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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Harjinder Singh - Ek Pita Ekas Ke Hum Baarak Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Sabh Jag Phir Main Dekhya Dekho Daata HSinghDCWale
02 - Harjinder Singh - Ek Pita Ekas Ke Hum Barak Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Ek Pitah Ekas Ke Hum Barak HSinghDCWale
01 - Niranjan Singh - Ek Pita Ekas Ke Hum Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Kar Kirpa Vasoh Meri Hriday HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Sorath on Pannaa 611

soriT mhlw 5 Gru 2 caupdy
sorat(h) mehalaa 5 ghar 2 choupadhae
Sorat'h, Fifth Mehla, Second House, Chau-Paday:

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

eyku ipqw eyks ky hm bwirk qU myrw gur hweI ]
eaek pithaa eaekas kae ham baarik thoo maeraa gur haaee ||
The One God is our father; we are the children of the One God. You are our Guru.

suix mIqw jIau hmwrw bil bil jwsI hir drsnu dyhu idKweI ]1]
sun meethaa jeeo hamaaraa bal bal jaasee har dharasan dhaehu dhikhaaee ||1||
Listen, friends: my soul is a sacrifice, a sacrifice to You; O Lord, reveal to me the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan. ||1||

suix mIqw DUrI kau bil jweI ]
sun meethaa dhhooree ko bal jaaee ||
Listen, friends: I am a sacrifice to the dust of Your feet.

iehu mnu qyrw BweI ] rhwau ]
eihu man thaeraa bhaaee || rehaao ||
This mind is yours, O Siblings of Destiny. ||Pause||

pwv mlovw mil mil Dovw iehu mnu qY kU dysw ]
paav malovaa mal mal dhhovaa eihu man thai koo dhaesaa ||
I wash your feet, I massage and clean them; I give this mind to you.

suix mIqw hau qyrI srxweI AwieAw pRB imlau dyhu aupdysw ]2]
sun meethaa ho thaeree saranaaee aaeiaa prabh milo dhaehu oupadhaesaa ||2||
Listen, friends: I have come to Your Sanctuary; teach me, that I might unite with God. ||2||

mwnu n kIjY srix prIjY krY su Blw mnweIAY ]
maan n keejai saran pareejai karai s bhalaa manaaeeai ||
Do not be proud; seek His Sanctuary, and accept as good all that He does.

suix mIqw jIau ipMfu sBu qnu ArpIjY ieau drsnu hir jIau pweIAY ]3]
sun meethaa jeeo pi(n)dd sabh than arapeejai eio dharasan har jeeo paaeeai ||3||
Listen, friends: dedicate your soul, body and your whole being to Him; thus you shall receive the Blessed Vision of His Darshan. ||3||

BieE AnugRhu pRswid sMqn kY hir nwmw hY mITw ]
bhaeiou anugrahu prasaadh sa(n)than kai har naamaa hai meet(h)aa ||
He has shown mercy to me, by the Grace of the Saints; the Lord's Name is sweet to me.

jn nwnk kau guir ikrpw DwrI sBu Akul inrMjnu fITw ]4]1]12]
jan naanak ko gur kirapaa dhhaaree sabh akul nira(n)jan ddeet(h)aa ||4||1||12||
The Guru has shown mercy to servant Nanak; I see the casteless, immaculate Lord everywhere. ||4||1||12||

This translation is an updated version.

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