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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
02 - Harjinder Singh - Hum Kookar Tere Darbaar Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Ram Ras Piya Re HSinghDCWale
06 - Niranjan Singh - Hum Kookar Tere Darbaar Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Deen Duniya HSinghDCWale
04 - Mohinderjeet Singh - Tere Dware Dhun Sahaj Ki Mohinderjeet Singh (Delhi Wale) Wich Duniya Sev Kamaiye nihang


This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Raamkalee on Pannaa 969

sMqw mwnau dUqw fwnau ieh kutvwrI myrI ]
sa(n)thaa maano dhoothaa ddaano eih kuttavaaree maeree ||
I honor and obey the Saints, and punish the wicked; this is my duty as God's police officer.

idvs rYin qyry pwau plosau kys cvr kir PyrI ]1]
dhivas rain thaerae paao paloso kaes chavar kar faeree ||1||
Day and night, I wash Your feet, Lord; I wave my hair as the chauree, to brush away the flies. ||1||

hm kUkr qyry drbwir ]
ham kookar thaerae dharabaar ||
I am a dog at Your Court, Lord.

Baukih AwgY bdnu pswir ]1] rhwau ]
bhoukehi aagai badhan pasaar ||1|| rehaao ||
I open my snout and bark before it. ||1||Pause||

pUrb jnm hm qum@ry syvk Ab qau imitAw n jweI ]
poorab janam ham thumharae saevak ab tho mittiaa n jaaee ||
In my past life, I was Your servant; now, I cannot leave You.

qyry duAwrY Duin shj kI mwQY myry dgweI ]2]
thaerae dhuaarai dhhun sehaj kee maathhai maerae dhagaaee ||2||
The celestial sound current resounds at Your Door. Your insignia is stamped upon my forehead. ||2||

dwgy hoih su rn mih jUJih ibnu dwgy Big jweI ]
dhaagae hohi s ran mehi joojhehi bin dhaagae bhag jaaee ||
Those who are branded with Your brand fight bravely in battle; those without Your brand run away.

swDU hoie su Bgiq pCwnY hir ley KjwnY pweI ]3]
saadhhoo hoe s bhagath pashhaanai har leae khajaanai paaee ||3||
One who becomes a Holy person, appreciates the value of devotional worship to the Lord. The Lord places him in His treasury. ||3||

koTry mih koTrI prm koTI bIcwir ]
kot(h)arae mehi kot(h)aree param kot(h)ee beechaar ||
In the fortress is the chamber; by contemplative meditation it becomes the supreme chamber.

guir dInI bsqu kbIr kau lyvhu bsqu sm@wir ]4]
gur dheenee basath kabeer ko laevahu basath samhaar ||4||
The Guru has blessed Kabeer with the commodity, saying, ""Take this commodity; cherish it and keep it secure.""||4||

kbIir dIeI sMswr kau lInI ijsu msqik Bwgu ]
kabeer dheeee sa(n)saar ko leenee jis masathak bhaag ||
Kabeer gives it to the world, but he alone receives it, upon whose forehead such destiny is recorded.

AMimRq rsu ijin pwieAw iQru qw kw sohwgu ]5]4]
a(n)mrith ras jin paaeiaa thhir thaa kaa sohaag ||5||4||
Permanent is the marriage, of one who receives this ambrosial essence. ||5||4||

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