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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Anoop Singh - Kaise Kahu Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Mer Karo admin


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Saarang on Pannaa 1206

swrg mhlw 5 Gru 2
saarag mehalaa 5 ghar 2
Saarang, Fifth Mehla, Second House:

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

kYsy khau moih jIA bydnweI ]
kaisae keho mohi jeea baedhanaaee ||
How can I express the pain of my soul?

drsn ipAws ipRA pRIiq mnohr mnu n rhY bhu ibiD aumkweI ]1] rhwau ]
dharasan piaas pria preeth manohar man n rehai bahu bidhh oumakaaee ||1|| rehaao ||
I am so thirsty for the Blessed Vision, the Darshan of my Enticing and Lovely Beloved. My mind cannot survive - it yearns for Him in so many ways. ||1||Pause||

icqvin icqvau ipRA pRIiq bYrwgI kid pwvau hir drsweI ]
chithavan chithavo pria preeth bairaagee kadh paavo har dharasaaee ||
I think thoughts of Him; I miss the Love of my Beloved. When will I obtain the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan?

jqn krau iehu mnu nhI DIrY koaU hY ry sMqu imlweI ]1]
jathan karo eihu man nehee dhheerai kooo hai rae sa(n)th milaaee ||1||
I try, but this mind is not encouraged. Is there any Saint who can lead me to God? ||1||

jp qp sMjm puMn siB homau iqsu Arpau siB suK jWeI ]
jap thap sa(n)jam pu(n)n sabh homo this arapo sabh sukh jaa(n)ee ||
Chanting, penance, self-control, good deeds and charity - I sacrifice all these in fire; I dedicate all peace and places to Him.

eyk inmK ipRA drsu idKwvY iqsu sMqn kY bil jWeI ]2]
eaek nimakh pria dharas dhikhaavai this sa(n)than kai bal jaa(n)ee ||2||
One who helps me to behold the Blessed Vision of my Beloved, for even an instant - I am a sacrifice to that Saint. ||2||

krau inhorw bhuqu bynqI syvau idnu rYnweI ]
karo nihoraa bahuth baenathee saevo dhin rainaaee ||
I offer all my prayers and entreaties to him; I serve him, day and night.

mwnu AiBmwnu hau sgl iqAwgau jo ipRA bwq sunweI ]3]
maan abhimaan ho sagal thiaago jo pria baath sunaaee ||3||
I have renounced all pride and egotism; he tells me the stories of my Beloved. ||3||

dyiK cirqR BeI hau ibsmin guir siqguir puriK imlweI ]
dhaekh charithr bhee ho bisaman gur sathigur purakh milaaee ||
I am wonder-struck, gazing upon the wondrous play of God. The Guru, the True Guru, has led me to meet the Primal Lord.

pRB rMg dieAwl moih igRh mih pwieAw jn nwnk qpiq buJweI ]4]1]15]
prabh ra(n)g dhaeiaal mohi grih mehi paaeiaa jan naanak thapath bujhaaee ||4||1||15||
I have found God, my Merciful Loving Lord, within the home of my own heart. O Nanak, the fire within me has been quenched. ||4||1||15||

This translation is an updated version.

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