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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
02 - Harjinder Singh - Baawre Te Gyan Bichar Na Paya Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Aise Kaahe Bhool Parey makkarjs
04 - Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh - Baaware Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh Deen Dayal Bharose Tere HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Bhagat Kabeer Ji in Raag Soohee on Pannaa 793

sUhI kbIr jIau lilq ]
soohee kabeer jeeo lalith ||
Soohee, Kabeer Jee, Lallit:

Qwky nYn sRvn suin Qwky QwkI suMdir kwieAw ]
thhaakae nain sravan sun thhaakae thhaakee su(n)dhar kaaeiaa ||
My eyes are exhausted, and my ears are tired of hearing; my beautiful body is exhausted.

jrw hwk dI sB miq QwkI eyk n Qwkis mwieAw ]1]
jaraa haak dhee sabh math thhaakee eaek n thhaakas maaeiaa ||1||
Driven forward by old age, all my senses are exhausted; only my attachment to Maya is not exhausted. ||1||

bwvry qY igAwn bIcwru n pwieAw ]
baavarae thai giaan beechaar n paaeiaa ||
O mad man, you have not obtained spiritual wisdom and meditation.

ibrQw jnmu gvwieAw ]1] rhwau ]
birathhaa janam gavaaeiaa ||1|| rehaao ||
You have wasted this human life, and lost. ||1||Pause||

qb lgu pRwnI iqsY sryvhu jb lgu Gt mih swsw ]
thab lag praanee thisai saraevahu jab lag ghatt mehi saasaa ||
O mortal, serve the Lord, as long as the breath of life remains in the body.

jy Gtu jwie q Bwau n jwsI hir ky crn invwsw ]2]
jae ghatt jaae th bhaao n jaasee har kae charan nivaasaa ||2||
And even when your body dies, your love for the Lord shall not die; you shall dwell at the Feet of the Lord. ||2||

ijs kau sbdu bswvY AMqir cUkY iqsih ipAwsw ]
jis ko sabadh basaavai a(n)thar chookai thisehi piaasaa ||
When the Word of the Shabad abides deep within, thirst and desire are quenched.

hukmY bUJY caupiV KylY mnu ijix Fwly pwsw ]3]
hukamai boojhai chouparr khaelai man jin dtaalae paasaa ||3||
When one understands the Hukam of the Lord's Command, he plays the game of chess with the Lord; throwing the dice, he conquers his own mind. ||3||

jo jn jwin Bjih Aibgq kau iqn kw kCU n nwsw ]
jo jan jaan bhajehi abigath ko thin kaa kashhoo n naasaa ||
Those humble beings, who know the Imperishable Lord and meditate on Him, are not destroyed at all.

khu kbIr qy jn kbhu n hwrih Fwil ju jwnih pwsw ]4]4]
kahu kabeer thae jan kabahu n haarehi dtaal j jaanehi paasaa ||4||4||
Says Kabeer, those humble beings who know how to throw these dice, never lose the game of life. ||4||4||

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