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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
03 - Guriqbal Singh (Mata Kholan Ji Amritsar) - Man Pyareya Jeo Mittra Various Amrit Baani Volume 2 makkarjs


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Siree Raag on Pannaa 79

isrIrwgu mhlw 5 CMq
sireeraag mehalaa 5 shha(n)tha
Siree Raag, Fifth Mehla, Chhant:

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

mn ipAwirAw jIau imqRw goibMd nwmu smwly ]
man piaariaa jeeo mithraa gobi(n)dh naam samaalae ||
O dear beloved mind, my friend, reflect upon the Name of the Lord of the Universe.

mn ipAwirAw jI imqRw hir inbhY qyrY nwly ]
man piaariaa jee mithraa har nibehai thaerai naalae ||
O dear beloved mind, my friend, the Lord shall always be with you.

sMig shweI hir nwmu iDAweI ibrQw koie n jwey ]
sa(n)g sehaaee har naam dhhiaaee birathhaa koe n jaaeae ||
The Name of the Lord shall be with you as your Helper and Support. Meditate on Him-no one who does so shall ever return empty-handed.

mn icMdy syeI Pl pwvih crx kml icqu lwey ]
man chi(n)dhae saeee fal paavehi charan kamal chith laaeae ||
You shall obtain the fruits of your mind's desires, by focusing your consciousness on the Lord's Lotus Feet.

jil Qil pUir rihAw bnvwrI Git Git ndir inhwly ]
jal thhal poor rehiaa banavaaree ghatt ghatt nadhar nihaalae ||
He is totally pervading the water and the land; He is the Lord of the World-forest. Behold Him in exaltation in each and every heart.

nwnku isK dyie mn pRIqm swDsMig BRmu jwly ]1]
naanak sikh dhaee man preetham saadhhasa(n)g bhram jaalae ||1||
Nanak gives this advice: O beloved mind, in the Company of the Holy, burn away your doubts. ||1||

mn ipAwirAw jI imqRw hir ibnu JUTu pswry ]
man piaariaa jee mithraa har bin jhoot(h) pasaarae ||
O dear beloved mind, my friend, without the Lord, all outward show is false.

mn ipAwirAw jIau imqRw ibKu swgru sMswry ]
man piaariaa jeeo mithraa bikh saagar sa(n)saarae ||
O dear beloved mind, my friend, the world is an ocean of poison.

crx kml kir boihQu krqy shsw dUKu n ibAwpY ]
charan kamal kar bohithh karathae sehasaa dhookh n biaapai ||
Let the Lord's Lotus Feet be your Boat, so that pain and skepticism shall not touch you.

guru pUrw BytY vfBwgI AwT phr pRBu jwpY ]
gur pooraa bhaettai vaddabhaagee aat(h) pehar prabh jaapai ||
Meeting with the Perfect Guru, by great good fortune, meditate on God twenty-four hours a day.

Awid jugwdI syvk suAwmI Bgqw nwmu ADwry ]
aadh jugaadhee saevak suaamee bhagathaa naam adhhaarae ||
From the very beginning, and throughout the ages, He is the Lord and Master of His servants. His Name is the Support of His devotees.

nwnku isK dyie mn pRIqm ibnu hir JUT pswry ]2]
naanak sikh dhaee man preetham bin har jhoot(h) pasaarae ||2||
Nanak gives this advice: O beloved mind, without the Lord, all outward show is false. ||2||

mn ipAwirAw jIau imqRw hir ldy Kyp svlI ]
man piaariaa jeeo mithraa har ladhae khaep savalee ||
O dear beloved mind, my friend, load the profitable cargo of the Lord's Name.

mn ipAwirAw jIau imqRw hir dru inhclu mlI ]
man piaariaa jeeo mithraa har dhar nihachal malee ||
O dear beloved mind, my friend, enter through the eternal Door of the Lord.

hir dru syvy AlK AByvy inhclu Awsxu pwieAw ]
har dhar saevae alakh abhaevae nihachal aasan paaeiaa ||
One who serves at the Door of the Imperceptible and Unfathomable Lord, obtains this eternal position.

