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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
05 - Bakshish Singh - Kar Kirpa Mere Preetam Swami Bakshish Singh (Patiala Wale)(Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Babiha Benti Kare HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Soohee on Pannaa 780

sUhI mhlw 5 ]
soohee mehalaa 5 ||
Soohee, Fifth Mehla:

kir ikrpw myry pRIqm suAwmI nyqR dyKih drsu qyrw rwm ]
kar kirapaa maerae preetham suaamee naethr dhaekhehi dharas thaeraa raam ||
Be Merciful, O my Beloved Lord and Master, that I may behold the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan with my eyes.

lwK ijhvw dyhu myry ipAwry muKu hir AwrwDy myrw rwm ]
laakh jihavaa dhaehu maerae piaarae mukh har aaraadhhae maeraa raam ||
Please bless me, O my Beloved, with thousands of tongues, to worship and adore You with my mouth, O Lord.

hir AwrwDy jm pMQu swDy dUKu n ivAwpY koeI ]
har aaraadhhae jam pa(n)thh saadhhae dhookh n viaapai koee ||
Worshipping the Lord in adoration, the Path of Death is overcome, and no pain or suffering will afflict you.

jil Qil mhIAil pUrn suAwmI jq dyKw qq soeI ]
jal thhal meheeal pooran suaamee jath dhaekhaa thath soee ||
The Lord and Master is pervading and permeating the water, the land and the sky; wherever I look, there He is.

Brm moh ibkwr nwTy pRBu nyr hU qy nyrw ]
bharam moh bikaar naat(h)ae prabh naer hoo thae naeraa ||
Doubt, attachment and corruption are gone. God is the nearest of the near.

nwnk kau pRB ikrpw kIjY nyqR dyKih drsu qyrw ]1]
naanak ko prabh kirapaa keejai naethr dhaekhehi dharas thaeraa ||1||
Please bless Nanak with Your Merciful Grace, O God, that his eyes may behold the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||1||

koit krn dIjih pRB pRIqm hir gux suxIAih AibnwsI rwm ]
kott karan dheejehi prabh preetham har gun suneeahi abinaasee raam ||
Please bless me, O Beloved God, with millions of ears, with which I may hear the Glorious Praises of the Imperishable Lord.

suix suix iehu mnu inrmlu hovY ktIAY kwl kI PwsI rwm ]
sun sun eihu man niramal hovai katteeai kaal kee faasee raam ||
Listening, listening to these, this mind becomes spotless and pure, and the noose of Death is cut.

ktIAY jm PwsI ismir AibnwsI sgl mMgl suigAwnw ]
katteeai jam faasee simar abinaasee sagal ma(n)gal sugiaanaa ||
The noose of Death is cut, meditating on the Imperishable Lord, and all happiness and wisdom are obtained.

hir hir jpu jpIAY idnu rwqI lwgY shij iDAwnw ]
har har jap japeeai dhin raathee laagai sehaj dhhiaanaa ||
Chant, and meditate, day and night, on the Lord, Har, Har. Focus your meditation on the Celestial Lord.

klml duK jwry pRBU icqwry mn kI durmiq nwsI ]
kalamal dhukh jaarae prabhoo chithaarae man kee dhuramath naasee ||
The painful sins are burnt away, by keeping God in one's thoughts; evil-mindedness is erased.

khu nwnk pRB ikrpw kIjY hir gux suxIAih AivnwsI ]2]
kahu naanak prabh kirapaa keejai har gun suneeahi avinaasee ||2||
Says Nanak, O God, please be Merciful to me, that I may listen to Your Glorious Praises, O Imperishable Lord. ||2||

kroiV hsq qyrI thl kmwvih crx clih pRB mwrig rwm ]
karorr hasath thaeree ttehal kamaavehi charan chalehi prabh maarag raam ||
Please give me millions of hands to serve You, God, and let my feet walk on Your Path.

Bv swgr nwv hir syvw jo cVY iqsu qwrig rwm ]
bhav saagar naav har saevaa jo charrai this thaarag raam ||
Service to the Lord is the boat to carry us across the terrifying world-ocean.

Bvjlu qirAw hir hir ismirAw sgl mnorQ pUry ]
bhavajal thariaa har har simariaa sagal manorathh poorae ||
So cross over the terrifying world-ocean, meditating in remembrance on the Lord, Har, Har; all wishes shall be fulfilled.

mhw ibkwr gey suK aupjy bwjy Anhd qUry ]
mehaa bikaar geae sukh oupajae baajae anehadh thoorae ||
Even the worst corruption is taken away; peace wells up, and the unstruck celestial harmony vibrates and resounds.

mn bWCq Pl pwey sgly kudriq kIm Apwrig ]
man baa(n)shhath fal paaeae sagalae kudharath keem apaarag ||
All the fruits of the mind's desires are obtained; His creative power is infinitely valuable.

khu nwnk pRB ikrpw kIjY mnu sdw clY qyrY mwrig ]3]
kahu naanak prabh kirapaa keejai man sadhaa chalai thaerai maarag ||3||
Says Nanak, please be Merciful to me, God, that my mind may follow Your Path forever. ||3||

eyho vru eyhw vifAweI iehu Dnu hoie vfBwgw rwm ]
eaeho var eaehaa vaddiaaee eihu dhhan hoe vaddabhaagaa raam ||
This opportunity, this glorious greatness, this blessing and wealth, come by great good fortune.

eyho rMgu eyho rs Bogw hir crxI mnu lwgw rwm ]
eaeho ra(n)g eaeho ras bhogaa har charanee man laagaa raam ||
These pleasures, these delightful enjoyments, come when my mind is attached to the Lord's Feet.

mnu lwgw crxy pRB kI srxy krx kwrx gopwlw ]
man laagaa charanae prabh kee saranae karan kaaran gopaalaa ||
My mind is attached to God's Feet; I seek His Sanctuary. He is the Creator, the Cause of causes, the Cherisher of the world.

sBu ikCu qyrw qU pRBu myrw myry Twkur dIn dieAwlw ]
sabh kishh thaeraa thoo prabh maeraa maerae t(h)aakur dheen dhaeiaalaa ||
Everything is Yours; You are my God, O my Lord and Master, Merciful to the meek.

moih inrgux pRIqm suK swgr sMqsMig mnu jwgw ]
mohi niragun preetham sukh saagar sa(n)thasa(n)g man jaagaa ||
I am worthless, O my Beloved, ocean of peace. In the Saints' Congregation, my mind is awakened.

khu nwnk pRiB ikrpw kIn@I crx kml mnu lwgw ]4]3]6]
kahu naanak prabh kirapaa keenhee charan kamal man laagaa ||4||3||6||
Says Nanak, God has been Merciful to me; my mind is attached to His Lotus Feet. ||4||3||6||

This translation is an updated version.

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