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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Anoop Singh - Gur Purey Dio Rang Laye Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Diwali Di Raat moneysingh


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Bhairao on Pannaa 1141

BYrau mhlw 5 ]
bhairo mehalaa 5 ||
Bhairao, Fifth Mehla:

cIiq AwvY qW mhw Anµd ]
cheeth aavai thaa(n) mehaa ana(n)dh ||
When He comes to mind, then I am in supreme bliss.

cIiq AwvY qW siB duK BMj ]
cheeth aavai thaa(n) sabh dhukh bha(n)j ||
When He comes to mind, then all my pains are shattered.

cIiq AwvY qW srDw pUrI ]
cheeth aavai thaa(n) saradhhaa pooree ||
When He comes to mind, my hopes are fulfilled.

cIiq AwvY qW kbih n JUrI ]1]
cheeth aavai thaa(n) kabehi n jhooree ||1||
When He comes to mind, I never feel sadness. ||1||

AMqir rwm rwie pRgty Awie ]
a(n)thar raam raae pragattae aae ||
Deep within my being, my Sovereign Lord King has revealed Himself to me.

guir pUrY dIE rMgu lwie ]1] rhwau ]
gur poorai dheeou ra(n)g laae ||1|| rehaao ||
The Perfect Guru has inspired me to love Him. ||1||Pause||

cIiq AwvY qW srb ko rwjw ]
cheeth aavai thaa(n) sarab ko raajaa ||
When He comes to mind, I am the king of all.

cIiq AwvY qW pUry kwjw ]
cheeth aavai thaa(n) poorae kaajaa ||
When He comes to mind, all my affairs are completed.

cIiq AwvY qW rMig gulwl ]
cheeth aavai thaa(n) ra(n)g gulaal ||
When He comes to mind, I am dyed in the deep crimson of His Love.

cIiq AwvY qW sdw inhwl ]2]
cheeth aavai thaa(n) sadhaa nihaal ||2||
When He comes to mind, I am ecstatic forever. ||2||

cIiq AwvY qW sd DnvMqw ]
cheeth aavai thaa(n) sadh dhhanava(n)thaa ||
When He comes to mind, I am wealthy forever.

cIiq AwvY qW sd inBrMqw ]
cheeth aavai thaa(n) sadh nibhara(n)thaa ||
When He comes to mind, I am free of doubt forever.

cIiq AwvY qW siB rMg mwxy ]
cheeth aavai thaa(n) sabh ra(n)g maanae ||
When He comes to mind, then I enjoy all pleasures.

cIiq AwvY qW cUkI kwxy ]3]
cheeth aavai thaa(n) chookee kaanae ||3||
When He comes to mind, I am rid of fear. ||3||

cIiq AwvY qW shj Gru pwieAw ]
cheeth aavai thaa(n) sehaj ghar paaeiaa ||
When He comes to mind, I find the home of peace and poise.

cIiq AwvY qW suMin smwieAw ]
cheeth aavai thaa(n) su(n)n samaaeiaa ||
When He comes to mind, I am absorbed in the Primal Void of God.

cIiq AwvY sd kIrqnu krqw ]
cheeth aavai sadh keerathan karathaa ||
When He comes to mind, I continually sing the Kirtan of His Praises.

mnu mwinAw nwnk BgvMqw ]4]8]21]
man maaniaa naanak bhagava(n)thaa ||4||8||21||
Nanak's mind is pleased and satisfied with the Lord God. ||4||8||21||

This translation is an updated version.

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