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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
08 - Anoop Singh - Baani Guru Guru Hai Bani Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Guru Maneyo Granth admin


This Shabad is by Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Nat Naaraayan on Pannaa 982

nt mhlw 4 ]
natt mehalaa 4 ||
Nat, Fourth Mehla:

rwm gur srin pRBU rKvwry ]
raam gur saran prabhoo rakhavaarae ||
In the Sanctuary of the Guru, the Lord God saves and protects us,

ijau kuMcru qdUAY pkir clwieE kir aUpru kiF insqwry ]1] rhwau ]
jio ku(n)char thadhooai pakar chalaaeiou kar oopar kadt nisathaarae ||1|| rehaao ||
as He protected the elephant, when the crocodile seized it and pulled it into the water; He lifted him up and pulled him out. ||1||Pause||

pRB ky syvk bhuqu Aiq nIky min srDw kir hir Dwry ]
prabh kae saevak bahuth ath neekae man saradhhaa kar har dhhaarae ||
God's servants are sublime and exalted; they enshrine faith for Him in their minds.

myry pRiB srDw Bgiq min BwvY jn kI pYj svwry ]1]
maerae prabh saradhhaa bhagath man bhaavai jan kee paij savaarae ||1||
Faith and devotion are pleasing to my God's Mind; He saves the honor of His humble servants. ||1||

hir hir syvku syvw lwgY sBu dyKY bRhm pswry ]
har har saevak saevaa laagai sabh dhaekhai breham pasaarae ||
The servant of the Lord, Har, Har, is committed to His service; He sees God pervading the entire expanse of the universe.

eyku purKu ieku ndrI AwvY sB eykw ndir inhwry ]2]
eaek purakh eik nadharee aavai sabh eaekaa nadhar nihaarae ||2||
He sees the One and only Primal Lord God, who blesses all with His Glance of Grace. ||2||

hir pRBu Twkuru rivAw sB TweI sBu cyrI jgqu smwry ]
har prabh t(h)aakur raviaa sabh t(h)aaee sabh chaeree jagath samaarae ||
God, our Lord and Master, is permeating and pervading all places; He takes care of the whole world as His slave.

Awip dieAwlu dieAw dwnu dyvY ivic pwQr kIry kwry ]3]
aap dhaeiaal dhaeiaa dhaan dhaevai vich paathhar keerae kaarae ||3||
The Merciful Lord Himself mercifully gives His gifts, even to worms in stones. ||3||

AMqir vwsu bhuqu muskweI BRim BUlw imrgu isM|Hwry ]
a(n)thar vaas bahuth musakaaee bhram bhoolaa mirag si(n)n(g)haarae ||
Within the deer is the heavy fragrance of musk, but he is confused and deluded, and he shakes his horns looking for it.

bnu bnu FUiF FUiF iPir QwkI guir pUrY Gir insqwry ]4]
ban ban dtoodt dtoodt fir thhaakee gur poorai ghar nisathaarae ||4||
Wandering, rambling and roaming through the forests and woods, I exhausted myself, and then in my own home, the Perfect Guru saved me. ||4||

bwxI gurU gurU hY bwxI ivic bwxI AMimRqu swry ]
baanee guroo guroo hai baanee vich baanee a(n)mrith saarae ||
The Word, the Bani is Guru, and Guru is the Bani. Within the Bani, the Ambrosial Nectar is contained.

guru bwxI khY syvku jnu mwnY prqiK gurU insqwry ]5]
gur baanee kehai saevak jan maanai parathakh guroo nisathaarae ||5||
If His humble servant believes, and acts according to the Words of the Guru's Bani, then the Guru, in person, emancipates him. ||5||

sBu hY bRhmu bRhmu hY psirAw min bIijAw Kwvwry ]
sabh hai breham breham hai pasariaa man beejiaa khaavaarae ||
All is God, and God is the whole expanse; man eats what he has planted.

ijau jn cMdRhWsu duiKAw iDRstbuDI Apunw Gru lUkI jwry ]6]
jio jan cha(n)dhrehaa(n)s dhukhiaa dhhrisattabudhhee apunaa ghar lookee jaarae ||6||
When Dhrishtabudhi tormented the humble devotee Chandrahaans, he only set his own house on fire. ||6||

pRB kau jnu AMqir ird locY pRB jn ky sws inhwry ]
prabh ko jan a(n)thar ridh lochai prabh jan kae saas nihaarae ||
God's humble servant longs for Him within his heart; God watches over each breath of His humble servant.

ik®pw ik®pw kir Bgiq idRVwey jn pICY jgu insqwry ]7]
kirapaa kirapaa kar bhagath dhrirraaeae jan peeshhai jag nisathaarae ||7||
Mercifully, mercifully, He implants devotion within his humble servant; for his sake, God saves the whole world. ||7||

Awpn Awip Awip pRBu Twkuru pRBu Awpy isRsit svwry ]
aapan aap aap prabh t(h)aakur prabh aapae srisatt savaarae ||
God, our Lord and Master, is Himself by Himself; God Himself embellishes the universe.

jn nwnk Awpy Awip sBu vrqY kir ik®pw Awip insqwry ]8]4]
jan naanak aapae aap sabh varathai kar kirapaa aap nisathaarae ||8||4||
O servant Nanak, He Himself is all-pervading; in His Mercy, He Himself emancipates all. ||8||4||

This translation is an updated version.

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