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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
01 - Niranjan Singh - Kirat Virat Kar Dharm Di Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Kirat Virat Kar Dharm Di HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Bhai Gurdaas Ji in Vaars Bhai Gurdaas on Pannaa 6

gurmuiK hiQ skQ hin swDsMgiq gur kwr kmwvY]
guramukh hathh sakathh han saadhhasa(n)gath gur kaar kamaavai||
Worthy are the hands of the Sikh who in the Holy Congregation do the Guru's work.

pwxI pKw pIhxw pYr Doie crxwmqu pwvY]
paanee pakhaa peehanaa pair dhhoe charanaamath paavai||
Who draw water, fan the sang at, grind the flour, wash the feet of Guru and drink the water there from.

gurbwxI iliK poQIAw qwl imRdMg rbwb vjwvY]
gurabaanee likh pothheeaa thaal mridha(n)g rabaab vajaavai||
Who copy the Guru's hymns and play the cymbals, the mirdang, a small drum, and the rebeck in the company of Holy.

nmskwr fMfauq kir gurBweI gil imil gil lwvY]
namasakaar dda(n)ddouth kar gurabhaaee gal mil gal laavai||
Worthy are the hands who bow, help in prostrating and embrace a brother Sikh.

ikriq ivriq kir Drm dI hQhu dy kY Blw mnwvY]
kirath virath kar dhharam dhee hathhahu dhae kai bhalaa manaavai||
Who earn livelihood honestly and generously confer favour on others.

pwrsu pris Apris hoie pr qn pr Dn hQu n lwvY]
paaras paras aparas hoe par than par dhhan hathh n laavai||
Worthy of praise are the hands of such a Sikh who by coming in touch with Guru becomes indifferent to worldly materials and lays not his eyes on another's wife or property.

gur isK gur isK pUj kY Bwie Bgiq BY Bwxw BwvY]
gur sikh gur sikh pooj kai bhaae bhagath bhai bhaanaa bhaavai||
Who Loves another Sikh and embraces the Love, Devotion, and fear of God.

Awpu gvwie n Awpu gxwvY ]12]
aap gavaae n aap ganaavai ||12||
He effaces his ego and does not assert himself.(12)

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