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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
05 - Gurkirat Singh - Jo Kuch Kare Soe Sukh Maan Gurkirat Singh (Hazoori Ragi Sri Darbar Sahib Amritsar) Gur Sikhan Ki HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 282

mn mUrK kwhy ibllweIAY ]
man moorakh kaahae bilalaaeeai ||
O foolish mind, why do you cry and bewail?

purb ilKy kw iliKAw pweIAY ]
purab likhae kaa likhiaa paaeeai ||
You shall obtain your pre-ordained destiny.

dUK sUK pRB dyvnhwru ]
dhookh sookh prabh dhaevanehaar ||
God is the Giver of pain and pleasure.

Avr iqAwig qU iqsih icqwru ]
avar thiaag thoo thisehi chithaar ||
Abandon others, and think of Him alone.

jo kCu krY soeI suKu mwnu ]
jo kashh karai soee sukh maan ||
Whatever He does - take comfort in that.

BUlw kwhy iPrih Ajwn ]
bhoolaa kaahae firehi ajaan ||
Why do you wander around, you ignorant fool?

kaun bsqu AweI qyrY sMg ]
koun basath aaee thaerai sa(n)g ||
What things did you bring with you?

lpit rihE ris loBI pqMg ]
lapatt rehiou ras lobhee patha(n)g ||
You cling to worldly pleasures like a greedy moth.

rwm nwm jip ihrdy mwih ]
raam naam jap hiradhae maahi ||
Dwell upon the Lord's Name in your heart.

nwnk piq syqI Gir jwih ]4]
naanak path saethee ghar jaahi ||4||
O Nanak, thus you shall return to your home with honor. ||4||

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