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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
05 - Harjinder Singh - Aisey Brahm Bhoolai Sansara Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Prabhu Ki Bani HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Dhanaasree on Pannaa 676

DnwsrI mhlw 5 Gru 2 caupdy
dhhanaasaree mehalaa 5 ghar 2 choupadhae
Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehla, Second House, Chau-Paday:

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Coif jwih sy krih prwl ]
shhodd jaahi sae karehi paraal ||
You shall have to abandon the straw which you have collected.

kwim n Awvih sy jMjwl ]
kaam n aavehi sae ja(n)jaal ||
These entanglements shall be of no use to you.

sMig n cwlih iqn isau hIq ]
sa(n)g n chaalehi thin sio heeth ||
You are in love with those things that will not go with you.

jo bYrweI syeI mIq ]1]
jo bairaaee saeee meeth ||1||
You think that your enemies are friends. ||1||

AYsy Brim Buly sMswrw ]
aisae bharam bhulae sa(n)saaraa ||
In such confusion, the world has gone astray.

jnmu pdwrQu Koie gvwrw ] rhwau ]
janam padhaarathh khoe gavaaraa || rehaao ||
The foolish mortal wastes this precious human life. ||Pause||

swcu Drmu nhI BwvY fITw ]
saach dhharam nehee bhaavai ddeet(h)aa ||
He does not like to see Truth and righteousness.

JUT Doh isau ricE mITw ]
jhoot(h) dhhoh sio rachiou meet(h)aa ||
He is attached to falsehood and deception; they seem sweet to him.

dwiq ipAwrI ivsirAw dwqwrw ]
dhaath piaaree visariaa dhaathaaraa ||
He loves gifts, but he forgets the Giver.

jwxY nwhI mrxu ivcwrw ]2]
jaanai naahee maran vichaaraa ||2||
The wretched creature does not even think of death. ||2||

vsqu prweI kau auiT rovY ]
vasath paraaee ko out(h) rovai ||
He cries for the possessions of others.

krm Drm sglw eI KovY ]
karam dhharam sagalaa ee khovai ||
He forfeits all the merits of his good deeds and religion.

hukmu n bUJY Awvx jwxy ]
hukam n boojhai aavan jaanae ||
He does not understand the Hukam of the Lord's Command, and so he continues coming and going in reincarnation.

pwp krY qw pCoqwxy ]3]
paap karai thaa pashhothaanae ||3||
He sins, and then regrets and repents. ||3||

jo quDu BwvY so prvwxu ]
jo thudhh bhaavai so paravaan ||
Whatever pleases You, Lord, that alone is acceptable.

qyry Bwxy no kurbwxu ]
thaerae bhaanae no kurabaan ||
I am a sacrifice to Your Will.

nwnku grIbu bMdw jnu qyrw ]
naanak gareeb ba(n)dhaa jan thaeraa ||
Poor Nanak is Your slave, Your humble servant.

rwiK lyie swihbu pRBu myrw ]4]1]22]
raakh laee saahib prabh maeraa ||4||1||22||
Save me, O my Lord God Master! ||4||1||22||

This translation is an updated version.

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