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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Niranjan Singh - Naad Samaelo Re Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Ram Ram Bol Bol HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Bhagat Naam Dev Ji in Raag Sorath on Pannaa 656

rwgu soriT bwxI Bgq nwmdy jI kI Gru 2
raag sorat(h) baanee bhagath naamadhae jee kee ghar 2
Raag Sorat'h, The Word Of Devotee Naam Dayv Jee, Second House:

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

jb dyKw qb gwvw ]
jab dhaekhaa thab gaavaa ||
When I see Him, I sing His Praises.

qau jn DIrju pwvw ]1]
tho jan dhheeraj paavaa ||1||
Then I, his humble servant, become patient. ||1||

nwid smwielo ry siqguru Byitly dyvw ]1] rhwau ]
naadh samaaeilo rae sathigur bhaettilae dhaevaa ||1|| rehaao ||
Meeting the Divine True Guru, I merge into the sound current of the Naad. ||1||Pause||

jh iJil imil kwru idsMqw ]
jeh jhil mil kaar dhisa(n)thaa ||
Where the dazzling white light is seen,

qh Anhd sbd bjMqw ]
theh anehadh sabadh baja(n)thaa ||
there the unstruck sound current of the Shabad resounds.

joqI joiq smwnI ]
jothee joth samaanee ||
One's light merges in the Light;

mY gur prswdI jwnI ]2]
mai gur parasaadhee jaanee ||2||
by Guru's Grace, I know this. ||2||

rqn kml koTrI ]
rathan kamal kot(h)aree ||
The jewels are in the treasure chamber of the heart-lotus.

cmkwr bIjul qhI ]
chamakaar beejul thehee ||
They sparkle and glitter like lightning.

nyrY nwhI dUir ]
naerai naahee dhoor ||
The Lord is near at hand, not far away.

inj AwqmY rihAw BrpUir ]3]
nij aathamai rehiaa bharapoor ||3||
He is totally permeating and pervading in my soul. ||3||

jh Anhq sUr auj´wrw ]
jeh anehath soor oujyaaraa ||
Where the light of the undying sun shines,

qh dIpk jlY CMCwrw ]
theh dheepak jalai shha(n)shhaaraa ||
the light of burning lamps seems insignificant.

gur prswdI jwinAw ]
gur parasaadhee jaaniaa ||
By Guru's Grace, I know this.

jnu nwmw shj smwinAw ]4]1]
jan naamaa sehaj samaaniaa ||4||1||
Servant Naam Dayv is absorbed in the Celestial Lord. ||4||1||

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