqsnw Agin sB buiJ geI jn nwnk hir auir Dwir ]28]
thisanaa agan sabh bujh gee jan naanak har our dhhaar ||28||
The fire of desire is totally extinguished, O servant Nanak, enshrining the Lord within the heart. ||28||

AsI Kqy bhuqu kmwvdy AMqu n pwrwvwru ]
asee khathae bahuth kamaavadhae a(n)th n paaraavaar ||
I make so many mistakes, there is no end or limit to them.

hir ikrpw kir kY bKis lYhu hau pwpI vf gunhgwru ]
har kirapaa kar kai bakhas laihu ho paapee vadd gunehagaar ||
O Lord, please be merciful and forgive me; I am a sinner, a great offender.

hir jIau lyKY vwr n AwveI qUM bKis imlwvxhwru ]
har jeeo laekhai vaar n aavee thoo(n) bakhas milaavanehaar ||
O Dear Lord, if You made an account of my mistakes, my turn to be forgiven would not even come. Please forgive me, and unite me with Yourself.

gur quTY hir pRBu myilAw sB iklivK kit ivkwr ]
gur thut(h)ai har prabh maeliaa sabh kilavikh katt vikaar ||
The Guru, in His Pleasure, has united me with the Lord God; He has cut away all my sinful mistakes.

ijnw hir hir nwmu iDAwieAw jn nwnk iqn@ jYkwru ]29]
jinaa har har naam dhhiaaeiaa jan naanak thinh jaikaar ||29||
Servant Nanak celebrates the victory of those who meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har. ||29||

ivCuiV ivCuiV jo imly siqgur ky BY Bwie ]
vishhurr vishhurr jo milae sathigur kae bhai bhaae ||
Those who have been separated and alienated from the Lord are united with Him again, through the Fear and the Love of the True Guru.

jnm mrx inhclu Bey gurmuiK nwmu iDAwie ]
janam maran nihachal bheae guramukh naam dhhiaae ||
They escape the cycle of birth and death, and, as Gurmukh, they meditate on the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

gur swDU sMgiq imlY hIry rqn lBMin@ ]
gur saadhhoo sa(n)gath milai heerae rathan labha(n)nih ||
Joining the Saadh Sangat, the Guru's Congregation, the diamonds and jewels are obtained.

nwnk lwlu Amolkw gurmuiK Koij lhMin@ ]30]
naanak laal amolakaa guramukh khoj leha(n)nih ||30||
O Nanak, the jewel is priceless; the Gurmukhs seek and find it. ||30||

mnmuK nwmu n cyiqE iDgu jIvxu iDgu vwsu ]
manamukh naam n chaethiou dhhig jeevan dhhig vaas ||
The self-willed manmukhs do not even think of the Naam. Cursed are their lives, and cursed are their homes.

ijs dw idqw Kwxw pYnxw so min n visE guxqwsu ]
jis dhaa dhithaa khaanaa painanaa so man n vasiou gunathaas ||
That Lord who gives them so much to eat and wear - they do not enshrine that Lord, the Treasure of Virtue, in their minds.

iehu mnu sbid n ByidE ikau hovY Gr vwsu ]
eihu man sabadh n bhaedhiou kio hovai ghar vaas ||
This mind is not pierced by the Word of the Shabad; how can it come to dwell in its true home?

mnmuKIAw dohwgxI Awvx jwix mueIAwsu ]
manamukheeaa dhohaaganee aavan jaan mueeaas ||
The self-willed manmukhs are like discarded brides, ruined by coming and going in the cycle of reincarnation.

gurmuiK nwmu suhwgu hY msqik mxI iliKAwsu ]
guramukh naam suhaag hai masathak manee likhiaas ||
The Gurmukhs are embellished and exalted by the Naam, the Name of the Lord; the jewel of destiny is engraved upon their foreheads.

hir hir nwmu auir DwirAw hir ihrdY kml pRgwsu ]
har har naam our dhhaariaa har hiradhai kamal pragaas ||
They enshrine the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, within their hearts; the Lord illumines their heart-lotus.

siqguru syvin Awpxw hau sd bilhwrI qwsu ]
sathigur saevan aapanaa ho sadh balihaaree thaas ||
I am forever a sacrifice to those who serve their True Guru.

nwnk iqn muK aujly ijn AMqir nwmu pRgwsu ]31]
naanak thin mukh oujalae jin a(n)thar naam pragaas ||31||
O Nanak, radiant and bright are the faces of those whose inner beings are illuminated with the Light of the Naam. ||31||

sbid mrY soeI jnu isJY ibnu sbdY mukiq n hoeI ]
sabadh marai soee jan sijhai bin sabadhai mukath n hoee ||
Those who die in the Word of the Shabad are saved. Without the Shabad, no one is liberated.

ByK krih bhu krm ivguqy Bwie dUjY prj ivgoeI ]
bhaekh karehi bahu karam viguthae bhaae dhoojai paraj vigoee ||
They wear religious robes and perform all sorts of rituals, but they are ruined; in the love of duality, their world is ruined.

nwnk ibnu siqgur nwau n pweIAY jy sau locY koeI ]32]
naanak bin sathigur naao n paaeeai jae so lochai koee ||32||
O Nanak, without the True Guru, the Name is not obtained, even though one may long for it hundreds of times. ||32||

hir kw nwau Aiq vf aUcw aUcI hU aUcw hoeI ]
har kaa naao ath vadd oochaa oochee hoo oochaa hoee ||
The Name of the Lord is utterly great, lofty and high, the highest of the high.

