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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
Amrik Singh Zakhmi - Too Dariao Dhana Beena Amrik Singh Zakhmi Wahe Guru Tera Sabh Sadhaka (Live Recordings) HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Siree Raag on Pannaa 25

isrIrwgu mhlw 1 Gru 4 ]
sireeraag mehalaa 1 ghar 4 ||
Siree Raag, First Mehla, Fourth House:

qU drIAwau dwnw bInw mY mCulI kYsy AMqu lhw ]
thoo dhareeaao dhaanaa beenaa mai mashhulee kaisae a(n)th lehaa ||
You are the River, All-knowing and All-seeing. I am just a fish-how can I find Your limit?

jh jh dyKw qh qh qU hY quJ qy inksI PUit mrw ]1]
jeh jeh dhaekhaa theh theh thoo hai thujh thae nikasee foott maraa ||1||
Wherever I look, You are there. Outside of You, I would burst and die. ||1||

n jwxw myau n jwxw jwlI ]
n jaanaa maeo n jaanaa jaalee ||
I do not know of the fisherman, and I do not know of the net.

jw duKu lwgY qw quJY smwlI ]1] rhwau ]
jaa dhukh laagai thaa thujhai samaalee ||1|| rehaao ||
But when the pain comes, then I call upon You. ||1||Pause||

qU BrpUir jwinAw mY dUir ]
thoo bharapoor jaaniaa mai dhoor ||
You are present everywhere. I had thought that You were far away.

jo kCu krI su qyrY hdUir ]
jo kashh karee s thaerai hadhoor ||
Whatever I do, I do in Your Presence.

qU dyKih hau mukir pwau ]
thoo dhaekhehi ho mukar paao ||
You see all my actions, and yet I deny them.

qyrY kMim n qyrY nwie ]2]
thaerai ka(n)m n thaerai naae ||2||
I have not worked for You, or Your Name. ||2||

jyqw dyih qyqw hau Kwau ]
jaethaa dhaehi thaethaa ho khaao ||
Whatever You give me, that is what I eat.

ibAw dru nwhI kY dir jwau ]
biaa dhar naahee kai dhar jaao ||
There is no other door-unto which door should I go?

nwnku eyk khY Ardwis ]
naanak eaek kehai aradhaas ||
Nanak offers this one prayer:

jIau ipMfu sBu qyrY pwis ]3]
jeeo pi(n)dd sabh thaerai paas ||3||
this body and soul are totally Yours. ||3||

Awpy nyVY dUir Awpy hI Awpy mMiJ imAwnuo ]
aapae naerrai dhoor aapae hee aapae ma(n)jh miaanuo ||
He Himself is near, and He Himself is far away; He Himself is in-between.

Awpy vyKY suxy Awpy hI kudriq kry jhwnuo ]
aapae vaekhai sunae aapae hee kudharath karae jehaanuo ||
He Himself beholds, and He Himself listens. By His Creative Power, He created the world.

jo iqsu BwvY nwnkw hukmu soeI prvwnuo ]4]31]
jo this bhaavai naanakaa hukam soee paravaanuo ||4||31||
Whatever pleases Him, O Nanak-that Command is acceptable. ||4||31||

This translation is an updated version.

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