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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
02 - Niranjan Singh - Mere Har Jeeo Sabh Ko Tere Vass Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Japeo Jin Arjan Dev Guru HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Soohee on Pannaa 736

sUhI mhlw 4 ]
soohee mehalaa 4 ||
Soohee, Fourth Mehla:

kIqw krxw srb rjweI ikCu kIcY jy kir skIAY ]
keethaa karanaa sarab rajaaee kishh keechai jae kar sakeeai ||
All that happens, and all that will happen, is by His Will. If we could do something by ourselves, we would.

Awpxw kIqw ikCU n hovY ijau hir BwvY iqau rKIAY ]1]
aapanaa keethaa kishhoo n hovai jio har bhaavai thio rakheeai ||1||
By ourselves, we cannot do anything at all. As it pleases the Lord, He preserves us. ||1||

myry hir jIau sBu ko qyrY vis ]
maerae har jeeo sabh ko thaerai vas ||
O my Dear Lord, everything is in Your power.

Asw joru nwhI jy ikCu kir hm swkh ijau BwvY iqvY bKis ]1] rhwau ]
asaa jor naahee jae kishh kar ham saakeh jio bhaavai thivai bakhas ||1|| rehaao ||
I have no power to do anything at all. As it pleases You, You forgive us. ||1||Pause||

sBu jIau ipMfu dIAw quDu Awpy quDu Awpy kwrY lwieAw ]
sabh jeeo pi(n)dd dheeaa thudhh aapae thudhh aapae kaarai laaeiaa ||
You Yourself bless us with soul, body and everything. You Yourself cause us to act.

jyhw qUM hukmu krih qyhy ko krm kmwvY jyhw quDu Duir iliK pwieAw ]2]
jaehaa thoo(n) hukam karehi thaehae ko karam kamaavai jaehaa thudhh dhhur likh paaeiaa ||2||
As You issue Your Commands, so do we act, according to our pre-ordained destiny. ||2||

pMc qqu kir quDu isRsit sB swjI koeI Cyvw kirau jy ikCu kIqw hovY ]
pa(n)ch thath kar thudhh srisatt sabh saajee koee shhaevaa kario jae kishh keethaa hovai ||
You created the entire Universe out of the five elements; if anyone can create a sixth, let him.

ieknw siqguru myil qUM buJwvih ieik mnmuiK krih is rovY ]3]
eikanaa sathigur mael thoo(n) bujhaavehi eik manamukh karehi s rovai ||3||
You unite some with the True Guru, and cause them to understand, while others, the self-willed manmukhs, do their deeds and cry out in pain. ||3||

hir kI vifAweI hau AwiK n swkw hau mUrKu mugDu nIcwxu ]
har kee vaddiaaee ho aakh n saakaa ho moorakh mugadhh neechaan ||
I cannot describe the glorious greatness of the Lord; I am foolish, thoughtless, idiotic and lowly.

jn nwnk kau hir bKis lY myry suAwmI srxwgiq pieAw Ajwxu ]4]4]15]24]
jan naanak ko har bakhas lai maerae suaamee saranaagath paeiaa ajaan ||4||4||15||24||
Please, forgive servant Nanak, O my Lord and Master; I am ignorant, but I have entered Your Sanctuary. ||4||4||15||24||

This translation is an updated version.

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