ApiV koie n skeI jy sau locY koeI ]
aparr koe n sakee jae so lochai koee ||
No one can climb up to it, even though one may long for it, hundreds of times.

muiK sMjm hCw n hoveI kir ByK BvY sB koeI ]
mukh sa(n)jam hashhaa n hovee kar bhaekh bhavai sabh koee ||
Speaking about self-discipline, no one become pure; everyone walks around wearing religious robes.

gur kI pauVI jwie cVY krim prwpiq hoeI ]
gur kee pourree jaae charrai karam paraapath hoee ||
Those blessed by the karma of good deeds go and climb the ladder of the Guru.

AMqir Awie vsY gur sbdu vIcwrY koie ]
a(n)thar aae vasai gur sabadh veechaarai koe ||
The Lord comes and dwells within that one who contemplates the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

nwnk sbid mrY mnu mwnIAY swcy swcI soie ]33]
naanak sabadh marai man maaneeai saachae saachee soe ||33||
O Nanak, when someone dies in the Word of the Shabad, the mind is pleased and appeased. True is the reputation of those who are true. ||33||

mwieAw mohu duKu swgru hY ibKu duqru qirAw n jwie ]
maaeiaa mohu dhukh saagar hai bikh dhuthar thariaa n jaae ||
Emotional attachment to Maya is a treacherous ocean of pain and poison, which cannot be crossed.

myrw myrw krdy pic muey haumY krq ivhwie ]
maeraa maeraa karadhae pach mueae houmai karath vihaae ||
Screaming, ""Mine, mine!"", they rot and die; they pass their lives in egotism.

mnmuKw aurvwru n pwru hY AD ivic rhy lptwie ]
manamukhaa ouravaar n paar hai adhh vich rehae lapattaae ||
The self-willed manmukhs are in limbo, neither on this side, nor the other; they are stuck in the middle.

jo Duir iliKAw su kmwvxw krxw kCU n jwie ]
jo dhhur likhiaa s kamaavanaa karanaa kashhoo n jaae ||
They act as they are pre-destined; they cannot do anything else.

gurmqI igAwnu rqnu min vsY sBu dyiKAw bRhmu suBwie ]
guramathee giaan rathan man vasai sabh dhaekhiaa breham subhaae ||
Following the Guru's Teachings, the jewel of spiritual wisdom abides in the mind, and then God is easily seen in all.

nwnk siqguir boihQY vfBwgI cVY qy Baujil pwir lµGwie ]34]
naanak sathigur bohithhai vaddabhaagee charrai thae bhoujal paar la(n)ghaae ||34||
O Nanak, the very fortunate ones embark on the Boat of the True Guru; they are carried across the terrifying world-ocean. ||34||

ibnu siqgur dwqw ko nhI jo hir nwmu dyie AwDwru ]
bin sathigur dhaathaa ko nehee jo har naam dhaee aadhhaar ||
Without the True Guru, there is no giver who can bestow the Support of the Lord's Name.

gur ikrpw qy nwau min vsY sdw rhY auir Dwir ]
gur kirapaa thae naao man vasai sadhaa rehai our dhhaar ||
By Guru's Grace, the Name comes to dwell in the mind; keep it enshrined in your heart.

iqsnw buJY iqpiq hoie hir kY nwie ipAwir ]
thisanaa bujhai thipath hoe har kai naae piaar ||
The fire of desire is extinguished, and one finds satisfaction, through the Love of the Name of the Lord.

nwnk gurmuiK pweIAY hir ApnI ikrpw Dwir ]35]
naanak guramukh paaeeai har apanee kirapaa dhhaar ||35||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh finds the Lord, when He showers His Mercy. ||35||

ibnu sbdY jgqu brilAw khxw kCU n jwie ]
bin sabadhai jagath baraliaa kehanaa kashhoo n jaae ||
Without the Shabad, the world is so insane, that it cannot even be described.

hir rKy sy aubry sbid rhy ilv lwie ]
har rakhae sae oubarae sabadh rehae liv laae ||
Those who are protected by the Lord are saved; they remain lovingly attuned to the Word of the Shabad.

nwnk krqw sB ikCu jwxdw ijin rKI bxq bxwie ]36]
naanak karathaa sabh kishh jaanadhaa jin rakhee banath banaae ||36||
O Nanak, the Creator who made this making knows everything. ||36||

hom jg siB qIrQw piV@ pMifq Qky purwx ]
hom jag sabh theerathhaa parrih pa(n)ddith thhakae puraan ||
The Pandits, the religious scholars, have grown weary of making fire-offerings and sacrifices, making pilgrimages to all the sacred shrines, and reading the Puraanas.

ibKu mwieAw mohu n imteI ivic haumY Awvxu jwxu ]
bikh maaeiaa mohu n mittee vich houmai aavan jaan ||
But they cannot get rid of the poison of emotional attachment to Maya; they continue to come and go in egotism.

siqgur imilAY mlu auqrI hir jipAw purKu sujwxu ]
sathigur miliai mal outharee har japiaa purakh sujaan ||
Meeting with the True Guru, one's filth is washed off, meditating on the Lord, the Primal Being, the All-knowing One.

ijnw hir hir pRBu syivAw jn nwnku sd kurbwxu ]37]
jinaa har har prabh saeviaa jan naanak sadh kurabaan ||37||
Servant Nanak is forever a sacrifice to those who serve their Lord God. ||37||

mwieAw mohu bhu icqvdy bhu Awsw loBu ivkwr ]
maaeiaa mohu bahu chithavadhae bahu aasaa lobh vikaar ||
Mortals give great thought to Maya and emotional attachment; they harbor great hopes, in greed and corruption.

