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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
03 - Harjinder Singh - Sabh Ko Meet Ham Aapan Keena Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Na Ko Dushman Dokhiya HSinghDCWale
04 - Anoop Singh - Door Praiyo Mann Ka Birha Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Na Ko Bairi Nahi Bigana admin


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Dhanaasree on Pannaa 671

DnwsrI mÚ 5 ]
dhhanaasaree ma 5 ||
Dhanaasaree, Fifth Mehla:

kir ikrpw dIE moih nwmw bMDn qy Cutkwey ]
kar kirapaa dheeou mohi naamaa ba(n)dhhan thae shhuttakaaeae ||
Granting His Grace, God has blessed me with His Name, and released me of my bonds.

mn qy ibsirE sglo DMDw gur kI crxI lwey ]1]
man thae bisariou sagalo dhha(n)dhhaa gur kee charanee laaeae ||1||
I have forgotten all worldly entanglements, and I am attached to the Guru's feet. ||1||

swDsMig icMq ibrwnI CwfI ]
saadhhasa(n)g chi(n)th biraanee shhaaddee ||
In the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, I have renounced my other cares and anxieties.

AhMbuiD moh mn bwsn dy kir gfhw gwfI ]1] rhwau ]
aha(n)budhh moh man baasan dhae kar gaddehaa gaaddee ||1|| rehaao ||
I dug a deep pit, and buried my egotistical pride, emotional attachment and the desires of my mind. ||1||Pause||

nw ko myrw dusmnu rihAw nw hm iks ky bYrweI ]
naa ko maeraa dhusaman rehiaa naa ham kis kae bairaaee ||
No one is my enemy, and I am no one's enemy.

bRhmu pswru pswirE BIqir siqgur qy soJI pweI ]2]
breham pasaar pasaariou bheethar sathigur thae sojhee paaee ||2||
God, who expanded His expanse, is within all; I learned this from the True Guru. ||2||

sBu ko mIqu hm Awpn kInw hm sBnw ky swjn ]
sabh ko meeth ham aapan keenaa ham sabhanaa kae saajan ||
I am a friend to all; I am everyone's friend.

dUir prwieE mn kw ibrhw qw mylu kIE myrY rwjn ]3]
dhoor paraaeiou man kaa birehaa thaa mael keeou maerai raajan ||3||
When the sense of separation was removed from my mind, then I was united with the Lord, my King. ||3||

ibnisE FITw AMimRqu vUTw sbdu lgo gur mITw ]
binasiou dteet(h)aa a(n)mrith voot(h)aa sabadh lago gur meet(h)aa ||
My stubbornness is gone, Ambrosial Nectar rains down, and the Word of the Guru's Shabad seems so sweet to me.

jil Qil mhIAil srb invwsI nwnk rmeIAw fITw ]4]3]
jal thhal meheeal sarab nivaasee naanak rameeaa ddeet(h)aa ||4||3||
He is pervading everywhere, in the water, on the land and in the sky; Nanak beholds the all-pervading Lord. ||4||3||

This translation is an updated version.

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