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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Harjinder Singh - Dithe Sabhe Dhav Nadi Tudh Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Amrit Naam Parmesar Tera makkarjs
04 - Ravinder Singh - Ditthe Sabhe Thaanv Ravinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Baitha Sodhi Paatshah nihang
04 - Ravinder Singh - Ditthe Sabbe Thawn Ravinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Abchal Nagar Gobind Guru Ka nihang


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Phunhay Fifth Mehl on Pannaa 1361

Punhy mhlw 5
funehae mehalaa 5
Phunhay, Fifth Mehla:

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

hwiQ klµm AgMm msqik lyKwvqI ]
haathh kala(n)m aga(n)m masathak laekhaavathee ||
With Pen in Hand, the Unfathomable Lord writes the mortal's destiny upon his forehead.

auriJ rihE sB sMig AnUp rUpwvqI ]
ourajh rehiou sabh sa(n)g anoop roopaavathee ||
The Incomparably Beautiful Lord is involved with all.

ausqiq khnu n jwie muKhu quhwrIAw ]
ousathath kehan n jaae mukhahu thuhaareeaa ||
I cannot utter Your Praises with my mouth.

mohI dyiK drsu nwnk bilhwrIAw ]1]
mohee dhaekh dharas naanak balihaareeaa ||1||
Nanak is fascinated, gazing upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. I am a sacrifice to You. ||1||

sMq sBw mih bYis ik kIriq mY khW ]
sa(n)th sabhaa mehi bais k keerath mai kehaa(n) ||
Seated in the Society of the Saints, I chant the Lord's Praises.

ArpI sBu sIgwru eyhu jIau sBu idvw ]
arapee sabh seegaar eaehu jeeo sabh dhivaa ||
I dedicate all my adornments to Him, and give all this soul to Him.

Aws ipAwsI syj su kMiq ivCweIAY ]
aas piaasee saej s ka(n)th vishhaaeeai ||
With hopeful yearning for Him, I have made the bed for my Husband.

hirhW msqik hovY Bwgu q swjnu pweIAY ]2]
harihaa(n) masathak hovai bhaag th saajan paaeeai ||2||
O Lord! If such good destiny is inscribed upon my forehead, then I shall find my Friend. ||2||

sKI kwjl hwr qMbol sBY ikCu swijAw ]
sakhee kaajal haar tha(n)bol sabhai kishh saajiaa ||
O my companion, I have prepared everything: make-up, garlands and betel-leaves.

solh kIey sIgwr ik AMjnu pwijAw ]
soleh keeeae seegaar k a(n)jan paajiaa ||
I have embellished myself with the sixteen decorations, and applied the mascara to my eyes.

jy Gir AwvY kMqu q sBu ikCu pweIAY ]
jae ghar aavai ka(n)th th sabh kishh paaeeai ||
If my Husband Lord comes to my home, then I obtain everything.

hirhW kMqY bwJu sIgwru sBu ibrQw jweIAY ]3]
harihaa(n) ka(n)thai baajh seegaar sabh birathhaa jaaeeai ||3||
O Lord! Without my Husband, all these adornments are useless. ||3||

ijsu Gir visAw kMqu sw vfBwgxy ]
jis ghar vasiaa ka(n)th saa vaddabhaaganae ||
Very fortunate is she, within whose home the Husband Lord abides.

iqsu bixAw hBu sIgwru sweI sohwgxy ]
this baniaa habh seegaar saaee sohaaganae ||
She is totally adorned and decorated; she is a happy soul-bride.

hau suqI hoie AicMq min Aws purweIAw ]
ho suthee hoe achi(n)th man aas puraaeeaa ||
I sleep in peace, without anxiety; the hopes of my mind have been fulfilled.

hirhW jw Gir AwieAw kMqu q sBu ikCu pweIAw ]4]
harihaa(n) jaa ghar aaeiaa ka(n)th th sabh kishh paaeeaa ||4||
O Lord! When my Husband came into the home of my heart, I obtained everything. ||4||

