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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
03 - Harjinder Singh - Hum To Ek Ram Keh Chhuteya Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Kahey Ravidas Part 4 HSinghDCWale
01 - Davinder Singh Sodhi - Kahe Ravidas Sabhai Jag Looteya Hum To Ek Ram Kahe Chhooteya (Vyakhya Sahit) Davinder Singh Sodhi (Ludhiane Wale) Sach Kahe Ravidas admin


This Shabad is by Bhagat Ravi Daas Ji in Raag Soohee on Pannaa 794

sUhI ]
soohee ||

aUcy mMdr swl rsoeI ]
oochae ma(n)dhar saal rasoee ||
You may have lofty mansions, halls and kitchens.

eyk GrI Puin rhnu n hoeI ]1]
eaek gharee fun rehan n hoee ||1||
But you cannot stay in them, even for an instant, after death. ||1||

iehu qnu AYsw jYsy Gws kI twtI ]
eihu than aisaa jaisae ghaas kee ttaattee ||
This body is like a house of straw.

jil gieE Gwsu ril gieE mwtI ]1] rhwau ]
jal gaeiou ghaas ral gaeiou maattee ||1|| rehaao ||
When it is burnt, it mixes with dust. ||1||Pause||

BweI bMD kutMb shyrw ] Eie BI lwgy kwFu svyrw ]2]
bhaaee ba(n)dhh kutta(n)b sehaeraa || oue bhee laagae kaadt savaeraa ||2||
Even relatives, family and friends begin to say, ""Take his body out, immediately!""||2||

Gr kI nwir aurih qn lwgI ]
ghar kee naar ourehi than laagee ||
And the wife of his house, who was so attached to his body and heart,

auh qau BUqu BUqu kir BwgI ]3]
ouh tho bhooth bhooth kar bhaagee ||3||
runs away, crying out, ""Ghost! Ghost!""||3||

kih rivdws sBY jgu lUitAw ]
kehi ravidhaas sabhai jag loottiaa ||
Says Ravi Daas, the whole world has been plundered,

hm qau eyk rwmu kih CUitAw ]4]3]
ham tho eaek raam kehi shhoottiaa ||4||3||
but I have escaped, chanting the Name of the One Lord. ||4||3||

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