mnmuiK AsiQru nw QIAY mir ibnis jwie iKn vwr ]
manamukh asathhir naa thheeai mar binas jaae khin vaar ||
The self-willed manmukhs do not become steady and stable; they die and are gone in an instant.

vf Bwgu hovY siqguru imlY haumY qjY ivkwr ]
vadd bhaag hovai sathigur milai houmai thajai vikaar ||
Only those who are blessed with great good fortune meet the True Guru, and leave behind their egotism and corruption.

hir nwmw jip suKu pwieAw jn nwnk sbdu vIcwr ]38]
har naamaa jap sukh paaeiaa jan naanak sabadh veechaar ||38||
Chanting the Name of the Lord, they find peace; servant Nanak contemplates the Word of the Shabad. ||38||

ibnu siqgur Bgiq n hoveI nwim n lgY ipAwru ]
bin sathigur bhagath n hovee naam n lagai piaar ||
Without the True Guru, there is no devotional worship, and no love of the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

jn nwnk nwmu ArwiDAw gur kY hyiq ipAwir ]39]
jan naanak naam araadhhiaa gur kai haeth piaar ||39||
Servant Nanak worships and adores the Naam, with love and affection for the Guru. ||39||

loBI kw vyswhu n kIjY jy kw pwir vswie ]
lobhee kaa vaesaahu n keejai jae kaa paar vasaae ||
Do not trust greedy people, if you can avoid doing so.

AMiq kwil iqQY DuhY ijQY hQu n pwie ]
a(n)th kaal thithhai dhhuhai jithhai hathh n paae ||
At the very last moment, they will deceive you there, where no one will be able to lend a helping hand.

mnmuK syqI sMgu kry muih kwlK dwgu lgwie ]
manamukh saethee sa(n)g karae muhi kaalakh dhaag lagaae ||
Whoever associates with the self-willed manmukhs, will have his face blackened and dirtied.

muh kwly iqn@ loBIAW jwsin jnmu gvwie ]
muh kaalae thinh lobheeaaa(n) jaasan janam gavaae ||
Black are the faces of those greedy people; they lose their lives, and leave in disgrace.

sqsMgiq hir myil pRB hir nwmu vsY min Awie ]
sathasa(n)gath har mael prabh har naam vasai man aae ||
O Lord, let me join the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation; may the Name of the Lord God abide in my mind.

jnm mrn kI mlu auqrY jn nwnk hir gun gwie ]40]
janam maran kee mal outharai jan naanak har gun gaae ||40||
The filth and pollution of birth and death is washed away, O servant Nanak, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||40||

Duir hir pRiB krqY iliKAw su mytxw n jwie ]
dhhur har prabh karathai likhiaa s maettanaa n jaae ||
Whatever is pre-destined by the Lord God Creator, cannot be erased.

jIau ipMfu sBu iqs dw pRiqpwil kry hir rwie ]
jeeo pi(n)dd sabh this dhaa prathipaal karae har raae ||
Body and soul are all His. The Sovereign Lord King cherishes all.

cugl inMdk BuKy ruil muey eynw hQu n ikQwaU pwie ]
chugal ni(n)dhak bhukhae rul mueae eaenaa hathh n kithhaaoo paae ||
The gossipers and slanderers shall remain hungry and die, rolling in the dust; their hands cannot reach anywhere.

bwhir pwKMf sB krm krih min ihrdY kptu kmwie ]
baahar paakha(n)dd sabh karam karehi man hiradhai kapatt kamaae ||
Outwardly, they do all the proper deeds, but they are hypocrites; in their minds and hearts, they practice deception and fraud.

Kyiq srIir jo bIjIAY so AMiq KloAw Awie ]
khaeth sareer jo beejeeai so a(n)th khaloaa aae ||
Whatever is planted in the farm of the body, shall come and stand before them in the end.

nwnk kI pRB bynqI hir BwvY bKis imlwie ]41]
naanak kee prabh baenathee har bhaavai bakhas milaae ||41||
Nanak offers this prayer: O Lord God, please forgive me, and unite me with Yourself. ||41||

mn Awvx jwxu n suJeI nw suJY drbwru ]
man aavan jaan n sujhee naa sujhai dharabaar ||
The mortal being does not understand the comings and goings of reincarnation; he does not see the Court of the Lord.

mwieAw moih plyitAw AMqir AigAwnu gubwru ]
maaeiaa mohi palaettiaa a(n)thar agiaan gubaar ||
He is wrapped up in emotional attachment and Maya, and within his being is the darkness of ignorance.

qb nru suqw jwigAw isir fMfu lgw bhu Bwru ]
thab nar suthaa jaagiaa sir dda(n)dd lagaa bahu bhaar ||
The sleeping person wakes, only when he is hit on the head by a heavy club.

gurmuKW krW aupir hir cyiqAw sy pwiein moK duAwru ]
guramukhaa(n) karaa(n) oupar har chaethiaa sae paaein mokh dhuaar ||
The Gurmukhs dwell upon the Lord; they find the door of salvation.

nwnk Awip Eih auDry sB kutMb qry prvwr ]42]
naanak aap ouhi oudhharae sabh kutta(n)b tharae paravaar ||42||
O Nanak, they themselves are saved, and all their relatives are carried across as well. ||42||

sbid mrY so muAw jwpY ]
sabadh marai so muaa jaapai ||
Whoever dies in the Word of the Shabad, is known to be truly dead.

