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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Harjinder Singh - Asee Bhi Uthai Jaana Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Satgur Pyaara Preetum Pyaara HSinghDCWale
02 - Mohinderjeet Singh - Assan Bhi Othe Janan Mohinderjeet Singh (Delhi Wale) Asaan Bhi Othe Jaana HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Vadhans on Pannaa 579

vfhMsu mhlw 1 ]
vaddeha(n)s mehalaa 1 ||
Wadahans, First Mehla:

Awvhu imlhu shylIho scVw nwmu leyhW ]
aavahu milahu sehaeleeho sacharraa naam leaehaa(n) ||
Come, O my companions - let us meet together and dwell upon the True Name.

rovh ibrhw qn kw Awpxw swihbu sMm@wlyhW ]
roveh birehaa than kaa aapanaa saahib sa(n)mhaalaehaa(n) ||
Let us weep over the body's separation from the Lord and Master; let us remember Him in contemplation.

swihbu sm@wilh pMQu inhwilh Asw iB EQY jwxw ]
saahib samhaalih pa(n)thh nihaalih asaa bh outhhai jaanaa ||
Let us remember the Lord and Master in contemplation, and keep a watchful eye on the Path. We shall have to go there as well.

ijs kw kIAw iqn hI lIAw hoAw iqsY kw Bwxw ]
jis kaa keeaa thin hee leeaa hoaa thisai kaa bhaanaa ||
He who has created, also destroys; whatever happens is by His Will.

jo iqin kir pwieAw su AwgY AwieAw AsI ik hukmu kryhw ]
jo thin kar paaeiaa s aagai aaeiaa asee k hukam karaehaa ||
Whatever He has done, has come to pass; how can we command Him?

Awvhu imlhu shylIho scVw nwmu leyhw ]1]
aavahu milahu sehaeleeho sacharraa naam leaehaa ||1||
Come, O my companions - let us meet together and dwell upon the True Name. ||1||

mrxu n mMdw lokw AwKIAY jy mir jwxY AYsw koie ]
maran n ma(n)dhaa lokaa aakheeai jae mar jaanai aisaa koe ||
Death would not be called bad, O people, if one knew how to truly die.

syivhu swihbu sMmRQu Awpxw pMQu suhylw AwgY hoie ]
saevihu saahib sa(n)mrathh aapanaa pa(n)thh suhaelaa aagai hoe ||
Serve your Almighty Lord and Master, and your path in the world hereafter will be easy.

pMiQ suhylY jwvhu qW Plu pwvhu AwgY imlY vfweI ]
pa(n)thh suhaelai jaavahu thaa(n) fal paavahu aagai milai vaddaaee ||
Take this easy path, and you shall obtain the fruits of your rewards, and receive honor in the world hereafter.

BytY isau jwvhu sic smwvhu qW piq lyKY pweI ]
bhaettai sio jaavahu sach samaavahu thaa(n) path laekhai paaee ||
Go there with your offering, and you shall merge in the True Lord; your honor shall be confirmed.

mhlI jwie pwvhu KsmY Bwvhu rMg isau rlIAw mwxY ]
mehalee jaae paavahu khasamai bhaavahu ra(n)g sio raleeaa maanai ||
You shall obtain a place in the Mansion of the Lord Master's Presence; being pleasing to Him, you shall enjoy the pleasures of His Love.

mrxu n mMdw lokw AwKIAY jy koeI mir jwxY ]2]
maran n ma(n)dhaa lokaa aakheeai jae koee mar jaanai ||2||
Death would not be called bad, O people, if one knew how to truly die. ||2||

mrxu muxsw sUirAw hku hY jo hoie mrin prvwxo ]
maran munasaa sooriaa hak hai jo hoe maran paravaano ||
The death of brave heroes is blessed, if it is approved by God.

sUry syeI AwgY AwKIAih drgh pwvih swcI mwxo ]
soorae saeee aagai aakheeahi dharageh paavehi saachee maano ||
They alone are acclaimed as brave warriors in the world hereafter, who receive true honor in the Court of the Lord.

drgh mwxu pwvih piq isau jwvih AwgY dUKu n lwgY ]
dharageh maan paavehi path sio jaavehi aagai dhookh n laagai ||
They are honored in the Court of the Lord; they depart with honor, and they do not suffer pain in the world hereafter.

kir eyku iDAwvih qW Plu pwvih ijqu syivAY Bau BwgY ]
kar eaek dhhiaavehi thaa(n) fal paavehi jith saeviai bho bhaagai ||
They meditate on the One Lord, and obtain the fruits of their rewards. Serving the Lord, their fear is dispelled.

aUcw nhI khxw mn mih rhxw Awpy jwxY jwxo ]
oochaa nehee kehanaa man mehi rehanaa aapae jaanai jaano ||
Do not indulge in egotism, and dwell within your own mind; the Knower Himself knows everything.

mrxu muxsW sUirAw hku hY jo hoie mrih prvwxo ]3]
maran munasaa(n) sooriaa hak hai jo hoe marehi paravaano ||3||
The death of brave heroes is blessed, if it is approved by God. ||3||

nwnk iks no bwbw roeIAY bwjI hY iehu sMswro ]
naanak kis no baabaa roeeai baajee hai eihu sa(n)saaro ||
Nanak: for whom should we mourn, O Baba? This world is merely a play.

kIqw vyKY swihbu Awpxw kudriq kry bIcwro ]
keethaa vaekhai saahib aapanaa kudharath karae beechaaro ||
The Lord Master beholds His work, and contemplates His creative potency.

kudriq bIcwry Dwrx Dwry ijin kIAw so jwxY ]
kudharath beechaarae dhhaaran dhhaarae jin keeaa so jaanai ||
He contemplates His creative potency, having established the Universe. He who created it, He alone knows.

Awpy vyKY Awpy bUJY Awpy hukmu pCwxY ]
aapae vaekhai aapae boojhai aapae hukam pashhaanai ||
He Himself beholds it, and He Himself understands it. He Himself realizes the Hukam of His Command.

ijin ikCu kIAw soeI jwxY qw kw rUpu Apwro ]
jin kishh keeaa soee jaanai thaa kaa roop apaaro ||
He who created these things, He alone knows. His subtle form is infinite.

nwnk iks no bwbw roeIAY bwjI hY iehu sMswro ]4]2]
naanak kis no baabaa roeeai baajee hai eihu sa(n)saaro ||4||2||
Nanak: for whom should we mourn, O Baba? This world is merely a play. ||4||2||

This translation is an updated version.

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