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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
01 - Dalbir Singh - Amritsar Satgur Satwadi Dalbir Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Amritsar Satgur Satwadi makkarjs


This Shabad is by Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Gujri on Pannaa 492

gUjrI mhlw 4 ]
goojaree mehalaa 4 ||
Goojaree, Fourth Mehla:

goivMdu goivMdu pRIqmu min pRIqmu imil sqsMgiq sbid mnu mohY ]
govi(n)dh govi(n)dh preetham man preetham mil sathasa(n)gath sabadh man mohai ||
The Lord, the Lord of the Universe is the Beloved of the minds of those who join the Sat Sangat, the True Congregation. The Shabad of His Word fascinates their minds.

jip goivMdu goivMdu iDAweIAY sB kau dwnu dyie pRBu EhY ]1]
jap govi(n)dh govi(n)dh dhhiaaeeai sabh ko dhaan dhaee prabh ouhai ||1||
Chant, and meditate on the Lord, the Lord of the Universe; God is the One who gives gifts to all. ||1||

myry BweI jnw mo kau goivMdu goivMdu goivMdu mnu mohY ]
maerae bhaaee janaa mo ko govi(n)dh govi(n)dh govi(n)dh man mohai ||
O my Siblings of Destiny, the Lord of the Universe, Govind, Govind, Govind, has enticed and fascinated my mind.

goivMd goivMd goivMd gux gwvw imil gur swDsMgiq jnu sohY ]1] rhwau ]
govi(n)dh govi(n)dh govi(n)dh gun gaavaa mil gur saadhhasa(n)gath jan sohai ||1|| rehaao ||
I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe, Govind, Govind, Govind; joining the Holy Society of the Guru, Your humble servant is beautified. ||1||Pause||

suK swgr hir Bgiq hY gurmiq kaulw iriD isiD lwgY pig EhY ]
sukh saagar har bhagath hai guramath koulaa ridhh sidhh laagai pag ouhai ||
Devotional worship to the Lord is an ocean of peace; through the Guru's Teachings, wealth, prosperity and the spiritual powers of the Siddhas fall at our feet.

jn kau rwm nwmu AwDwrw hir nwmu jpq hir nwmy sohY ]2]
jan ko raam naam aadhhaaraa har naam japath har naamae sohai ||2||
The Lord's Name is the Support of His humble servant; he chants the Lord's Name, and with the Lord's Name he is adorned. ||2||

durmiq BwghIn miq PIky nwmu sunq AwvY min rohY ]
dhuramath bhaageheen math feekae naam sunath aavai man rohai ||
Evil-minded, unfortunate and shallow-minded are those who feel anger in their minds, when they hear the Naam, the Name of the Lord.

kaUAw kwg kau AMimRq rsu pweIAY iqRpqY ivstw Kwie muiK gohY ]3]
kooaa kaag ko a(n)mrith ras paaeeai thripathai visattaa khaae mukh gohai ||3||
You may place ambrosial nectar before crows and ravens, but they will be satisfied only by eating manure and dung with their mouths. ||3||

AMimRq sru siqguru siqvwdI ijqu nwqY kaUAw hMsu hohY ]
a(n)mrith sar sathigur sathivaadhee jith naathai kooaa ha(n)s hohai ||
The True Guru, the Speaker of Truth, is the pool of Ambrosial Nectar; bathing within it, the crow becomes a swan.

nwnk Dnu DMnu vfy vfBwgI ijn@ gurmiq nwmu irdY mlu DohY ]4]2]
naanak dhhan dhha(n)n vaddae vaddabhaagee jinh guramath naam ridhai mal dhhohai ||4||2||
O Nanak, blessed, blessed and very fortunate are those who, through the Guru's Teachings, with the Naam, wash away the filth of their hearts. ||4||2||

This translation is an updated version.

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