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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
03 - Anoop Singh - Naam Bina Dukh Pavai Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Sabh Kichh Ghar Mein Baahar Nahi HSinghDCWale
03 - Davinder Singh Sodhi - Naam Bina Dukh Paave Davinder Singh Sodhi (Ludhiane Wale) Dukh Kiya Panda Khulian admin
02 - Avtar Singh Ragi - Har Ke Naam Binaa Dukh Paavai (Raag Bilaval, Chhoti Teentaal) Avtar Singh Ragi Gurbani Keertan Parampara Wirsa Vol 1 HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Tegh Bahaadur Ji in Raag Bilaaval on Pannaa 830

iblwvlu mhlw 9 ]
bilaaval mehalaa 9 ||
Bilaaval, Ninth Mehla:

hir ky nwm ibnw duKu pwvY ]
har kae naam binaa dhukh paavai ||
Without the Name of the Lord, you shall only find pain.

Bgiq ibnw shsw nh cUkY guru iehu Bydu bqwvY ]1] rhwau ]
bhagath binaa sehasaa neh chookai gur eihu bhaedh bathaavai ||1|| rehaao ||
Without devotional worship, doubt is not dispelled; the Guru has revealed this secret. ||1||Pause||

khw BieE qIrQ bRq kIey rwm srin nhI AwvY ]
kehaa bhaeiou theerathh brath keeeae raam saran nehee aavai ||
Of what use are sacred shrines of pilgrimage, if one does not enter the Sanctuary of the Lord?

jog jg inhPl iqh mwnau jo pRB jsu ibsrwvY ]1]
jog jag nihafal thih maano jo prabh jas bisaraavai ||1||
Know that Yoga and sacrificial feasts are fruitless, if one forgets the Praises of God. ||1||

mwn moh dono kau prhir goibMd ky gun gwvY ]
maan moh dhono ko parehar gobi(n)dh kae gun gaavai ||
One who lays aside both pride and attachment, sings the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe.

khu nwnk ieh ibiD ko pRwnI jIvn mukiq khwvY ]2]2]
kahu naanak eih bidhh ko praanee jeevan mukath kehaavai ||2||2||
Says Nanak, the mortal who does this is said to be 'jivan mukta' - liberated while yet alive. ||2||2||

This translation is an updated version.

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