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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
01 - Maninder Singh - Amrit Bani Maninder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Sada Namaskaar HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Bihaagraa on Pannaa 543

ibhwgVw mhlw 5 ]
bihaagarraa mehalaa 5 ||
Bihaagraa, Fifth Mehla:

kir ikrpw gur pwrbRhm pUry Anidnu nwmu vKwxw rwm ]
kar kirapaa gur paarabreham poorae anadhin naam vakhaanaa raam ||
Shower Your Mercy upon me, O Guru, O Perfect Supreme Lord God, that I might chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, night and day.

AMimRq bwxI aucrw hir jsu imTw lwgY qyrw Bwxw rwm ]
a(n)mrith baanee oucharaa har jas mit(h)aa laagai thaeraa bhaanaa raam ||
I speak the Ambrosial Words of the Guru's Bani, praising the Lord. Your Will is sweet to me, Lord.

kir dieAw mieAw gopwl goibMd koie nwhI quJ ibnw ]
kar dhaeiaa maeiaa gopaal gobi(n)dh koe naahee thujh binaa ||
Show kindness and compassion, O Sustainer of the Word, Lord of the Universe; without You, I have no other.

smrQ AgQ Apwr pUrn jIau qnu Dnu qum@ mnw ]
samarathh agathh apaar pooran jeeo than dhhan thumh manaa ||
Almighty, sublime, infinite, perfect Lord - my soul, body, wealth and mind are Yours.

mUrK mugD AnwQ cMcl blhIn nIc Ajwxw ]
moorakh mugadhh anaathh cha(n)chal baleheen neech ajaanaa ||
I am foolish, stupid, masterless, fickle, powerless, lowly and ignorant.

ibnvMiq nwnk srix qyrI riK lyhu Awvx jwxw ]1]
binava(n)th naanak saran thaeree rakh laehu aavan jaanaa ||1||
Prays Nanak, I seek Your Sanctuary - please save me from coming and going in reincarnation. ||1||

swDh srxI pweIAY hir jIau gux gwvh hir nIqw rwm ]
saadhheh saranee paaeeai har jeeo gun gaaveh har neethaa raam ||
In the Sanctuary of the Holy Saints, I have found the Dear Lord, and I constantly sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

DUir Bgqn kI min qin lgau hir jIau sB piqq punIqw rwm ]
dhhoor bhagathan kee man than lago har jeeo sabh pathith puneethaa raam ||
Applying the dust of the devotees to the mind and body, O Dear Lord, all sinners are sanctified.

piqqw punIqw hoih iqn@ sMig ijn@ ibDwqw pwieAw ]
pathithaa puneethaa hohi thinh sa(n)g jinh bidhhaathaa paaeiaa ||
The sinners are sanctified in the company of those who have met the Creator Lord.

nwm rwqy jIA dwqy inq dyih cVih svwieAw ]
naam raathae jeea dhaathae nith dhaehi charrehi savaaeiaa ||
Imbued with the Naam, the Name of the Lord, they are given the gift of the life of the soul; their gifts increase day by day.

iriD isiD nv iniD hir jip ijnI Awqmu jIqw ]
ridhh sidhh nav nidhh har jap jinee aatham jeethaa ||
Wealth, the supernatural spiritual powers of the Siddhas, and the nine treasures come to those who meditate on the Lord, and conquer their own soul.

ibnvMiq nwnku vfBwig pweIAih swD swjn mIqw ]2]
binava(n)th naanak vaddabhaag paaeeahi saadhh saajan meethaa ||2||
Prays Nanak, it is only by great good fortune that the Holy Saints, the Lord's companions, are found, O friends. ||2||

ijnI scu vxMijAw hir jIau sy pUry swhw rwm ]
jinee sach vana(n)jiaa har jeeo sae poorae saahaa raam ||
Those who deal in Truth, O Dear Lord, are the perfect bankers.

bhuqu Kjwnw iqMn pih hir jIau hir kIrqnu lwhw rwm ]
bahuth khajaanaa thi(n)n pehi har jeeo har keerathan laahaa raam ||
They possess the great treasure, O Dear Lord, and they reap the profit of the Lord's Praise.

kwmu k®oDu n loBu ibAwpY jo jn pRB isau rwiqAw ]
kaam krodhh n lobh biaapai jo jan prabh sio raathiaa ||
Sexual desire, anger and greed do not cling to those who are attuned to God.

eyku jwnih eyku mwnih rwm kY rMig mwiqAw ]
eaek jaanehi eaek maanehi raam kai ra(n)g maathiaa ||
They know the One, and they believe in the One; they are intoxicated with the Lord's Love.

lig sMq crxI pVy srxI min iqnw Emwhw ]
lag sa(n)th charanee parrae saranee man thinaa oumaahaa ||
They fall at the Feet of the Saints, and seek their Sanctuary; their minds are filled with joy.

ibnvMiq nwnku ijn nwmu plY syeI scy swhw ]3]
binava(n)th naanak jin naam palai saeee sachae saahaa ||3||
Prays Nanak, those who have the Naam in their laps are the true bankers. ||3||

nwnk soeI ismrIAY hir jIau jw kI kl DwrI rwm ]
naanak soee simareeai har jeeo jaa kee kal dhhaaree raam ||
O Nanak, meditate on that Dear Lord, who supports all by His almighty strength.

gurmuiK mnhu n vIsrY hir jIau krqw purKu murwrI rwm ]
guramukh manahu n veesarai har jeeo karathaa purakh muraaree raam ||
In their minds, the Gurmukhs do not forget the Dear Lord, the Primal Creator Lord.

dUKu rogu n Bau ibAwpY ijn@I hir hir iDAwieAw ]
dhookh rog n bho biaapai jinhee har har dhhiaaeiaa ||
Pain, disease and fear do not cling to those who meditate on the Lord, Har, Har.

sMq pRswid qry Bvjlu pUrib iliKAw pwieAw ]
sa(n)th prasaadh tharae bhavajal poorab likhiaa paaeiaa ||
By the Grace of the Saints, they cross over the terrifying world-ocean, and obtain their pre-ordained destiny.

vjI vDweI min sWiq AweI imilAw purKu ApwrI ]
vajee vadhhaaee man saa(n)th aaee miliaa purakh apaaree ||
They are congratulated and applauded, their minds are at peace, and they meet the infinite Lord God.

ibnvMiq nwnku ismir hir hir ieC puMnI hmwrI ]4]3]
binava(n)th naanak simar har har eishh pu(n)nee hamaaree ||4||3||
Prays Nanak, by meditating in remembrance on the Lord, Har, Har, my desires are fulfilled. ||4||3||

This translation is an updated version.

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