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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Onkar Singh - Mil Mere Gobind Onkar Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Amrit Saachi Baani makkarjs
02 - Anoop Singh - Mil Mere Gobind Apna Nam Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Mil Mere Gobind admin


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 240

gauVI mhlw 5 ]
gourree mehalaa 5 ||
Gauree, Fifth Mehla:

imlu myry goibMd Apnw nwmu dyhu ]
mil maerae gobi(n)dh apanaa naam dhaehu ||
Meet me, O my Lord of the Universe. Please bless me with Your Name.

nwm ibnw iDRgu iDRgu Asnyhu ]1] rhwau ]
naam binaa dhhrig dhhrig asanaehu ||1|| rehaao ||
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, cursed, cursed is love and intimacy. ||1||Pause||

nwm ibnw jo pihrY Kwie ]
naam binaa jo pehirai khaae ||
Without the Naam, one who dresses and eats well

ijau kUkru jUTn mih pwie ]1]
jio kookar joot(h)an mehi paae ||1||
is like a dog, who falls in and eats impure foods. ||1||

nwm ibnw jyqw ibauhwru ] ijau imrqk imiQAw sIgwru ]2]
naam binaa jaethaa biouhaar || jio mirathak mithhiaa seegaar ||2||
Without the Naam, all occupations are useless, like decorations on a dead body. ||2||

nwmu ibswir kry rs Bog ]
naam bisaar karae ras bhog ||
One who forgets the Naam and indulges in pleasures,

suKu supnY nhI qn mih rog ]3]
sukh supanai nehee than mehi rog ||3||
shall find no peace, even in dreams; his body shall become diseased. ||3||

nwmu iqAwig kry An kwj ]
naam thiaag karae an kaaj ||
One who renounces the Naam and engages in other occupations,

ibnis jwie JUTy siB pwj ]4]
binas jaae jhoot(h)ae sabh paaj ||4||
shall see all of his false pretenses fall away. ||4||

nwm sMig min pRIiq n lwvY ]
naam sa(n)g man preeth n laavai ||
One whose mind does not embrace love for the Naam

koit krm krqo nrik jwvY ]5]
kott karam karatho narak jaavai ||5||
shall go to hell, even though he may perform millions of ceremonial rituals. ||5||

hir kw nwmu ijin min n AwrwDw ]
har kaa naam jin man n aaraadhhaa ||
One whose mind does not contemplate the Name of the Lord

cor kI inAweI jm puir bwDw ]6]
chor kee niaaee jam pur baadhhaa ||6||
is bound like a thief, in the City of Death. ||6||

lwK AfMbr bhuqu ibsQwrw ]
laakh adda(n)bar bahuth bisathhaaraa ||
Hundreds of thousands of ostentatious shows and great expanses

nwm ibnw JUTy pwswrw ]7]
naam binaa jhoot(h)ae paasaaraa ||7||
- without the Naam, all these displays are false. ||7||

hir kw nwmu soeI jnu lyie ]
har kaa naam soee jan laee ||
That humble being repeats the Name of the Lord,

kir ikrpw nwnk ijsu dyie ]8]10]
kar kirapaa naanak jis dhaee ||8||10||
O Nanak, whom the Lord blesses with His Mercy. ||8||10||

This translation is an updated version.

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