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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Ravinder Singh - Teg Bahadar Simirey Ravinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Tu Mero Peyaro HSinghDCWale
05 - Joginder Singh Riar - Khalsa Ji Ke Bol Baale Joginder Singh Riar (Ludhiane Wale) Amrit Peeo Nirmal Rasna HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Gobind Singh in Dasam Granth on Pannaa 278

cMfI dI vwr
cha(n)ddee dhee vaara
Chandi Di Var

vwihgurU jI kI Pqh ]
ik oa(n)kaar vaahiguroo jee kee fatheh ||
There is but One God. The Wonderful Lord (The wondrous repository of spiritual knowledge) and the victory is of the Lord.

sRI BgauqI jI shwie ]
sree bhagouthee jee sehaae ||
May Mahakal (The Universal Destroyer whose symbol is the sword) be helpful

vwr sRI BgauqI jI kI ] pwqswhI 10 ]
vaar sree bhagouthee jee kee || paathasaahee 10 ||
Heroic Ballad of the Graceful goddess Durga. The composition of the Tenth Spiritual Master-Guru Gobind Singh.

ipRQm BgOqI ismir kY guru nwnk leIN iDAwie ]
prithham bhagaathee simar kai gur naanak lee(n) dhhiaae ||
First of all, having remembered the Lord (Universal Destroyer) I meditate upon Guru Nanak Dev.

iPr AMgd gur qy Amrdwsu rwmdwsY hoeIN shwie ]
fir a(n)gadh gur thae amaradhaas raamadhaasai hoee(n) sehaae ||
And then I concentrate on Guru Angad Dev, Guru Amar Das and Guru Ram Dass, may they ever protect me.

Arjn hirgoibMd no ismrO sRI hirrwie ]
arajan harigobi(n)dh no simara sree hariraae ||
(I, then, contemplate on) Guru Arjan Dev, Guru Hargobind and Guru Har Rai.

sRI hir ikSn iDAweIAY ijs ifTy siB duiK jwie ]
sree har kishan dhhiaaeeai jis ddit(h)ae sabh dhukh jaae ||
(And then I reflect on) the most Venerable Guru Har Krishan, seeing whom all the sufferings melt away.

qyg bhwdr ismirAY Gr nau iniD AwvY Dwie ]
thaeg behaadhar simariai ghar no nidhh aavai dhhaae ||
I invoke Guru Tegh Bahadur, by whose grace the nine treasures come rushing to my house.

sB QweIN hoie shwie ] 1]
sabh thhaaee(n) hoe sehaae || 1||
O, my Venerable Masters, may' you protect me everywhere.(1)

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