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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
05 - Anoop Singh - Mil Mere Preetama Jeeo Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Nadar Kare Taa Simreya Jaye admin
Amolak Singh - Mil Mere Preetma Jio Amolak Singh In Loving Memory (A Tribute) moneysingh
06 - 50 GYORS - Mil Mere Pritma Jeeo - Lata Mangeshkar Various 50 Glorious Years of Recorded Shabads Volume V makkarjs


This Shabad is by Guru Amar Daas Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 244

gauVI mhlw 3 ]
gourree mehalaa 3 ||
Gauree, Third Mehla:

ipr ibnu KrI inmwxI jIau ibnu ipr ikau jIvw myrI mweI ]
pir bin kharee nimaanee jeeo bin pir kio jeevaa maeree maaee ||
Without my Husband, I am utterly dishonored. Without my Husband Lord, how can I live, O my mother?

ipr ibnu nId n AwvY jIau kwpVu qin n suhweI ]
pir bin needh n aavai jeeo kaaparr than n suhaaee ||
Without my Husband, sleep does not come, and my body is not adorned with my bridal dress.

kwpru qin suhwvY jw ipr BwvY gurmqI icqu lweIAY ]
kaapar than suhaavai jaa pir bhaavai guramathee chith laaeeai ||
The bridal dress looks beautiful upon my body, when I am pleasing to my Husband Lord. Following the Guru's Teachings, my consciousness is focused on Him.

sdw suhwgix jw siqguru syvy gur kY AMik smweIAY ]
sadhaa suhaagan jaa sathigur saevae gur kai a(n)k samaaeeai ||
I become His happy soul-bride forever, when I serve the True Guru; I sit in the Lap of the Guru.

gur sbdY mylw qw ipru rwvI lwhw nwmu sMswry ]
gur sabadhai maelaa thaa pir raavee laahaa naam sa(n)saarae ||
Through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the soul-bride meets her Husband Lord, who ravishes and enjoys her. The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the only profit in this world.

nwnk kwmix nwh ipAwrI jw hir ky gux swry ]1]
naanak kaaman naah piaaree jaa har kae gun saarae ||1||
O Nanak, the soul-bride is loved by her Husband, when she dwells upon the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||1||

sw Dn rMgu mwxy jIau Awpxy nwil ipAwry ]
saa dhhan ra(n)g maanae jeeo aapanae naal piaarae ||
The soul-bride enjoys the Love of her Beloved.

Aihinis rMig rwqI jIau gur sbdu vIcwry ]
ahinis ra(n)g raathee jeeo gur sabadh veechaarae ||
Imbued with His Love night and day, she contemplates the Word of the Guru's Shabad.

gur sbdu vIcwry haumY mwry ien ibiD imlhu ipAwry ]
gur sabadh veechaarae houmai maarae ein bidhh milahu piaarae ||
Contemplating the Guru's Shabad, she conquers her ego, and in this way, she meets her Beloved.

sw Dn sohwgix sdw rMig rwqI swcY nwim ipAwry ]
saa dhhan sohaagan sadhaa ra(n)g raathee saachai naam piaarae ||
She is the happy soul-bride of her Lord, who is forever imbued with the Love of the True Name of her Beloved.

Apuny gur imil rhIAY AMimRqu ghIAY duibDw mwir invwry ]
apunae gur mil reheeai a(n)mrith geheeai dhubidhhaa maar nivaarae ||
Abiding in the Company of our Guru, we grasp the Ambrosial Nectar; we conquer and cast out our sense of duality.

nwnk kwmix hir vru pwieAw sgly dUK ivswry ]2]
naanak kaaman har var paaeiaa sagalae dhookh visaarae ||2||
O Nanak, the soul-bride attains her Husband Lord, and forgets all her pains. ||2||

kwmix iprhu BulI jIau mwieAw moih ipAwry ]
kaaman pirahu bhulee jeeo maaeiaa mohi piaarae ||
The soul-bride has forgotten her Husband Lord, because of love and emotional attachment to Maya.

JUTI JUiT lgI jIau kUiV muTI kUiVAwry ]
jhoot(h)ee jhoot(h) lagee jeeo koorr mut(h)ee koorriaarae ||
The false bride is attached to falsehood; the insincere one is cheated by insincerity.

kUVu invwry gurmiq swry jUAY jnmu n hwry ]
koorr nivaarae guramath saarae jooai janam n haarae ||
She who drives out her falsehood, and acts according to the Guru's Teachings, does not lose her life in the gamble.

gur sbdu syvy sic smwvY ivchu haumY mwry ]
gur sabadh saevae sach samaavai vichahu houmai maarae ||
One who serves the Word of the Guru's Shabad is absorbed in the True Lord; she eradicates egotism from within.

hir kw nwmu irdY vswey AYsw kry sIgwro ]
har kaa naam ridhai vasaaeae aisaa karae seegaaro ||
So let the Name of the Lord abide within your heart; decorate yourself in this way.

nwnk kwmix shij smwxI ijsu swcw nwmu ADwro ]3]
naanak kaaman sehaj samaanee jis saachaa naam adhhaaro ||3||
O Nanak, the soul-bride who takes the Support of the True Name is intuitively absorbed in the Lord. ||3||

imlu myry pRIqmw jIau quDu ibnu KrI inmwxI ]
mil maerae preethamaa jeeo thudhh bin kharee nimaanee ||
Meet me, O my Dear Beloved. Without You, I am totally dishonored.

mY nYxI nId n AwvY jIau BwvY AMnu n pwxI ]
mai nainee needh n aavai jeeo bhaavai a(n)n n paanee ||
Sleep does not come to my eyes, and I have no desire for food or water.

pwxI AMnu n BwvY mrIAY hwvY ibnu ipr ikau suKu pweIAY ]
paanee a(n)n n bhaavai mareeai haavai bin pir kio sukh paaeeai ||
I have no desire for food or water, and I am dying from the pain of separation. Without my Husband Lord, how can I find peace?

gur AwgY krau ibnµqI jy gur BwvY ijau imlY iqvY imlweIAY ]
gur aagai karo bina(n)thee jae gur bhaavai jio milai thivai milaaeeai ||
I offer my prayers to the Guru; if it pleases the Guru, He shall unite me with Himself.

Awpy myil ley suKdwqw Awip imilAw Gir Awey ]
aapae mael leae sukhadhaathaa aap miliaa ghar aaeae ||
The Giver of peace has united me with Himself; He Himself has come to my home to meet me.

nwnk kwmix sdw suhwgix nw ipru mrY n jwey ]4]2]
naanak kaaman sadhaa suhaagan naa pir marai n jaaeae ||4||2||
O Nanak, the soul-bride is forever the Lord's favorite wife; her Husband Lord does not die, and He shall never leave. ||4||2||

This translation is an updated version.

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