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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
03 - Dalbir Singh - Nanak Tinko Satgur Dalbir Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Amritsar Satgur Satwadi makkarjs


This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Raamkalee on Pannaa 956

sloku mÚ 1 ]
salok ma 1 ||
Salok, First Mehla:

srvr hMs Dury hI mylw KsmY eyvY Bwxw ]
saravar ha(n)s dhhurae hee maelaa khasamai eaevai bhaanaa ||
The union between the lake of the True Guru, and the swan of the soul, was pre-ordained from the very beginning, by the Pleasure of the Lord's Will.

srvr AMdir hIrw moqI so hMsw kw Kwxw ]
saravar a(n)dhar heeraa mothee so ha(n)saa kaa khaanaa ||
The diamonds are in this lake; they are the food of the swans.

bgulw kwgu n rheI srvir jy hovY Aiq isAwxw ]
bagulaa kaag n rehee saravar jae hovai ath siaanaa ||
The cranes and the ravens may be very wise, but they do not remain in this lake.

Enw irjku n pieE EQY En@w horo Kwxw ]
ounaa rijak n paeiou outhhai ounhaa horo khaanaa ||
They do not find their food there; their food is different.

sic kmwxY sco pweIAY kUVY kUVw mwxw ]
sach kamaanai sacho paaeeai koorrai koorraa maanaa ||
Practicing Truth, the True Lord is found. False is the pride of the false.

nwnk iqn kO siqguru imilAw ijnw Dury pYXw prvwxw ]1]
naanak thin ka sathigur miliaa jinaa dhhurae paiyaa paravaanaa ||1||
O Nanak, they alone meet the True Guru, who are so pre-destined by the Lord's Command. ||1||

This translation is an updated version.

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