gur prswdI hir ris DRwpY ]
gur parasaadhee har ras dhhraapai ||
By Guru's Grace, the mortal is satisfied by the sublime essence of the Lord.

hir drgih gur sbid is\wpY ]
har dharagehi gur sabadh sin(j)aapai ||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, he is recognized in the Court of the Lord.

ibnu sbdY muAw hY sBu koie ]
bin sabadhai muaa hai sabh koe ||
Without the Shabad, everyone is dead.

mnmuKu muAw Apunw jnmu Koie ]
manamukh muaa apunaa janam khoe ||
The self-willed manmukh dies; his life is wasted.

hir nwmu n cyqih AMiq duKu roie ]
har naam n chaethehi a(n)th dhukh roe ||
Those who do not remember the Name of the Lord, shall cry in pain in the end.

nwnk krqw kry su hoie ]43]
naanak karathaa karae s hoe ||43||
O Nanak, whatever the Creator Lord does, comes to pass. ||43||

gurmuiK buFy kdy nwhI ijn@w AMqir suriq igAwnu ]
guramukh budtae kadhae naahee jinhaa a(n)thar surath giaan ||
The Gurmukhs never grow old; within them is intuitive understanding and spiritual wisdom.

sdw sdw hir gux rvih AMqir shj iDAwnu ]
sadhaa sadhaa har gun ravehi a(n)thar sehaj dhhiaan ||
They chant the Praises of the Lord, forever and ever; deep within, they intuitively meditate on the Lord.

Eie sdw Anµid ibbyk rhih duiK suiK eyk smwin ]
oue sadhaa ana(n)dh bibaek rehehi dhukh sukh eaek samaan ||
They dwell forever in blissful knowledge of the Lord; they look upon pain and pleasure as one and the same.

iqnw ndrI ieko AwieAw sBu Awqm rwmu pCwnu ]44]
thinaa nadharee eiko aaeiaa sabh aatham raam pashhaan ||44||
They see the One Lord in all, and realize the Lord, the Supreme Soul of all. ||44||

mnmuKu bwlku ibriD smwin hY ijn@w AMqir hir suriq nwhI ]
manamukh baalak biradhh samaan hai jinhaa a(n)thar har surath naahee ||
The self-willed manmukhs are like stupid children; they do not keep the Lord in their thoughts.

ivic haumY krm kmwvdy sB Drm rwie kY jWhI ]
vich houmai karam kamaavadhae sabh dhharam raae kai jaa(n)hee ||
They do all their deeds in egotism, and they must answer to the Righteous Judge of Dharma.

gurmuiK hCy inrmly gur kY sbid suBwie ]
guramukh hashhae niramalae gur kai sabadh subhaae ||
The Gurmukhs are good and immaculately pure; they are embellished and exalted with the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

Enw mYlu pqMgu n lgeI ij clin siqgur Bwie ]
ounaa mail patha(n)g n lagee j chalan sathigur bhaae ||
Not even a tiny bit of filth sticks to them; they walk in harmony with the Will of the True Guru.

mnmuK jUiT n auqrY jy sau Dovx pwie ]
manamukh joot(h) n outharai jae so dhhovan paae ||
The filth of the manmukhs is not washed away, even if they wash hundreds of times.

nwnk gurmuiK myilAnu gur kY AMik smwie ]45]
naanak guramukh maelian gur kai a(n)k samaae ||45||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are united with the Lord; they merge into the Guru's Being. ||45||

burw kry su kyhw isJY ]
buraa karae s kaehaa sijhai ||
How can someone do bad things, and still live with himself?

AwpxY roih Awpy hI dJY ]
aapanai rohi aapae hee dhajhai ||
By his own anger, he only burns himself.

mnmuiK kmlw rgVY luJY ]
manamukh kamalaa ragarrai lujhai ||
The self-willed manmukh drives himself crazy with worries and stubborn struggles.

gurmuiK hoie iqsu sB ikCu suJY ]
guramukh hoe this sabh kishh sujhai ||
But those who become Gurmukh understand everything.

nwnk gurmuiK mn isau luJY ]46]
naanak guramukh man sio lujhai ||46||
O Nanak, the Gurmukh struggles with his own mind. ||46||

ijnw siqguru purKu n syivE sbid n kIqo vIcwru ]
jinaa sathigur purakh n saeviou sabadh n keetho veechaar ||
Those who do not serve the True Guru, the Primal Being, and do not reflect upon the Word of the Shabad

Eie mwxs jUin n AwKIAin psU For gwvwr ]
oue maanas joon n aakheean pasoo dtor gaavaar ||
- do not call them human beings; they are just animals and stupid beasts.

Enw AMqir igAwnu n iDAwnu hY hir sau pRIiq n ipAwru ]
ounaa a(n)thar giaan n dhhiaan hai har so preeth n piaar ||
They have no spiritual wisdom or meditation within their beings; they are not in love with the Lord.

mnmuK muey ivkwr mih mir jMmih vwro vwr ]
manamukh mueae vikaar mehi mar ja(n)mehi vaaro vaar ||
The self-willed manmukhs die in evil and corruption; they die and are reborn, again and again.

jIvidAw no imlY su jIvdy hir jgjIvn aur Dwir ]
jeevadhiaa no milai s jeevadhae har jagajeevan our dhhaar ||
They alone live, who join with the living; enshrine the Lord, the Lord of Life, within your heart.

nwnk gurmuiK sohxy iqqu scY drbwir ]47]
naanak guramukh sohanae thith sachai dharabaar ||47||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs look beautiful in that Court of the True Lord. ||47||

hir mMdru hir swijAw hir vsY ijsu nwil ]
har ma(n)dhar har saajiaa har vasai jis naal ||
The Lord built the Harimandir, the Temple of the Lord; the Lord dwells within it.

gurmqI hir pwieAw mwieAw moh prjwil ]
guramathee har paaeiaa maaeiaa moh parajaal ||
Following the Guru's Teachings, I have found the Lord; my emotional attachment to Maya has been burnt away.

hir mMdir vsqu Anyk hY nv iniD nwmu smwil ]
har ma(n)dhar vasath anaek hai nav nidhh naam samaal ||
Countless things are in the Harimandir, the Temple of the Lord; contemplate the Naam, and the nine treasures will be yours.

