This shabad has been sung by the following:
This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Sorath on Pannaa 631
soriT mhlw 5 ]
sorat(h) mehalaa 5 ||
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehla:
sunhu ibnµqI Twkur myry jIA jMq qyry Dwry ]
sunahu bina(n)thee t(h)aakur maerae jeea ja(n)th thaerae dhhaarae ||
Hear my prayer, O my Lord and Master; all beings and creatures were created by You.
rwKu pYj nwm Apuny kI krn krwvnhwry ]1]
raakh paij naam apunae kee karan karaavanehaarae ||1||
You preserve the honor of Your Name, O Lord, Cause of causes. ||1||
pRB jIau Ksmwnw kir ipAwry ]
prabh jeeo khasamaanaa kar piaarae ||
O Dear God, Beloved, please, make me Your own.
bury Bly hm Qwry ] rhwau ]
burae bhalae ham thhaarae || rehaao ||
Whether good or bad, I am Yours. ||Pause||
suxI pukwr smrQ suAwmI bMDn kwit svwry ]
sunee pukaar samarathh suaamee ba(n)dhhan kaatt savaarae ||
The Almighty Lord and Master heard my prayer; cutting away my bonds, He has adorned me.
pihir isrpwau syvk jn myly nwnk pRgt phwry ]2]29]93]
pehir sirapaao saevak jan maelae naanak pragatt pehaarae ||2||29||93||
He dressed me in robes of honor, and blended His servant with Himself; Nanak is revealed in glory throughout the world. ||2||29||93||
This translation is an updated version.