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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
02 - Niranjan Singh - Waho Waho Sache Main Teri Tek Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Apni Mehar Kar nihang


This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 153

gauVI mhlw 1 ]
gourree mehalaa 1 ||
Gauree, First Mehla:

kwmu k®oDu mwieAw mih cIqu ]
kaam krodhh maaeiaa mehi cheeth ||
The conscious mind is engrossed in sexual desire, anger and Maya.

JUT ivkwir jwgY ihq cIqu ]
jhoot(h) vikaar jaagai hith cheeth ||
The conscious mind is awake only to falsehood, corruption and attachment.

pUMjI pwp loB kI kIqu ]
poo(n)jee paap lobh kee keeth ||
It gathers in the assets of sin and greed.

qru qwrI min nwmu sucIqu ]1]
thar thaaree man naam sucheeth ||1||
So swim across the river of life, O my mind, with the Sacred Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||

vwhu vwhu swcy mY qyrI tyk ]
vaahu vaahu saachae mai thaeree ttaek ||
Waaho! Waaho! - Great! Great is my True Lord! I seek Your All-powerful Support.

hau pwpI qUM inrmlu eyk ]1] rhwau ]
ho paapee thoo(n) niramal eaek ||1|| rehaao ||
I am a sinner - You alone are pure. ||1||Pause||

Agin pwxI bolY BVvwau ]
agan paanee bolai bharravaao ||
Fire and water join together, and the breath roars in its fury!

ijhvw ieMdRI eyku suAwau ]
jihavaa ei(n)dhree eaek suaao ||
The tongue and the sex organs each seek to taste.

idsit ivkwrI nwhI Bau Bwau ]
dhisatt vikaaree naahee bho bhaao ||
The eyes which look upon corruption do not know the Love and the Fear of God.

Awpu mwry qw pwey nwau ]2]
aap maarae thaa paaeae naao ||2||
Conquering self-conceit, one obtains the Name. ||2||

sbid mrY iPir mrxu n hoie ]
sabadh marai fir maran n hoe ||
One who dies in the Word of the Shabad, shall never again have to die.

ibnu mUey ikau pUrw hoie ]
bin mooeae kio pooraa hoe ||
Without such a death, how can one attain perfection?

prpMic ivAwip rihAw mnu doie ]
parapa(n)ch viaap rehiaa man dhoe ||
The mind is engrossed in deception, treachery and duality.

iQru nwrwiexu kry su hoie ]3]
thhir naaraaein karae s hoe ||3||
Whatever the Immortal Lord does, comes to pass. ||3||

boihiQ cVau jw AwvY vwru ]
bohithh charro jaa aavai vaar ||
So get aboard that boat when your turn comes.

Twky boihQ drgh mwr ]
t(h)aakae bohithh dharageh maar ||
Those who fail to embark upon that boat shall be beaten in the Court of the Lord.

scu swlwhI DMnu gurduAwru ]
sach saalaahee dhha(n)n guradhuaar ||
Blessed is that Gurdwara, the Guru's Gate, where the Praises of the True Lord are sung.

nwnk dir Gir eykMkwru ]4]7]
naanak dhar ghar eaeka(n)kaar ||4||7||
O Nanak, the One Creator Lord is pervading hearth and home. ||4||7||

This translation is an updated version.

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