Awsw ieqI Aws ik Aws purweIAY ]
aasaa eithee aas k aas puraaeeai ||
My hope is so intense, that this hope alone should fulfill my hopes.

siqgur Bey dieAwl q pUrw pweIAY ]
sathigur bheae dhaeiaal th pooraa paaeeai ||
When the True Guru becomes merciful, then I attain the Perfect Lord.

mY qin Avgx bhuqu ik Avgx CwieAw ]
mai than avagan bahuth k avagan shhaaeiaa ||
My body is filled with so many demerits; I am covered with faults and demerits.

hirhW siqgur Bey dieAwl q mnu ThrwieAw ]5]
harihaa(n) sathigur bheae dhaeiaal th man t(h)eharaaeiaa ||5||
O Lord! When the True Guru becomes Merciful, then the mind is held in place. ||5||

khu nwnk byAMqu byAMqu iDAwieAw ]
kahu naanak baea(n)th baea(n)th dhhiaaeiaa ||
Says Nanak, I have meditated on the Lord, Infinite and Endless.

duqru iehu sMswru siqgurU qrwieAw ]
dhuthar eihu sa(n)saar sathiguroo tharaaeiaa ||
This world-ocean is so difficult to cross; the True Guru has carried me across.

imitAw Awvw gauxu jW pUrw pwieAw ]
mittiaa aavaa goun jaa(n) pooraa paaeiaa ||
My comings and goings in reincarnation ended, when I met the Perfect Lord.

hirhW AMimRqu hir kw nwmu siqgur qy pwieAw ]6]
harihaa(n) a(n)mrith har kaa naam sathigur thae paaeiaa ||6||
O Lord! I have obtained the Ambrosial Nectar of the Name of the Lord from the True Guru. ||6||

myrY hwiQ pdmu Awgin suK bwsnw ]
maerai haathh padham aagan sukh baasanaa ||
The lotus is in my hand; in the courtyard of my heart I abide in peace.

sKI morY kMiT rqMnu pyiK duKu nwsnw ]
sakhee morai ka(n)t(h) ratha(n)n paekh dhukh naasanaa ||
O my companion, the Jewel is around my neck; beholding it, sorrow is taken away.

bwsau sMig gupwl sgl suK rwis hir ]
baaso sa(n)g gupaal sagal sukh raas har ||
I abide with the Lord of the World, the Treasury of Total Peace. O Lord!

hirhW iriD isiD nv iniD bsih ijsu sdw kir ]7]
harihaa(n) ridhh sidhh nav nidhh basehi jis sadhaa kar ||7||
All wealth, spiritual perfection and the nine treasures are in His Hand. ||7||

pr iqRA rwvix jwih syeI qw lwjIAih ]
par thria raavan jaahi saeee thaa laajeeahi ||
Those men who go out to enjoy other men's women shall suffer in shame.

inqpRiq ihrih pr drbu iCdR kq FwkIAih ]
nithaprath hirehi par dharab shhidhr kath dtaakeeahi ||
Those who steal the wealth of others - how can their guilt be concealed?

hir gux rmq pivqR sgl kul qwreI ]
har gun ramath pavithr sagal kul thaaree ||
Those who chant the Sacred Praises of the Lord save and redeem all their generations.

hirhW sunqy Bey punIq pwrbRhmu bIcwreI ]8]
harihaa(n) sunathae bheae puneeth paarabreham beechaaree ||8||
O Lord! Those who listen and contemplate the Supreme Lord God become pure and holy. ||8||

aUpir bnY Akwsu qlY Dr sohqI ]
oopar banai akaas thalai dhhar sohathee ||
The sky above looks lovely, and the earth below is beautiful.

dh ids cmkY bIjuil muK kau johqI ]
dheh dhis chamakai beejul mukh ko johathee ||
Lightning flashes in the ten directions; I behold the Face of my Beloved.

