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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
01 - Harjinder Singh - Waho Waho Baani Nirankaar Hai Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Waho Waho Baani Nirankaar Hai HSinghDCWale
07 - Anoop Singh - Waho Waho Baani Nirankaar Hai Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Guru Maneyo Granth admin


This Shabad is by Guru Amar Daas Ji in Raag Gujri on Pannaa 515

sloku mÚ 3 ]
salok ma 3 ||
Salok, Third Mehla:

vwhu vwhu bwxI inrMkwr hY iqsu jyvfu Avru n koie ]
vaahu vaahu baanee nira(n)kaar hai this jaevadd avar n koe ||
Waaho! Waaho! is the Bani, the Word, of the Formless Lord. There is no other as great as He is.

vwhu vwhu Agm AQwhu hY vwhu vwhu scw soie ]
vaahu vaahu agam athhaahu hai vaahu vaahu sachaa soe ||
Waaho! Waaho! The Lord is unfathomable and inaccessible. Waaho! Waaho! He is the True One.

vwhu vwhu vyprvwhu hY vwhu vwhu kry su hoie ]
vaahu vaahu vaeparavaahu hai vaahu vaahu karae s hoe ||
Waaho! Waaho! He is the self-existent Lord. Waaho! Waaho! As He wills, so it comes to pass.

vwhu vwhu AMimRq nwmu hY gurmuiK pwvY koie ]
vaahu vaahu a(n)mrith naam hai guramukh paavai koe ||
Waaho! Waaho! is the Ambrosial Nectar of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, obtained by the Gurmukh.

vwhu vwhu krmI pweIAY Awip dieAw kir dyie ]
vaahu vaahu karamee paaeeai aap dhaeiaa kar dhaee ||
Waaho! Waaho! This is realized by His Grace, as He Himself grants His Grace.

nwnk vwhu vwhu gurmuiK pweIAY Anidnu nwmu leyie ]1]
naanak vaahu vaahu guramukh paaeeai anadhin naam leaee ||1||
O Nanak, Waaho! Waaho! This is obtained by the Gurmukhs, who hold tight to the Naam, night and day. ||1||

This translation is an updated version.

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