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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
05 - Maninder Singh - Aavan Jaan Rahio Maninder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Sada Namaskaar HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Maaroo on Pannaa 1002

mwrU mhlw 5 ]
maaroo mehalaa 5 ||
Maaroo, Fifth Mehla:

PUto AWfw Brm kw mnih BieE prgwsu ]
footto aaa(n)ddaa bharam kaa manehi bhaeiou paragaas ||
The egg of doubt has burst; my mind has been enlightened.

kwtI byrI pgh qy guir kInI bMid Klwsu ]1]
kaattee baeree pageh thae gur keenee ba(n)dh khalaas ||1||
The Guru has shattered the shackles on my feet, and has set me free. ||1||

Awvx jwxu rihE ]
aavan jaan rehiou ||
My coming and going in reincarnation is ended.

qpq kVwhw buiJ gieAw guir sIql nwmu dIE ]1] rhwau ]
thapath karraahaa bujh gaeiaa gur seethal naam dheeou ||1|| rehaao ||
The boiling cauldron has cooled down; the Guru has blessed me with the cooling, soothing Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||Pause||

jb qy swDU sMgu BieAw qau Coif gey inghwr ]
jab thae saadhhoo sa(n)g bhaeiaa tho shhodd geae nigehaar ||
Since I joined the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, those who were eyeing me have left.

ijs kI Atk iqs qy CutI qau khw krY kotvwr ]2]
jis kee attak this thae shhuttee tho kehaa karai kottavaar ||2||
The one who tied me up, has released me; what can the Watchman of Death do to me now? ||2||

cUkw Bwrw krm kw hoey inhkrmw ]
chookaa bhaaraa karam kaa hoeae nihakaramaa ||
The load of my karma has been removed, and I am now free of karma.

swgr qy kMFY cVy guir kIny Drmw ]3]
saagar thae ka(n)dtai charrae gur keenae dhharamaa ||3||
I have crossed the world-ocean, and reached the other shore; the Guru has blessed me with this Dharma. ||3||

scu Qwnu scu bYTkw scu suAwau bxwieAw ]
sach thhaan sach bait(h)akaa sach suaao banaaeiaa ||
True is my place, and True is my seat; I have made Truth my life's purpose.

scu pUMjI scu vKro nwnk Gir pwieAw ]4]5]14]
sach poo(n)jee sach vakharo naanak ghar paaeiaa ||4||5||14||
True is my capital, and True is the merchandise, which Nanak has placed into the home of the heart. ||4||5||14||

This translation is an updated version.

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