Kojq iPrau ibdyis pIau kq pweIAY ]
khojath firo bidhaes peeo kath paaeeai ||
If I go searching in foreign lands, how can I find my Beloved?

hirhW jy msqik hovY Bwgu q dris smweIAY ]9]
harihaa(n) jae masathak hovai bhaag th dharas samaaeeai ||9||
O Lord! If such destiny is inscribed upon my forehead, I am absorbed in the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||9||

ifTy sBy Qwv nhI quDu jyihAw ]
ddit(h)ae sabhae thhaav nehee thudhh jaehiaa ||
I have seen all places, but none can compare to You.

bDohu puriK ibDwqY qW qU soihAw ]
badhhohu purakh bidhhaathai thaa(n) thoo sohiaa ||
The Primal Lord, the Architect of Destiny, has established You; thus You are adorned and embellished.

vsdI sGn Apwr AnUp rwmdws pur ]
vasadhee saghan apaar anoop raamadhaas pur ||
Ramdaspur is prosperous and thickly populated, and incomparably beautiful.

hirhW nwnk ksml jwih nwieAY rwmdws sr ]10]
harihaa(n) naanak kasamal jaahi naaeiai raamadhaas sar ||10||
O Lord! Bathing in the Sacred Pool of Raam Daas, the sins are washed away, O Nanak. ||10||

cwiqRk icq suicq su swjnu cwhIAY ]
chaathrik chith suchith s saajan chaaheeai ||
The rainbird is very smart; in its consciousness, it longs for the friendly rain.

ijsu sMig lwgy pRwx iqsY kau AwhIAY ]
jis sa(n)g laagae praan thisai ko aaheeai ||
It longs for that, to which its breath of life is attached.

bnu bnu iPrq audws bUMd jl kwrxy ]
ban ban firath oudhaas boo(n)dh jal kaaranae ||
It wanders depressed, from forest to forest, for the sake of a drop of water.

hirhW iqau hir jnu mWgY nwmu nwnk bilhwrxy ]11]
harihaa(n) thio har jan maa(n)gai naam naanak balihaaranae ||11||
O Lord! In just the same way, the humble servant of the Lord begs for the Naam, the Name of the Lord. Nanak is a sacrifice to him. ||11||

imq kw icqu AnUpu mrMmu n jwnIAY ]
mith kaa chith anoop mara(n)m n jaaneeai ||
The Consciousness of my Friend is incomparably beautiful. Its mystery cannot be known.

gwhk gunI Apwr su qqu pCwnIAY ]
gaahak gunee apaar s thath pashhaaneeai ||
One who purchases the priceless virtues realizes the essence of reality.

icqih icqu smwie q hovY rMgu Gnw ]
chithehi chith samaae th hovai ra(n)g ghanaa ||
When the consciousness is absorbed in the supreme consciousness, great joy and bliss are found.

hirhW cMcl corih mwir q pwvih scu Dnw ]12]
harihaa(n) cha(n)chal chorehi maar th paavehi sach dhhanaa ||12||
O Lord! When the fickle thieves are overcome, the true wealth is obtained. ||12||

supnY aUBI BeI gihE kI n AMclw ]
supanai oobhee bhee gehiou kee n a(n)chalaa ||
In a dream, I was lifted up; why didn't I grasp the hem of His Robe?

suMdr purK ibrwijq pyiK mnu bMclw ]
su(n)dhar purakh biraajith paekh man ba(n)chalaa ||
Gazing upon the Beautiful Lord relaxing there, my mind was charmed and fascinated.

Kojau qw ky crx khhu kq pweIAY ]
khojo thaa kae charan kehahu kath paaeeai ||
I am searching for His Feet - tell me, where can I find Him?

hirhW soeI jqMnu bqwie sKI ipRau pweIAY ]13]
harihaa(n) soee jatha(n)n bathaae sakhee prio paaeeai ||13||
O Lord! Tell me how I can find my Beloved, O my companion. ||13||

nYx n dyKih swD is nYx ibhwilAw ]
nain n dhaekhehi saadhh s nain bihaaliaa ||
The eyes which do not see the Holy - those eyes are miserable.

