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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Joginder Singh Riar - Chali Pirhi Sodiyaa Joginder Singh Riar (Ludhiane Wale) Deen Duni Da Paatshah HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Bhai Gurdaas Ji in Vaars Bhai Gurdaas on Pannaa 1

pMij ipAwly pMj Pir CTmu Pir bYTw guru BwrI]
pa(n)j piaalae pa(n)j far shhat(h)am far bait(h)aa gur bhaaree||
(From Guru Nanak to Guru Arjan Dev) Five Pirs were there who drank from the Five cups (of Truth, Contentment, Compassion, Dharma, Discerning Wisdom), and now the Sixth great Pir is holding the Guruship.

Arjn kwieAw plitkY mUriq hirgoibMd svwrI]
arajan kaaeiaa palattikai moorath harigobi(n)dh savaaree||
Arjan (Dev) transformed himself into Hargobind and sat majestically.

clI pIVI soFIAw rUpu idKwvix vwro vwrI]
chalee peerree sodteeaa roop dhikhaavan vaaro vaaree||
Now the Sodhi lineage has started and they all will show their selves turn by turn.

dl BMjn gur sUrmw vf joDw bhu praupkwrI]
dhal bha(n)jan gur sooramaa vadd jodhhaa bahu paroupakaaree||
This Guru, the vanquisher of armies, is very brave and benevolent.

puCin isK Ardws kr iCA mihlw qik drsu inhwrI]
pushhan sikh aradhaas kar shhia mehilaa thak dharas nihaaree||
The Sikhs prayed and asked that they have seen the Six Gurus (how many more are to come) .

Agm Agocr siqgurU boly muK qy suxhu sMswrI]
agam agochar sathiguroo bolae mukh thae sunahu sa(n)saaree||
The True Guru, the knower of the unknowable and Seer of the invisible told the Sikhs to listen to.

kiljuig pIVI soFIAW inhcl nIv auswir KlwrI]
kalijug peerree sodteeaaa(n) nihachal neev ousaar khalaaree||
The lineage of the Sodhis have been established on the sound foundation.

jug jug siqgur Dry AvqwrI ]48]
jug jug sathigur dhharae avathaaree ||48||
Four more Gurus will come to earth (yuga 2, yuga 2 i.e. 2+2=4)(48)

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