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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Harjinder Singh - Mith Bolra Ji Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Dekha Darshan Tera Ram HSinghDCWale
Amrik Singh Zakhmi - Mithe Bolrha Ji Amrik Singh Zakhmi Wahe Guru Tera Sabh Sadhaka (Live Recordings) HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Soohee on Pannaa 784

rwgu sUhI mhlw 5 CMq
raag soohee mehalaa 5 shha(n)tha
Raag Soohee, Fifth Mehla, Chhant:

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

imT bolVw jI hir sjxu suAwmI morw ]
mit(h) bolarraa jee har sajan suaamee moraa ||
My Dear Lord and Master, my Friend, speaks so sweetly.

hau sMmil QkI jI Ehu kdy n bolY kaurw ]
ho sa(n)mal thhakee jee ouhu kadhae n bolai kouraa ||
I have grown weary of testing Him, but still, He never speaks harshly to me.

kauVw boil n jwnY pUrn BgvwnY Aaugxu ko n icqwry ]
kourraa bol n jaanai pooran bhagavaanai aougan ko n chithaarae ||
He does not know any bitter words; the Perfect Lord God does not even consider my faults and demerits.

piqq pwvnu hir ibrdu sdwey ieku iqlu nhI BMnY Gwly ]
pathith paavan har biradh sadhaaeae eik thil nehee bha(n)nai ghaalae ||
It is the Lord's natural way to purify sinners; He does not overlook even an iota of service.

Gt Gt vwsI srb invwsI nyrY hI qy nyrw ]
ghatt ghatt vaasee sarab nivaasee naerai hee thae naeraa ||
He dwells in each and every heart, pervading everywhere; He is the nearest of the near.

nwnk dwsu sdw srxwgiq hir AMimRq sjxu myrw ]1]
naanak dhaas sadhaa saranaagath har a(n)mrith sajan maeraa ||1||
Slave Nanak seeks His Sanctuary forever; the Lord is my Ambrosial Friend. ||1||

hau ibsmu BeI jI hir drsnu dyiK Apwrw ]
ho bisam bhee jee har dharasan dhaekh apaaraa ||
I am wonder-struck, gazing upon the incomparable Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan.

myrw suMdru suAwmI jI hau crn kml pg Cwrw ]
maeraa su(n)dhar suaamee jee ho charan kamal pag shhaaraa ||
My Dear Lord and Master is so beautiful; I am the dust of His Lotus Feet.

pRB pyKq jIvw TMFI QIvw iqsu jyvfu Avru n koeI ]
prabh paekhath jeevaa t(h)a(n)dtee thheevaa this jaevadd avar n koee ||
Gazing upon God, I live, and I am at peace; no one else is as great as He is.

Awid AMiq miD pRBu rivAw jil Qil mhIAil soeI ]
aadh a(n)th madhh prabh raviaa jal thhal meheeal soee ||
Present at the beginning, end and middle of time, He pervades the sea, the land and the sky.

crn kml jip swgru qirAw Bvjl auqry pwrw ]
charan kamal jap saagar thariaa bhavajal outharae paaraa ||
Meditating on His Lotus Feet, I have crossed over the sea, the terrifying world-ocean.

nwnk srix pUrn prmysur qyrw AMqu n pwrwvwrw ]2]
naanak saran pooran paramaesur thaeraa a(n)th n paaraavaaraa ||2||
Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of the Perfect Transcendent Lord; You have no end or limitation, Lord. ||2||

hau inmK n Cofw jI hir pRIqm pRwn ADwro ]
ho nimakh n shhoddaa jee har preetham praan adhhaaro ||
I shall not forsake, even for an instant, my Dear Beloved Lord, the Support of the breath of life.

guir siqgur kihAw jI swcw Agm bIcwro ]
gur sathigur kehiaa jee saachaa agam beechaaro ||
The Guru, the True Guru, has instructed me in the contemplation of the True, Inaccessible Lord.

imil swDU dInw qw nwmu lInw jnm mrx duK nwTy ]
mil saadhhoo dheenaa thaa naam leenaa janam maran dhukh naat(h)ae ||
Meeting with the humble, Holy Saint, I obtained the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and the pains of birth and death left me.

shj sUK Awnµd Gnyry haumY ibnTI gwTy ]
sehaj sookh aana(n)dh ghanaerae houmai binat(h)ee gaat(h)ae ||
I have been blessed with peace, poise and abundant bliss, and the knot of egotism has been untied.

sB kY miD sB hU qy bwhir rwg doK qy inAwro ]
sabh kai madhh sabh hoo thae baahar raag dhokh thae niaaro ||
He is inside all, and outside of all; He is untouched by love or hate.

nwnk dws goibMd srxweI hir pRIqmu mnih sDwro ]3]
naanak dhaas gobi(n)dh saranaaee har preetham manehi sadhhaaro ||3||
Slave Nanak has entered the Sanctuary of the Lord of the Universe; the Beloved Lord is the Support of the mind. ||3||

mY Kojq Kojq jI hir inhclu su Gru pwieAw ]
mai khojath khojath jee har nihachal s ghar paaeiaa ||
I searched and searched, and found the immovable, unchanging home of the Lord.

siB ADRüv ifTy jIau qw crn kml icqu lwieAw ]
sabh adhhraav ddit(h)ae jeeo thaa charan kamal chith laaeiaa ||
I have seen that everything is transitory and perishable, and so I have linked my consciousness to the Lotus Feet of the Lord.

pRBu AibnwsI hau iqs kI dwsI mrY n AwvY jwey ]
prabh abinaasee ho this kee dhaasee marai n aavai jaaeae ||
God is eternal and unchanging, and I am just His hand-maiden; He does not die, or come and go in reincarnation.

Drm ArQ kwm siB pUrn min icMdI ieC pujwey ]
dhharam arathh kaam sabh pooran man chi(n)dhee eishh pujaaeae ||
He is overflowing with Dharmic faith, wealth and success; He fulfills the desires of the mind.

sRüiq isimRiq gun gwvih krqy isD swiDk muin jn iDAwieAw ]
sraath simrith gun gaavehi karathae sidhh saadhhik mun jan dhhiaaeiaa ||
The Vedas and the Simritees sing the Praises of the Creator, while the Siddhas, seekers and silent sages meditate on Him.

nwnk srin ik®pw iniD suAwmI vfBwgI hir hir gwieAw ]4]1]11]
naanak saran kirapaa nidhh suaamee vaddabhaagee har har gaaeiaa ||4||1||11||
Nanak has entered the Sanctuary of his Lord and Master, the treasure of mercy; by great good fortune, he sings the Praises of the Lord, Har, Har. ||4||1||11||

This translation is an updated version.

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