krn n sunhI nwdu krn muMid GwilAw ]
karan n sunehee naadh karan mu(n)dh ghaaliaa ||
The ears which do not hear the Sound-current of the Naad - those ears might just as well be plugged.

rsnw jpY n nwmu iqlu iqlu kir ktIAY ]
rasanaa japai n naam thil thil kar katteeai ||
The tongue which does not chant the Naam ought to be cut out, bit by bit.

hirhW jb ibsrY goibd rwie idno idnu GtIAY ]14]
harihaa(n) jab bisarai gobidh raae dhino dhin ghatteeai ||14||
O Lord! When the mortal forgets the Lord of the Universe, the Sovereign Lord King, he grows weaker day by day. ||14||

pMkj PwQy pMk mhw md guMiPAw ]
pa(n)kaj faathhae pa(n)k mehaa madh gu(n)fiaa ||
The wings of the bumble bee are caught in the intoxicating fragrant petals of the lotus.

AMg sMg aurJwie ibsrqy suMiPAw ]
a(n)g sa(n)g ourajhaae bisarathae su(n)fiaa ||
With its limbs entangled in the petals, it loses its senses.

hY koaU AYsw mIqu ij qorY ibKm gWiT ]
hai kooo aisaa meeth j thorai bikham gaa(n)t(h) ||
Is there any such friend, who can untie this difficult knot?

nwnk ieku sRIDr nwQu ij tUty lyie sWiT ]15]
naanak eik sreedhhar naathh j ttoottae laee saa(n)t(h) ||15||
O Nanak, the One Supreme Lord and Master of the earth reunites the separated ones. ||15||

Dwvau dsw Anyk pRym pRB kwrxy ]
dhhaavo dhasaa anaek praem prabh kaaranae ||
I run around in all directions, searching for the love of God.

pMc sqwvih dUq kvn ibiD mwrxy ]
pa(n)ch sathaavehi dhooth kavan bidhh maaranae ||
The five evil enemies are tormenting me; how can I destroy them?

qIKx bwx clwie nwmu pRB D´weIAY ]
theekhan baan chalaae naam prabh dhhyaaeeai ||
Shoot them with the sharp arrows of meditation on the Name of God.

hirhW mhW ibKwdI Gwq pUrn guru pweIAY ]16]
harihaa(n) mehaa(n) bikhaadhee ghaath pooran gur paaeeai ||16||
O Lord! The way to slaughter these terrible sadistic enemies is obtained from the Perfect Guru. ||16||

siqgur kInI dwiq mUil n inKuteI ]
sathigur keenee dhaath mool n nikhuttee ||
The True Guru has blessed me with the bounty which shall never be exhausted.

Kwvhu BuMchu siB gurmuiK CuteI ]
khaavahu bhu(n)chahu sabh guramukh shhuttee ||
Eating and consuming it, all the Gurmukhs are emancipated.

AMimRqu nwmu inDwnu idqw quis hir ]
a(n)mrith naam nidhhaan dhithaa thus har ||
The Lord, in His Mercy, has blessed me with the treasure of the Ambrosial Naam.

nwnk sdw ArwiD kdy n jWih mir ]17]
naanak sadhaa araadhh kadhae n jaa(n)hi mar ||17||
O Nanak, worship and adore the Lord, who never dies. ||17||

ijQY jwey Bgqu su Qwnu suhwvxw ]
jithhai jaaeae bhagath s thhaan suhaavanaa ||
Wherever the Lord's devotee goes is a blessed, beautiful place.

sgly hoey suK hir nwmu iDAwvxw ]
sagalae hoeae sukh har naam dhhiaavanaa ||
All comforts are obtained, meditating on the Lord's Name.

jIA krin jYkwru inMdk muey pic ]
jeea karan jaikaar ni(n)dhak mueae pach ||
People praise and congratulate the devotee of the Lord, while the slanderers rot and die.

swjn min Awnµdu nwnk nwmu jip ]18]
saajan man aana(n)dh naanak naam jap ||18||
Says Nanak, O friend, chant the Naam, and your mind shall be filled with bliss. ||18||

pwvn piqq punIq kqh nhI syvIAY ]
paavan pathith puneeth katheh nehee saeveeai ||
The mortal never serves the Immaculate Lord, the Purifier of sinners.