Dnu BgvMqI nwnkw ijnw gurmuiK lDw hir Bwil ]
dhhan bhagava(n)thee naanakaa jinaa guramukh ladhhaa har bhaal ||
Blessed is that happy soul-bride, O Nanak, who, as Gurmukh, seeks and finds the Lord.

vfBwgI gV mMdru KoijAw hir ihrdY pwieAw nwil ]48]
vaddabhaagee garr ma(n)dhar khojiaa har hiradhai paaeiaa naal ||48||
By great good fortune, one searches the temple of the body-fortress, and finds the Lord within the heart. ||48||

mnmuK dh idis iPir rhy Aiq iqsnw loB ivkwr ]
manamukh dheh dhis fir rehae ath thisanaa lobh vikaar ||
The self-willed manmukhs wander lost in the ten directions, led by intense desire, greed and corruption.

mwieAw mohu n cukeI mir jMmih vwro vwr ]
maaeiaa mohu n chukee mar ja(n)mehi vaaro vaar ||
Their attachment to Maya does not cease; they die, only to be reborn, over and over again.

siqguru syiv suKu pwieAw Aiq iqsnw qij ivkwr ]
sathigur saev sukh paaeiaa ath thisanaa thaj vikaar ||
Serving the True Guru, peace is found; intense desire and corruption are discarded.

jnm mrn kw duKu gieAw jn nwnk sbdu bIcwir ]49]
janam maran kaa dhukh gaeiaa jan naanak sabadh beechaar ||49||
The pains of death and birth are taken away; servant Nanak reflects upon the Word of the Shabad. ||49||

hir hir nwmu iDAwie mn hir drgh pwvih mwnu ]
har har naam dhhiaae man har dharageh paavehi maan ||
Meditate on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, O mortal being, and you shall be honored in the Court of the Lord.

iklivK pwp siB ktIAih haumY cukY gumwnu ]
kilavikh paap sabh katteeahi houmai chukai gumaan ||
All your sins and terrible mistakes shall be taken away, and you shall be rid of your pride and egotism.

gurmuiK kmlu ivgisAw sBu Awqm bRhmu pCwnu ]
guramukh kamal vigasiaa sabh aatham breham pashhaan ||
The heart-lotus of the Gurmukh blossoms forth, realizing God, the Soul of all.

hir hir ikrpw Dwir pRB jn nwnk jip hir nwmu ]50]
har har kirapaa dhhaar prabh jan naanak jap har naam ||50||
O Lord God, please shower Your Mercy upon servant Nanak, that he may chant the Name of the Lord. ||50||

DnwsrI DnvMqI jwxIAY BweI jW siqgur kI kwr kmwie ]
dhhanaasaree dhhanava(n)thee jaaneeai bhaaee jaa(n) sathigur kee kaar kamaae ||
In Dhanaasaree, the soul-bride is known to be wealthy, O Siblings of Destiny, when she works for the True Guru.

qnu mnu saupy jIA sau BweI ley hukim iPrwau ]
than man soupae jeea so bhaaee leae hukam firaao ||
She surrenders her body, mind and soul, O Siblings of Destiny, and lives according to the Hukam of His Command.

jh bYswvih bYsh BweI jh Byjih qh jwau ]
jeh baisaavehi baiseh bhaaee jeh bhaejehi theh jaao ||
I sit where He wishes me to sit, O Siblings of Destiny; wherever He sends me, I go.

eyvfu Dnu horu ko nhI BweI jyvfu scw nwau ]
eaevadd dhhan hor ko nehee bhaaee jaevadd sachaa naao ||
There is no other wealth as great, O Siblings of Destiny; such is the greatness of the True Name.

sdw scy ky gux gwvW BweI sdw scy kY sMig rhwau ]
sadhaa sachae kae gun gaavaa(n) bhaaee sadhaa sachae kai sa(n)g rehaao ||
I sing forever the Glorious Praises of the True Lord; I shall remain with the True One forever.

pYnxu gux cMigAweIAw BweI AwpxI piq ky swd Awpy Kwie ]
painan gun cha(n)giaaeeaa bhaaee aapanee path kae saadh aapae khaae ||
So wear the clothes of His Glorious Virtues and goodness, O Siblings of Destiny; eat and enjoy the flavor of your own honor.

iqs kw ikAw swlwhIAY BweI drsn kau bil jwie ]
this kaa kiaa saalaaheeai bhaaee dharasan ko bal jaae ||
How can I praise Him, O Siblings of Destiny? I am a sacrifice to the Blessed Vision of His Darshan.

siqgur ivic vfIAw vifAweIAw BweI krim imlY qW pwie ]
sathigur vich vaddeeaa vaddiaaeeaa bhaaee karam milai thaa(n) paae ||
Great is the Glorious Greatness of the True Guru, O Siblings of Destiny; if one is blessed with good karma, He is found.

