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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
02 - Nirmal Singh Nagpuri - Bahur Hum Kaahe Avenge Nirmal Singh Nagpuri (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Brahm Giani Sadh Jeeve HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Maaroo on Pannaa 1103

audk smuMd sll kI swiKAw ndI qrMg smwvihgy ]
oudhak samu(n)dh salal kee saakhiaa nadhee thara(n)g samaavehigae ||
Like drops of water in the water of the ocean, and like waves in the stream, I merge in the Lord.

suMnih suMnu imilAw smdrsI pvn rUp hoie jwvihgy ]1]
su(n)nehi su(n)n miliaa samadharasee pavan roop hoe jaavehigae ||1||
Merging my being into the Absolute Being of God, I have become impartial and transparent, like the air. ||1||

bhuir hm kwhy Awvihgy ]
bahur ham kaahae aavehigae ||
Why should I come into the world again?

Awvn jwnw hukmu iqsY kw hukmY buiJ smwvihgy ]1] rhwau ]
aavan jaanaa hukam thisai kaa hukamai bujh samaavehigae ||1|| rehaao ||
Coming and going is by the Hukam of His Command; realizing His Hukam, I shall merge in Him. ||1||Pause||

jb cUkY pMc Dwqu kI rcnw AYsy Brmu cukwvihgy ]
jab chookai pa(n)ch dhhaath kee rachanaa aisae bharam chukaavehigae ||
When the body, formed of the five elements, perishes, then any such doubts shall end.

drsnu Coif Bey smdrsI eyko nwmu iDAwvihgy ]2]
dharasan shhodd bheae samadharasee eaeko naam dhhiaavehigae ||2||
Giving up the different schools of philosophy, I look upon all equally; I meditate only on the One Name. ||2||

ijq hm lwey iqq hI lwgy qYsy krm kmwvihgy ]
jith ham laaeae thith hee laagae thaisae karam kamaavehigae ||
Whatever I am attached to, to that I am attached; such are the deeds I do.

hir jI ik®pw kry jau ApnI qO gur ky sbid smwvihgy ]3]
har jee kirapaa karae jo apanee tha gur kae sabadh samaavehigae ||3||
When the Dear Lord grants His Grace, then I am merged in the Word of the Guru's Shabad. ||3||

jIvq mrhu mrhu Puin jIvhu punrip jnmu n hoeI ]
jeevath marahu marahu fun jeevahu punarap janam n hoee ||
Die while yet alive, and by so dying, be alive; thus you shall not be reborn again.

khu kbIr jo nwim smwny suMn rihAw ilv soeI ]4]4]
kahu kabeer jo naam samaanae su(n)n rehiaa liv soee ||4||4||
Says Kabeer, whoever is absorbed in the Naam remains lovingly absorbed in the Primal, Absolute Lord. ||4||4||

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