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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
02 - Alaap - Sabhe Ghat Ram Bole Alaap Sabhe Ghat Ram Bole moneysingh
05 - Harjinder Singh - Sabhe Ghat Ram Bolae Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Sabh Gobind Hai HSinghDCWale
02 - Niranjan Singh - Sabhe Ghatt Ram Bole Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Mera Pyara Preetam HSinghDCWale
02 - Amarjeet Singh Taan - Sabhai Ghat Ram Bolai (Vyakhya Sahit) Amarjeet Singh Taan Hum Nahi Changey (Vyakhya Sahit) moneysingh
01 - Jaspinder Narula - Sabhe Ghat Raam Bole Jaspinder Narula Sabhe Ghat Raam Bole amitojsinghmalik
02 - Harjinder Singh - Sabhay Ghatt Ram Bolay Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Gun Gaavan Nit Tere HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Bhagat Naam Dev Ji in Raag Maalee Gauraa on Pannaa 988

sBY Gt rwmu bolY rwmw bolY ]
sabhai ghatt raam bolai raamaa bolai ||
Within all hearts, the Lord speaks, the Lord speaks.

rwm ibnw ko bolY ry ]1] rhwau ]
raam binaa ko bolai rae ||1|| rehaao ||
Who else speaks, other than the Lord? ||1||Pause||

eykl mwtI kuMjr cItI Bwjn hYN bhu nwnw ry ]
eaekal maattee ku(n)jar cheettee bhaajan hai(n) bahu naanaa rae ||
Out of the same clay, the elephant, the ant, and the many sorts of species are formed.

AsQwvr jMgm kIt pqMgm Git Git rwmu smwnw ry ]1]
asathhaavar ja(n)gam keett patha(n)gam ghatt ghatt raam samaanaa rae ||1||
In stationary life forms, moving beings, worms, moths and within each and every heart, the Lord is contained. ||1||

eykl icMqw rwKu Anµqw Aaur qjhu sB Awsw ry ]
eaekal chi(n)thaa raakh ana(n)thaa aour thajahu sabh aasaa rae ||
Remember the One, Infinite Lord; abandon all other hopes.

pRxvY nwmw Bey inhkwmw ko Twkuru ko dwsw ry ]2]3]
pranavai naamaa bheae nihakaamaa ko t(h)aakur ko dhaasaa rae ||2||3||
Naam Dayv prays, I have become dispassionate and detached; who is the Lord and Master, and who is the slave? ||2||3||

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