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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Anoop Singh - Mere Jiara Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Ja Gur Dekha Samna admin
05 - Anoop Singh - Mela Sanjogi Raam Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Ja Gur Dekha Samna admin
01 - Anoop Singh - Merey Jearia Pardesiyan Anoop Singh (Una Sahib Wale) Gun Gavan Din Raat moneysingh
04 - Mohinderjeet Singh - Mere Jeeyareya Pardesiya Mohinderjeet Singh (Delhi Wale) Aisi Kirpa Mohe Karho nihang


This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Aasaa on Pannaa 438

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

Awsw mhlw 1 CMq Gru 3 ]
aasaa mehalaa 1 shha(n)th ghar 3 ||
Aasaa, First Mehla, Chhant, Third House:

qUM suix hrxw kwilAw kI vwVIAY rwqw rwm ]
thoo(n) sun haranaa kaaliaa kee vaarreeai raathaa raam ||
Listen, O black deer: why are you so attached to the orchard of passion?

ibKu Plu mITw cwir idn iPir hovY qwqw rwm ]
bikh fal meet(h)aa chaar dhin fir hovai thaathaa raam ||
The fruit of sin is sweet for only a few days, and then it grows hot and bitter.

iPir hoie qwqw Krw mwqw nwm ibnu prqwpey ]
fir hoe thaathaa kharaa maathaa naam bin parathaapeae ||
That fruit which intoxicated you has now become bitter and painful, without the Naam.

Ehu jyv swier dyie lhrI ibjul ijvY cmkey ]
ouhu jaev saaeir dhaee leharee bijul jivai chamakeae ||
It is temporary, like the waves on the sea, and the flash of lightning.

hir bwJu rwKw koie nwhI soie quJih ibswirAw ]
har baajh raakhaa koe naahee soe thujhehi bisaariaa ||
Without the Lord, there is no other protector, but you have forgotten Him.

scu khY nwnku cyiq ry mn mrih hrxw kwilAw ]1]
sach kehai naanak chaeth rae man marehi haranaa kaaliaa ||1||
Nanak speaks the Truth. Reflect upon it, O mind; you shall die, O black deer. ||1||

Bvrw PUil BvMiqAw duKu Aiq BwrI rwm ]
bhavaraa fool bhava(n)thiaa dhukh ath bhaaree raam ||
O bumble bee, you wander among the flowers, but terrible pain awaits you.

mY guru pUiCAw Awpxw swcw bIcwrI rwm ]
mai gur pooshhiaa aapanaa saachaa beechaaree raam ||
I have asked my Guru for true understanding.

bIcwir siqguru muJY pUiCAw Bvru bylI rwqE ]
beechaar sathigur mujhai pooshhiaa bhavar baelee raathou ||
I have asked my True Guru for understanding about the bumble bee, who is so involved with the flowers of the garden.

sUrju ciVAw ipMfu piVAw qylu qwvix qwqE ]
sooraj charriaa pi(n)dd parriaa thael thaavan thaathou ||
When the sun rises, the body will fall, and it will be cooked in hot oil.

jm mig bwDw Kwih cotw sbd ibnu byqwilAw ]
jam mag baadhhaa khaahi chottaa sabadh bin baethaaliaa ||
You shall be bound and beaten on the road of Death, without the Word of the Shabad, O madman.

scu khY nwnku cyiq ry mn mrih Bvrw kwilAw ]2]
sach kehai naanak chaeth rae man marehi bhavaraa kaaliaa ||2||
Nanak speaks the Truth. Reflect upon it, O mind; you shall die, O bumble bee. ||2||

myry jIAiVAw prdysIAw ikqu pvih jMjwly rwm ]
maerae jeearriaa paradhaeseeaa kith pavehi ja(n)jaalae raam ||
O my stranger soul, why do you fall into entanglements?

swcw swihbu min vsY kI Pwsih jm jwly rwm ]
saachaa saahib man vasai kee faasehi jam jaalae raam ||
The True Lord abides within your mind; why are you trapped by the noose of Death?

mCulI ivCuMnI nYx ruMnI jwlu biDik pwieAw ]
mashhulee vishhu(n)nee nain ru(n)nee jaal badhhik paaeiaa ||
The fish leaves the water with tearful eyes, when the fisherman casts his net.

sMswru mwieAw mohu mITw AMiq Brmu cukwieAw ]
sa(n)saar maaeiaa mohu meet(h)aa a(n)th bharam chukaaeiaa ||
The love of Maya is sweet to the world, but in the end, this delusion is dispelled.

Bgiq kir icqu lwie hir isau Coif mnhu AMdyisAw ]
bhagath kar chith laae har sio shhodd manahu a(n)dhaesiaa ||
So perform devotional worship, link your consciousness to the Lord, and dispel anxiety from your mind.

scu khY nwnku cyiq ry mn jIAiVAw prdysIAw ]3]
sach kehai naanak chaeth rae man jeearriaa paradhaeseeaa ||3||
Nanak speaks the Truth; focus your consciousness on the Lord, O my stranger soul. ||3||

ndIAw vwh ivCuMinAw mylw sMjogI rwm ]
nadheeaa vaah vishhu(n)niaa maelaa sa(n)jogee raam ||
The rivers and streams which separate may sometime be united again.

jugu jugu mITw ivsu Bry ko jwxY jogI rwm ]
jug jug meet(h)aa vis bharae ko jaanai jogee raam ||
In age after age, that which is sweet, is full of poison; how rare is the Yogi who understands this.

koeI shij jwxY hir pCwxY siqgurU ijin cyiqAw ]
koee sehaj jaanai har pashhaanai sathiguroo jin chaethiaa ||
That rare person who centers his consciousness on the True Guru, knows intuitively and realizes the Lord.

ibnu nwm hir ky Brim BUly pcih mugD AcyiqAw ]
bin naam har kae bharam bhoolae pachehi mugadhh achaethiaa ||
Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the thoughtless fools wander in doubt, and are ruined.

hir nwmu Bgiq n irdY swcw sy AMiq DwhI ruMinAw ]
har naam bhagath n ridhai saachaa sae a(n)th dhhaahee ru(n)niaa ||
Those whose hearts are not touched by devotional worship and the Name of the True Lord, shall weep and wail loudly in the end.

scu khY nwnku sbid swcY myil icrI ivCuMinAw ]4]1]5]
sach kehai naanak sabadh saachai mael chiree vishhu(n)niaa ||4||1||5||
Nanak speaks the Truth; through the True Word of the Shabad, those long separated from the Lord, are united once again. ||4||1||5||

This translation is an updated version.

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