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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
05 - Anoop Singh - Bhaj Man Mere Eko Naam Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Je Lok Salahe admin
04 - Harjinder Singh - Bhaj Mann Mere Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Lakh Khushian HSinghDCWale
06 - Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh - Bhajj Mann Mere Eko Naam Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh Tu Thakuro Beragaro HSinghDCWale
04 - Harjinder Singh - Bhaj Munh Mere Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Mere Gobind HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 193

gauVI mhlw 5 ]
gourree mehalaa 5 ||
Gauree, Fifth Mehla:

hir ismrq qyrI jwie blwie ]
har simarath thaeree jaae balaae ||
Remembering the Lord in meditation, your misfortune shall be taken away,

srb kilAwx vsY min Awie ]1]
sarab kaliaan vasai man aae ||1||
and all joy shall come to abide in your mind. ||1||

Bju mn myry eyko nwm ]
bhaj man maerae eaeko naam ||
Meditate, O my mind, on the One Name.

jIA qyry kY AwvY kwm ]1] rhwau ]
jeea thaerae kai aavai kaam ||1|| rehaao ||
It alone shall be of use to your soul. ||1||Pause||

rYix idnsu gux gwau Anµqw ]
rain dhinas gun gaao ana(n)thaa ||
Night and day, sing the Glorious Praises of the Infinite Lord,

gur pUry kw inrml mMqw ]2]
gur poorae kaa niramal ma(n)thaa ||2||
through the Pure Mantra of the Perfect Guru. ||2||

Coif aupwv eyk tyk rwKu ]
shhodd oupaav eaek ttaek raakh ||
Give up other efforts, and place your faith in the Support of the One Lord.

mhw pdwrQu AMimRq rsu cwKu ]3]
mehaa padhaarathh a(n)mrith ras chaakh ||3||
Taste the Ambrosial Essence of this, the greatest treasure. ||3||

ibKm swgru qyeI jn qry ]
bikham saagar thaeee jan tharae ||
They alone cross over the treacherous world-ocean,

nwnk jw kau ndir kry ]4]68]137]
naanak jaa ko nadhar karae ||4||68||137||
O Nanak, upon whom the Lord casts His Glance of Grace. ||4||68||137||

This translation is an updated version.

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