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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
03 - Ravinder Singh - Pran Meet Parmatma Ravinder Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Aape Guru Chela makkarjs
08 - Joginder Singh Riar - Gur Gobind Soora Joginder Singh Riar (Ludhiane Wale) Aaisi Marni Jo Mare makkarjs


This Shabad is by Bhai Gurdas Singh in Amrit Keertan on Pannaa 282

pRwn mIq prmwqmw purKoqm pUrw [
praan meeth paramaathamaa purakhotham pooraa a
The life patron of Puranas, is the perfect Supreme Soul.

poKnhwrw pwiqswh hY pRiqpwln aUrw [
pokhanehaaraa paathisaah hai prathipaalan ooraa a
Har, the Sustaining Lord, is not deficient in protection.

piqq auDwrn pRwnpiq sd sdw hjUrw [
pathith oudhhaaran praanapath sadh sadhaa hajooraa a
Hail! Manifested is the Supreme Being in the countenance of gallant Guru Gobind Singh,

vwh pRgitE purK BgvMq rUp gur goibMd sUrw [
vaah pragattiou purakh bhagava(n)th roop gur gobi(n)dh sooraa a
Who is spectacular, and with his marvels, profusely he is Satguru, the True Lord.

And ibnodI jIA jip scu scI vylw [
anadh binodhee jeea jap sach sachee vaelaa a
Remember day and night, the virtues of Har who, at the times honest, endows truth.

vwh vwh goibMd isMG Awpy gur cylw ] 14 ]
vaah vaah gobi(n)dh si(n)gh aapae gur chaelaa || 14 ||
Hail, hail (Guru) Gobind Singh; He, Himself, is the Master and the Disciple too.

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