ieik hukmu mMin n jwxnI BweI dUjY Bwie iPrwie ]
eik hukam ma(n)n n jaananee bhaaee dhoojai bhaae firaae ||
Some do not know how to submit to the Hukam of His Command, O Siblings of Destiny; they wander around lost in the love of duality.

sMgiq FoeI nw imlY BweI bYsix imlY n Qwau ]
sa(n)gath dtoee naa milai bhaaee baisan milai n thhaao ||
They find no place of rest in the Sangat, O Siblings of Destiny; they find no place to sit.

nwnk hukmu iqnw mnwiesI BweI ijnw Dury kmwieAw nwau ]
naanak hukam thinaa manaaeisee bhaaee jinaa dhhurae kamaaeiaa naao ||
Nanak: they alone submit to His Command, O Siblings of Destiny, who are pre-destined to live the Name.

iqn@ ivthu hau vwirAw BweI iqn kau sd bilhwrY jwau ]51]
thinh vittahu ho vaariaa bhaaee thin ko sadh balihaarai jaao ||51||
I am a sacrifice to them, O Siblings of Destiny, I am forever a sacrifice to them. ||51||

sy dwVIAW scIAw ij gur crnI lgMin@ ]
sae dhaarreeaaa(n) sacheeaa j gur charanee laga(n)nih ||
Those beards are true, which brush the feet of the True Guru.

Anidnu syvin guru Awpxw Anidnu Anid rhMin@ ]
anadhin saevan gur aapanaa anadhin anadh reha(n)nih ||
Those who serve their Guru night and day, live in bliss, night and day.

nwnk sy muh sohxy scY dir idsMin@ ]52]
naanak sae muh sohanae sachai dhar dhisa(n)nih ||52||
O Nanak, their faces appear beautiful in the Court of the True Lord. ||52||

muK scy scu dwVIAw scu bolih scu kmwih ]
mukh sachae sach dhaarreeaa sach bolehi sach kamaahi ||
True are the faces and true are the beards, of those who speak the Truth and live the Truth.

scw sbdu min visAw siqgur mWih smWih ]
sachaa sabadh man vasiaa sathigur maa(n)hi samaa(n)hi ||
The True Word of the Shabad abides in their minds; they are absorbed in the True Guru.

scI rwsI scu Dnu auqm pdvI pWih ]
sachee raasee sach dhhan outham padhavee paa(n)hi ||
True is their capital, and true is their wealth; they are blessed with the ultimate status.

scu suxih scu mMin lYin scI kwr kmwih ]
sach sunehi sach ma(n)n lain sachee kaar kamaahi ||
They hear the Truth, they believe in the Truth; they act and work in the Truth.

scI drgh bYsxw scy mwih smwih ]
sachee dharageh baisanaa sachae maahi samaahi ||
They are given a place in the Court of the True Lord; they are absorbed in the True Lord.

nwnk ivxu siqgur scu n pweIAY mnmuK BUly jWih ]53]
naanak vin sathigur sach n paaeeai manamukh bhoolae jaa(n)hi ||53||
O Nanak, without the True Guru, the True Lord is not found. The self-willed manmukhs leave, wandering around lost. ||53||

bwbIhw ipRau ipRau kry jliniD pRym ipAwir ]
baabeehaa prio prio karae jalanidhh praem piaar ||
The rainbird cries, ""Pri-o! Pri-o! Beloved! Beloved!"" She is in love with the treasure, the water.

gur imly sIql jlu pwieAw siB dUK invwrxhwru ]
gur milae seethal jal paaeiaa sabh dhookh nivaaranehaar ||
Meeting with the Guru, the cooling, soothing water is obtained, and all pain is taken away.

iqs cukY shju aUpjY cukY kUk pukwr ]
this chukai sehaj oopajai chukai kook pukaar ||
My thirst has been quenched, and intuitive peace and poise have welled up; my cries and screams of anguish are past.

nwnk gurmuiK sWiq hoie nwmu rKhu auir Dwir ]54]
naanak guramukh saa(n)th hoe naam rakhahu our dhhaar ||54||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs are peaceful and tranquil; they enshrine the Naam, the Name of the Lord, within their hearts. ||54||

bwbIhw qUM scu cau scy sau ilv lwie ]
baabeehaa thoo(n) sach cho sachae so liv laae ||
O rainbird, chirp the True Name, and let yourself be attuned to the True Lord.

boilAw qyrw Qwie pvY gurmuiK hoie Alwie ]
boliaa thaeraa thhaae pavai guramukh hoe alaae ||
Your word shall be accepted and approved, if you speak as Gurmukh.

sbdu cIin iqK auqrY mMin lY rjwie ]
sabadh cheen thikh outharai ma(n)n lai rajaae ||
Remember the Shabad, and your thirst shall be relieved; surrender to the Will of the Lord.

cwry kuMfw Joik vrsdw bUMd pvY shij suBwie ]
chaarae ku(n)ddaa jhok varasadhaa boo(n)dh pavai sehaj subhaae ||
The clouds are heavy, hanging low, and the rain is pouring down on all sides; the rain-drop is received, with natural ease.

jl hI qy sB aUpjY ibnu jl ipAws n jwie ]
jal hee thae sabh oopajai bin jal piaas n jaae ||
From water, everything is produced; without water, thirst is not quenched.

nwnk hir jlu ijin pIAw iqsu BUK n lwgY Awie ]55]
naanak har jal jin peeaa this bhookh n laagai aae ||55||
O Nanak, whoever drinks in the Water of the Lord, shall never feel hunger again. ||55||

bwbIhw qUM shij boil scY sbid suBwie ]
baabeehaa thoo(n) sehaj bol sachai sabadh subhaae ||
O rainbird, speak the Shabad, the True Word of God, with natural peace and poise.

sBu ikCu qyrY nwil hY siqguir dIAw idKwie ]
sabh kishh thaerai naal hai sathigur dheeaa dhikhaae ||
Everything is with you; the True Guru will show you this.