JUTY rMig KuAwru khW lgu KyvIAY ]
jhoot(h)ai ra(n)g khuaar kehaa(n) lag khaeveeai ||
The mortal wastes away in false pleasures. How long can this go on?

hircMdaurI pyiK kwhy suKu mwinAw ]
haricha(n)dhouree paekh kaahae sukh maaniaa ||
Why do you take such pleasure, looking at this mirage?

hirhW hau bilhwrI iqMn ij drgih jwinAw ]19]
harihaa(n) ho balihaaree thi(n)n j dharagehi jaaniaa ||19||
O Lord! I am a sacrifice to those who are known and approved in the Court of the Lord. ||19||

kIny krm Anyk gvwr ibkwr Gn ]
keenae karam anaek gavaar bikaar ghan ||
The fool commits countless foolish actions and so many sinful mistakes.

mhw dRügMDq vwsu sT kw Cwru qn ]
mehaa dhraaga(n)dhhath vaas sat(h) kaa shhaar than ||
The fool's body smells rotten, and turns to dust.

iPrqau grb gubwir mrxu nh jwneI ]
firatho garab gubaar maran neh jaanee ||
He wanders lost in the darkness of pride, and never thinks of dying.

hirhW hircMdaurI pyiK kwhy scu mwneI ]20]
harihaa(n) haricha(n)dhouree paekh kaahae sach maanee ||20||
O Lord! The mortal gazes upon the mirage; why does he think it is true? ||20||

ijs kI pUjY AauD iqsY kauxu rwKeI ]
jis kee poojai aoudhh thisai koun raakhee ||
When someone's days are over, who can save him?

bYdk Aink aupwv khW lau BwKeI ]
baidhak anik oupaav kehaa(n) lo bhaakhee ||
How long can the physicians go on, suggesting various therapies?

eyko cyiq gvwr kwij qyrY AwveI ]
eaeko chaeth gavaar kaaj thaerai aavee ||
You fool, remember the One Lord; only He shall be of use to you in the end.

hirhW ibnu nwvY qnu Cwru ibRQw sBu jwveI ]21]
harihaa(n) bin naavai than shhaar brithhaa sabh jaavee ||21||
O Lord! Without the Name, the body turns to dust, and everything goes to waste. ||21||

AauKDu nwmu Apwru Amolku pIjeI ]
aoukhadhh naam apaar amolak peejee ||
Drink in the medicine of the Incomparable, Priceless Name.

imil imil Kwvih sMq sgl kau dIjeI ]
mil mil khaavehi sa(n)th sagal ko dheejee ||
Meeting and joining together, the Saints drink it in, and give it to everyone.

ijsY prwpiq hoie iqsY hI pwvxy ]
jisai paraapath hoe thisai hee paavanae ||
He alone is blessed with it, who is destined to receive it.

hirhW hau bilhwrI iqMn@ ij hir rMgu rwvxy ]22]
harihaa(n) ho balihaaree thi(n)nh j har ra(n)g raavanae ||22||
O Lord! I am a sacrifice to those who enjoy the Love of the Lord. ||22||

vYdw sMdw sMgu iekTw hoieAw ]
vaidhaa sa(n)dhaa sa(n)g eikat(h)aa hoeiaa ||
The physicians meet together in their assembly.

AauKd Awey rwis ivic Awip KloieAw ]
aoukhadh aaeae raas vich aap khaloeiaa ||
The medicines are effective, when the Lord Himself stands in their midst.

jo jo Enw krm sukrm hoie psirAw ]
jo jo ounaa karam sukaram hoe pasariaa ||
Their good deeds and karma become apparent.

hirhW dUK rog siB pwp qn qy iKsirAw ]23]
harihaa(n) dhookh rog sabh paap than thae khisariaa ||23||
O Lord! Pains, diseases and sins all vanish from their bodies. ||23||

This translation is an updated version.

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