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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
05 - Davinder Singh Sodhi - Tera Naam Roodho Roop Roodho Davinder Singh Sodhi (Ludhiane Wale) Shabad Gurbani admin


This Shabad is by Bhagat Naam Dev Ji in Raag Dhanaasree on Pannaa 693

mwrvwiV jYsy nIru bwlhw byil bwlhw krhlw ]
maaravaarr jaisae neer baalehaa bael baalehaa karehalaa ||
As water is very precious in the desert, and the creeper weeds are dear to the camel,

ijau kurMk inis nwdu bwlhw iqau myrY min rwmeIAw ]1]
jio kura(n)k nis naadh baalehaa thio maerai man raameeaa ||1||
and the tune of the hunter's bell at night is enticing to the deer, so is the Lord to my mind. ||1||

qyrw nwmu rUVo rUpu rUVo Aiq rMg rUVo myro rwmeIAw ]1] rhwau ]
thaeraa naam roorro roop roorro ath ra(n)g roorro maero raameeaa ||1|| rehaao ||
Your Name is so beautiful! Your form is so beautiful! Your Love is so very beautiful, O my Lord. ||1||Pause||

ijau DrxI kau ieMdRü bwlhw kusm bwsu jYsy Bvrlw ]
jio dhharanee ko ei(n)dhra baalehaa kusam baas jaisae bhavaralaa ||
As rain is dear to the earth, and the flower's fragrance is dear to the bumble bee,

ijau koikl kau AMbu bwlhw iqau myrY min rwmeIAw ]2]
jio kokil ko a(n)b baalehaa thio maerai man raameeaa ||2||
and the mango is dear to the cuckoo, so is the Lord to my mind. ||2||

ckvI kau jYsy sUru bwlhw mwn srovr hMsulw ]
chakavee ko jaisae soor baalehaa maan sarovar ha(n)sulaa ||
As the sun is dear to the chakvi duck, and the lake of Man Sarovar is dear to the swan,

ijau qruxI kau kMqu bwlhw iqau myrY min rwmeIAw ]3]
jio tharunee ko ka(n)th baalehaa thio maerai man raameeaa ||3||
and the husband is dear to his wife, so is the Lord to my mind. ||3||

bwirk kau jYsy KIru bwlhw cwiqRk muK jYsy jlDrw ]
baarik ko jaisae kheer baalehaa chaathrik mukh jaisae jaladhharaa ||
As milk is dear to the baby, and the raindrop is dear to the mouth of the rainbird,

mCulI kau jYsy nIru bwlhw iqau myrY min rwmeIAw ]4]
mashhulee ko jaisae neer baalehaa thio maerai man raameeaa ||4||
and as water is dear to the fish, so is the Lord to my mind. ||4||

swiDk isD sgl muin cwhih ibrly kwhU fITulw ]
saadhhik sidhh sagal mun chaahehi biralae kaahoo ddeet(h)ulaa ||
All the seekers, Siddhas and silent sages seek Him, but only a rare few behold Him.

sgl Bvx qyro nwmu bwlhw iqau nwmy min bITulw ]5]3]
sagal bhavan thaero naam baalehaa thio naamae man beet(h)ulaa ||5||3||
Just as Your Name is dear to all the Universe, so is the Lord dear to Naam Dayv's mind. ||5||3||

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