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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
01 - Dya Singh - Mool Mantr Dya Singh (Australia) Australian Sikh Rhythm & Soul admin
Nirmal Singh - Aad Sach Jugaad Sach Nirmal Singh Khair Deejai Bandgi HSinghDCWale
01 - Harbans Singh - Japji Sahib Harbans Singh (Jagadhari Wale) Japji Sahib & Rehraas Sahib preetigrover1
02 - Jaspinder Narula - Mool Mantar Jaspinder Narula Mool Mantar amitojsinghmalik
01 - Jaspinder Narula - Mool Mantar Jaspinder Narula Mool Mantar amitojsinghmalik
01 - Niranjan Singh - Waheguru In Raag Asa Niranjan Singh (Jawaddi Kalan Wale) Waheguru Instrumental makkarjs
02 - Wahe Guru Khalsa Kaur - Mool Mantra Wahe Guru Khalsa Kaur Meditation For A Millenium HSinghDCWale
01 - Harshdeep Kaur - Ik Onkar (Rang De Basanti 2006) Various Bollywood Gurbani Tracks (Sikh Sangeet Compilation) Unknown


This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Jap on Pannaa 1

siq nwmu krqw purKu inrBau inrvYru Akwl mUriq AjUnI sYBM gur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sath naam karathaa purakh nirabho niravair akaal moorath ajoonee saibha(n) gur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. The Name Is Truth. Creative Being Personified. No Fear. No Hatred. Image Of The Undying, Beyond Birth, Self-Existent. By Guru's Grace ~

] jpu ]
|| jap ||
Chant And Meditate:

Awid scu jugwid scu ]
aadh sach jugaadh sach ||
True In The Primal Beginning. True Throughout The Ages.

hY BI scu nwnk hosI BI scu ]1]
hai bhee sach naanak hosee bhee sach ||1||
True Here And Now. O Nanak, Forever And Ever True. ||1||

socY soic n hoveI jy socI lK vwr ]
sochai soch n hovee jae sochee lakh vaar ||
By thinking, He cannot be reduced to thought, even by thinking hundreds of thousands of times.

cupY cup n hoveI jy lwie rhw ilv qwr ]
chupai chup n hovee jae laae rehaa liv thaar ||
By remaining silent, inner silence is not obtained, even by remaining lovingly absorbed deep within.

BuiKAw BuK n auqrI jy bMnw purIAw Bwr ]
bhukhiaa bhukh n outharee jae ba(n)naa pureeaa bhaar ||
The hunger of the hungry is not appeased, even by piling up loads of worldly goods.

shs isAwxpw lK hoih q iek n clY nwil ]
sehas siaanapaa lakh hohi th eik n chalai naal ||
Hundreds of thousands of clever tricks, but not even one of them will go along with you in the end.

ikv sicAwrw hoeIAY ikv kUVY qutY pwil ]
kiv sachiaaraa hoeeai kiv koorrai thuttai paal ||
So how can you become truthful? And how can the veil of illusion be torn away?

hukim rjweI clxw nwnk iliKAw nwil ]1]
hukam rajaaee chalanaa naanak likhiaa naal ||1||
O Nanak, it is written that you shall obey the Hukam of His Command, and walk in the Way of His Will. ||1||

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