Awpu pCwxih pRIqmu imlY vuTw Chbr lwie ]
aap pashhaanehi preetham milai vut(h)aa shhehabar laae ||
So understand your own self, and meet your Beloved; His Grace shall rain down in torrents.

iJim iJim AMimRqu vrsdw iqsnw BuK sB jwie ]
jhim jhim a(n)mrith varasadhaa thisanaa bhukh sabh jaae ||
Drop by drop, the Ambrosial Nectar rains down softly and gently; thirst and hunger are completely gone.

kUk pukwr n hoveI joqI joiq imlwie ]
kook pukaar n hovee jothee joth milaae ||
Your cries and screams of anguish have ceased; your light shall merge into the Light.

nwnk suiK svin@ sohwgxI scY nwim smwie ]56]
naanak sukh savanih sohaaganee sachai naam samaae ||56||
O Nanak, the happy soul-brides sleep in peace; they are absorbed in the True Name. ||56||

Durhu Ksim ByijAw scY hukim pTwie ]
dhhurahu khasam bhaejiaa sachai hukam pat(h)aae ||
The Primal Lord and Master has sent out the True Hukam of His Command.

ieMdu vrsY dieAw kir gUV@I Chbr lwie ]
ei(n)dh varasai dhaeiaa kar goorrhee shhehabar laae ||
Indra mercifully sends forth the rain, which falls in torrents.

bwbIhy qin min suKu hoie jW qqu bUMd muih pwie ]
baabeehae than man sukh hoe jaa(n) thath boo(n)dh muhi paae ||
The body and mind of the rainbird are happy. only when the rain-drop falls into its mouth.

Anu Dnu bhuqw aupjY DrqI soBw pwie ]
an dhhan bahuthaa oupajai dhharathee sobhaa paae ||
The corn grows high, wealth increases, and the earth is embellished with beauty.

Anidnu loku Bgiq kry gur kY sbid smwie ]
anadhin lok bhagath karae gur kai sabadh samaae ||
Night and day, people worship the Lord with devotion, and are absorbed in the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

Awpy scw bKis ley kir ikrpw krY rjwie ]
aapae sachaa bakhas leae kar kirapaa karai rajaae ||
The True Lord Himself forgives them, and showering them with His Mercy, He leads them to walk in His Will.

hir gux gwvhu kwmxI scY sbid smwie ]
har gun gaavahu kaamanee sachai sabadh samaae ||
O brides, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord, and be absorbed in the True Word of His Shabad.

BY kw shju sIgwru kirhu sic rhhu ilv lwie ]
bhai kaa sehaj seegaar karihu sach rehahu liv laae ||
Let the Fear of God be your decoration, and remain lovingly attuned to the True Lord.

nwnk nwmo min vsY hir drgh ley Cfwie ]57]
naanak naamo man vasai har dharageh leae shhaddaae ||57||
O Nanak, the Naam abides in the mind, and the mortal is saved in the Court of the Lord. ||57||

bwbIhw sglI DrqI jy iPrih aUif cVih Awkwis ]
baabeehaa sagalee dhharathee jae firehi oodd charrehi aakaas ||
The rainbird wanders all over the earth, soaring high through the skies.

siqguir imilAY jlu pweIAY cUkY BUK ipAws ]
sathigur miliai jal paaeeai chookai bhookh piaas ||
But it obtains the drop of water, only when it meets the True Guru, and then, its hunger and thirst are relieved.

jIau ipMfu sBu iqs kw sBu ikCu iqs kY pwis ]
jeeo pi(n)dd sabh this kaa sabh kishh this kai paas ||
Soul and body and all belong to Him; everything is His.

ivxu boilAw sBu ikCu jwxdw iksu AwgY kIcY Ardwis ]
vin boliaa sabh kishh jaanadhaa kis aagai keechai aradhaas ||
He knows everything, without being told; unto whom should we offer our prayers?

nwnk Git Git eyko vrqdw sbid kry prgws ]58]
naanak ghatt ghatt eaeko varathadhaa sabadh karae paragaas ||58||
O Nanak, the One Lord is prevading and permeating each and every heart; the Word of the Shabad brings illumination. ||58||

nwnk iqsY bsMqu hY ij siqguru syiv smwie ]
naanak thisai basa(n)th hai j sathigur saev samaae ||
O Nanak, the season of spring comes to one who serves the True Guru.

hir vuTw mnu qnu sBu prPVY sBu jgu hrIAwvlu hoie ]59]
har vut(h)aa man than sabh parafarrai sabh jag hareeaaval hoe ||59||
The Lord rains His Mercy down upon him, and his mind and body totally blossom forth; the entire world becomes green and rejuvenated. ||59||

sbdy sdw bsMqu hY ijqu qnu mnu hirAw hoie ]
sabadhae sadhaa basa(n)th hai jith than man hariaa hoe ||
The Word of the Shabad brings eternal spring; it rejuvenates the mind and body.

nwnk nwmu n vIsrY ijin isirAw sBu koie ]60]
naanak naam n veesarai jin siriaa sabh koe ||60||
O Nanak, do not forget the Naam, the Name of the Lord, which has created everyone. ||60||

nwnk iqnw bsMqu hY ijnw gurmuiK visAw min soie ]
naanak thinaa basa(n)th hai jinaa guramukh vasiaa man soe ||
O Nanak, it is the spring season, for those Gurmukhs, within whose minds the Lord abides.