qh jnm n mrxu n Awvx jwxw sMsw dUKu imtwieAw ]
theh janam n maran n aavan jaanaa sa(n)saa dhookh mittaaeiaa ||
There is no birth or death there, no coming or going; anguish and anxiety are ended.

icqR gupq kw kwgdu PwirAw jmdUqw kCU n clI ]
chithr gupath kaa kaagadh faariaa jamadhoothaa kashhoo n chalee ||
The accounts of Chitr and Gupt, the recording scribes of the conscious and the subconscious are torn up, and the Messenger of Death cannot do anything.

nwnku isK dyie mn pRIqm hir ldy Kyp svlI ]3]
naanak sikh dhaee man preetham har ladhae khaep savalee ||3||
Nanak gives this advice: O beloved mind, load the profitable cargo of the Lord's Name. ||3||

mn ipAwirAw jIau imqRw kir sMqw sMig invwso ]
man piaariaa jeeo mithraa kar sa(n)thaa sa(n)g nivaaso ||
O dear beloved mind, my friend, abide in the Society of the Saints.

mn ipAwirAw jIau imqRw hir nwmu jpq prgwso ]
man piaariaa jeeo mithraa har naam japath paragaaso ||
O dear beloved mind, my friend, chanting the Lord's Name, the Divine Light shines within.

ismir suAwmI suKh gwmI ieC sglI puMnIAw ]
simar suaamee sukheh gaamee eishh sagalee pu(n)neeaa ||
Remember your Lord and Master, who is easily obtained, and all desires shall be fulfilled.

purby kmwey sRIrMg pwey hir imly icrI ivCuMinAw ]
purabae kamaaeae sreera(n)g paaeae har milae chiree vishhu(n)niaa ||
By my past actions, I have found the Lord, the Greatest Lover. Separated from Him for so long, I am united with Him again.

AMqir bwhir srbiq rivAw min aupijAw ibsuAwso ]
a(n)thar baahar sarabath raviaa man oupajiaa bisuaaso ||
Inside and out, He is pervading everywhere. Faith in Him has welled up within my mind.

nwnku isK dyie mn pRIqm kir sMqw sMig invwso ]4]
naanak sikh dhaee man preetham kar sa(n)thaa sa(n)g nivaaso ||4||
Nanak gives this advice: O beloved mind, let the Society of the Saints be your dwelling. ||4||

mn ipAwirAw jIau imqRw hir pRym Bgiq mnu lInw ]
man piaariaa jeeo mithraa har praem bhagath man leenaa ||
O dear beloved mind, my friend, let your mind remain absorbed in loving devotion to the Lord.

mn ipAwirAw jIau imqRw hir jl imil jIvy mInw ]
man piaariaa jeeo mithraa har jal mil jeevae meenaa ||
O dear beloved mind, my friend, the fish of the mind lives only when it is immersed in the Water of the Lord.

hir pI AwGwny AMimRq bwny sRb suKw mn vuTy ]
har pee aaghaanae a(n)mrith baanae srab sukhaa man vut(h)ae ||
Drinking in the Lord's Ambrosial Bani, the mind is satisfied, and all pleasures come to abide within.

sRIDr pwey mMgl gwey ieC puMnI siqgur quTy ]
sreedhhar paaeae ma(n)gal gaaeae eishh pu(n)nee sathigur thut(h)ae ||
Attaining the Lord of Excellence, I sing the Songs of Joy. The True Guru, becoming merciful, has fulfilled my desires.

liV lIny lwey nau iniD pwey nwau srbsu Twkuir dInw ]
larr leenae laaeae no nidhh paaeae naao sarabas t(h)aakur dheenaa ||
He has attached me to the hem of His robe, and I have obtained the nine treasures. My Lord and Master has bestowed His Name, which is everything to me.

nwnk isK sMq smJweI hir pRym Bgiq mnu lInw ]5]1]2]
naanak sikh sa(n)th samajhaaee har praem bhagath man leenaa ||5||1||2||
Nanak instructs the Saints to teach, that the mind is imbued with loving devotion to the Lord. ||5||1||2||

This translation is an updated version.

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