This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Soohee on Pannaa 793
sUhI lilq kbIr jIau ]
soohee lalith kabeer jeeo ||
Soohee, Lalit, Kabeer Jee:
eyku kotu pMc iskdwrw pMcy mwgih hwlw ]
eaek kott pa(n)ch sikadhaaraa pa(n)chae maagehi haalaa ||
In the one fortress of the body, there are five rulers, and all five demand payment of taxes.
ijmI nwhI mY iksI kI boeI AYsw dynu duKwlw ]1]
jimee naahee mai kisee kee boee aisaa dhaen dhukhaalaa ||1||
I have not farmed anyone's land, so such payment is difficult for me to pay. ||1||
hir ky logw mo kau nIiq fsY ptvwrI ]
har kae logaa mo ko neeth ddasai pattavaaree ||
O people of the Lord, the tax-collector is constantly torturing me!
aUpir Bujw kir mY gur pih pukwirAw iqin hau lIAw aubwrI ]1] rhwau ]
oopar bhujaa kar mai gur pehi pukaariaa thin ho leeaa oubaaree ||1|| rehaao ||
Raising my arms up, I complained to my Guru, and He has saved me. ||1||Pause||
nau fwfI ds muMsP Dwvih reIAiq bsn n dyhI ]
no ddaaddee dhas mu(n)saf dhhaavehi reeath basan n dhaehee ||
The nine tax-assessors and the ten magistrates go out; they do not allow their subjects to live in peace.
forI pUrI mwpih nwhI bhu ibstwlw lyhI ]2]
ddoree pooree maapehi naahee bahu bisattaalaa laehee ||2||
They do not measure with a full tape, and they take huge amounts in bribes. ||2||
bhqir Gr ieku purKu smwieAw auin dIAw nwmu ilKweI ]
behathar ghar eik purakh samaaeiaa oun dheeaa naam likhaaee ||
The One Lord is contained in the seventy-two chambers of the body, and He has written off my account.
Drm rwie kw dPqru soiDAw bwkI irjm n kweI ]3]
dhharam raae kaa dhafathar sodhhiaa baakee rijam n kaaee ||3||
The records of the Righteous Judge of Dharma have been searched, and I owe absolutely nothing. ||3||
sMqw kau miq koeI inMdhu sMq rwmu hY eykuo ]
sa(n)thaa ko math koee ni(n)dhahu sa(n)th raam hai eaekuo ||
Let no one slander the Saints, because the Saints and the Lord are as one.
khu kbIr mY so guru pwieAw jw kw nwau ibbykuo ]4]5]
kahu kabeer mai so gur paaeiaa jaa kaa naao bibaekuo ||4||5||
Says Kabeer, I have found that Guru, whose Name is Clear Understanding. ||4||5||