hir vuTY mnu qnu prPVY sBu jgu hirAw hoie ]61]
har vut(h)ai man than parafarrai sabh jag hariaa hoe ||61||
When the Lord showers His Mercy, the mind and body blossom forth, and all the world turns green and lush. ||61||

vfVY Jwil JluMBlY nwvVw leIAY iksu ]
vaddarrai jhaal jhalu(n)bhalai naavarraa leeai kis ||
In the early hours of the morning, whose name should we chant?

nwau leIAY prmysrY BMnx GVx smrQu ]62]
naao leeai paramaesarai bha(n)nan gharran samarathh ||62||
Chant the Name of the Transcendent Lord, who is All-powerful to create and destroy. ||62||

hrht BI qUM qUM krih bolih BlI bwix ]
harehatt bhee thoo(n) thoo(n) karehi bolehi bhalee baan ||
The Persian wheel also cries out, ""Too! Too! You! You!"", with sweet and sublime sounds.

swihbu sdw hdUir hY ikAw aucI krih pukwr ]
saahib sadhaa hadhoor hai kiaa ouchee karehi pukaar ||
Our Lord and Master is always present; why do you cry out to Him in such a loud voice?

ijin jgqu aupwie hir rMgu kIAw iqsY ivthu kurbwxu ]
jin jagath oupaae har ra(n)g keeaa thisai vittahu kurabaan ||
I am a sacrifice to that Lord who created the world, and who loves it.

Awpu Cofih qW shu imlY scw eyhu vIcwru ]
aap shhoddehi thaa(n) sahu milai sachaa eaehu veechaar ||
Give up your selfishness, and then you shall meet your Husband Lord. Consider this Truth.

haumY iPkw bolxw buiJ n skw kwr ]
houmai fikaa bolanaa bujh n sakaa kaar ||
Speaking in shallow egotism, no one understands the Ways of God.

vxu iqRxu iqRBvxu quJY iDAwiedw Anidnu sdw ivhwx ]
van thrin thribhavan thujhai dhhiaaeidhaa anadhin sadhaa vihaan ||
The forests and fields, and all the three worlds meditate on You, O Lord; this is the way they pass their days and nights forever.

ibnu siqgur iknY n pwieAw kir kir Qky vIcwr ]
bin sathigur kinai n paaeiaa kar kar thhakae veechaar ||
Without the True Guru, no one finds the Lord. People have grown weary of thinking about it.

ndir krih jy AwpxI qW Awpy lYih svwir ]
nadhar karehi jae aapanee thaa(n) aapae laihi savaar ||
But if the Lord casts His Glance of Grace, then He Himself embellishes us.

nwnk gurmuiK ijn@I iDAwieAw Awey sy prvwxu ]63]
naanak guramukh jinhee dhhiaaeiaa aaeae sae paravaan ||63||
O Nanak, the Gurmukhs meditate on the Lord; blessed and approved is their coming into the world. ||63||

jogu n BgvI kpVI jogu n mYly vyis ]
jog n bhagavee kaparree jog n mailae vaes ||
Yoga is not obtained by wearing saffron robes; Yoga is not obtained by wearing dirty robes.

nwnk Gir bYiTAw jogu pweIAY siqgur kY aupdyis ]64]
naanak ghar bait(h)iaa jog paaeeai sathigur kai oupadhaes ||64||
O Nanak, Yoga is obtained even while sitting in your own home, by following the Teachings of the True Guru. ||64||

cwry kuMfw jy Bvih byd pVih jug cwir ]
chaarae ku(n)ddaa jae bhavehi baedh parrehi jug chaar ||
You may wander in all four directions, and read the Vedas throughout the four ages.

nwnk swcw BytY hir min vsY pwvih moK duAwr ]65]
naanak saachaa bhaettai har man vasai paavehi mokh dhuaar ||65||
O Nanak, if you meet with the True Guru, the Lord shall come to dwell within your mind, and you shall find the door of salvation. ||65||

nwnk hukmu vrqY Ksm kw miq BvI iPrih cl icq ]
naanak hukam varathai khasam kaa math bhavee firehi chal chith ||
O Nanak, the Hukam, the Command of your Lord and Master, is prevailing. The intellectually confused person wanders around lost, misled by his fickle consciousness.

mnmuK sau kir dosqI suK ik puCih imq ]
manamukh so kar dhosathee sukh k pushhehi mith ||
If you make friends with the self-willed manmukhs, O friend, who can you ask for peace?

gurmuK sau kir dosqI siqgur sau lwie icqu ]
guramukh so kar dhosathee sathigur so laae chith ||
Make friends with the Gurmukhs, and focus your consciousness on the True Guru.

jMmx mrx kw mUlu ktIAY qW suKu hovI imq ]66]
ja(n)man maran kaa mool katteeai thaa(n) sukh hovee mith ||66||
The root of birth and death will be cut away, and then, you shall find peace, O friend. ||66||

BuilAW Awip smJwiesI jw kau ndir kry ]
bhuliaaa(n) aap samajhaaeisee jaa ko nadhar karae ||
The Lord Himself instructs those who are misguided, when He casts His Glance of Grace.

nwnk ndrI bwhrI krx plwh kry ]67]
naanak nadharee baaharee karan palaah karae ||67||
O Nanak, those who are not blessed by His Glance of Grace, cry and weep and wail. ||67||

This translation is an updated version.

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