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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
04 - Harjinder Singh - Sakhi Aao Sakhi Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Chal Sakhiye HSinghDCWale
05 - Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh - Dhan Dhan Hamare Bhaag Satvinder Singh & Harvinder Singh Dhan Dhan Hamare Bhaag HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Bilaaval on Pannaa 847

iblwvlu mhlw 5 CMq
bilaaval mehalaa 5 shha(n)tha
Bilaaval, Fifth Mehla, Chhant:

siqgur pRswid ]
ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh ||
One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

sKI Awau sKI vis Awau sKI AsI ipr kw mMglu gwvh ]
sakhee aao sakhee vas aao sakhee asee pir kaa ma(n)gal gaaveh ||
Come, O my sisters, come, O my companions, and let us remain under the Lord's control. Let's sing the Songs of Bliss of our Husband Lord.

ij mwnu sKI qij mwnu sKI mqu Awpxy pRIqm Bwvh ]
j maan sakhee thaj maan sakhee math aapanae preetham bhaaveh ||
Renounce your pride, O my companions, renounce your egotistical pride, O my sisters, so that you may become pleasing to your Beloved.

qij mwnu mohu ibkwru dUjw syiv eyku inrMjno ]
thaj maan mohu bikaar dhoojaa saev eaek nira(n)jano ||
Renounce pride, emotional attachment, corruption and duality, and serve the One Immaculate Lord.

lgu crx srx dieAwl pRIqm sgl durq ibKMfno ]
lag charan saran dhaeiaal preetham sagal dhurath bikha(n)ddano ||
Hold tight to the Sanctuary of the Feet of the Merciful Lord, your Beloved, the Destroyer of all sins.

hoie dws dwsI qij audwsI bhuiV ibDI n Dwvw ]
hoe dhaas dhaasee thaj oudhaasee bahurr bidhhee n dhhaavaa ||
Be the slave of His slaves, forsake sorrow and sadness, and do not bother with other devices.

nwnku pieAMpY krhu ikrpw qwim mMglu gwvw ]1]
naanak paeia(n)pai karahu kirapaa thaam ma(n)gal gaavaa ||1||
Prays Nanak, O Lord, please bless me with Your Mercy, that I may sing Your songs of bliss. ||1||

AMimRqu ipRA kw nwmu mY AMDuly tohnI ]
a(n)mrith pria kaa naam mai a(n)dhhulae ttohanee ||
The Ambrosial Naam, the Name of my Beloved, is like a cane to a blind man.

Eh johY bhu prkwr suMdir mohnI ]
ouh johai bahu parakaar su(n)dhar mohanee ||
Maya seduces in so many ways, like a beautiful enticing woman.

mohnI mhw biciqR cMcil Aink Bwv idKwvey ]
mohanee mehaa bachithr cha(n)chal anik bhaav dhikhaaveae ||
This enticer is so incredibly beautiful and clever; she entices with countless suggestive gestures.

hoie FIT mITI mnih lwgY nwmu lYx n Awvey ]
hoe dteet(h) meet(h)ee manehi laagai naam lain n aaveae ||
Maya is stubborn and persistent; she seems so sweet to the mind, and then he does not chant the Naam.

igRh bnih qIrY brq pUjw bwt GwtY johnI ]
grih banehi theerai barath poojaa baatt ghaattai johanee ||
At home, in the forest, on the banks of sacred rivers, fasting, worshipping, on the roads and on the shore, she is spying.

nwnku pieAMpY dieAw Dwrhu mY nwmu AMDuly tohnI ]2]
naanak paeia(n)pai dhaeiaa dhhaarahu mai naam a(n)dhhulae ttohanee ||2||
Prays Nanak, please bless me with Your Kindness, Lord; I am blind, and Your Name is my cane. ||2||

moih AnwQ ipRA nwQ ijau jwnhu iqau rKhu ]
mohi anaathh pria naathh jio jaanahu thio rakhahu ||
I am helpless and masterless; You, O my Beloved, are my Lord and Master. As it pleases You, so do You protect me.

cqurweI moih nwih rIJwvau kih muKhu ]
chathuraaee mohi naahi reejhaavo kehi mukhahu ||
I have no wisdom or cleverness; what face should I put on to please You?

nh cquir suGir sujwn byqI moih inrguin gunu nhI ]
neh chathur sughar sujaan baethee mohi niragun gun nehee ||
I am not clever, skillful or wise; I am worthless, without any virtue at all.

nh rUp DUp n nYx bMky jh BwvY qh rKu quhI ]
neh roop dhhoop n nain ba(n)kae jeh bhaavai theh rakh thuhee ||
I have no beauty or pleasing smell, no beautiful eyes. As it pleases You, please preserve me, O Lord.

jY jY jieAMpih sgl jw kau kruxwpiq giq ikin lKhu ]
jai jai jaeia(n)pehi sagal jaa ko karunaapath gath kin lakhahu ||
His victory is celebrated by all; how can I know the state of the Lord of Mercy?

nwnku pieAMpY syv syvku ijau jwnhu iqau moih rKhu ]3]
naanak paeia(n)pai saev saevak jio jaanahu thio mohi rakhahu ||3||
Prays Nanak, I am the servant of Your servants; as it pleases You, please preserve me. ||3||

moih mCulI qum nIr quJ ibnu ikau srY ]
mohi mashhulee thum neer thujh bin kio sarai ||
I am the fish, and You are the water; without You, what can I do?

moih cwiqRk qum@ bUMd iqRpqau muiK prY ]
mohi chaathrik thumh boo(n)dh thripatho mukh parai ||
I am the rainbird, and You are the rain-drop; when it falls into my mouth, I am satisfied.

muiK prY hrY ipAws myrI jIA hIAw pRwnpqy ]
mukh parai harai piaas maeree jeea heeaa praanapathae ||
When it falls into my mouth, my thirst is quenched; You are the Lord of my soul, my heart, my breath of life.

lwifly lwf lfwie sB mih imlu hmwrI hoie gqy ]
laaddilae laadd laddaae sabh mehi mil hamaaree hoe gathae ||
Touch me, and caress me, O Lord, You are in all; let me meet You, so that I may be emancipated.

cIiq icqvau imtu AMDwry ijau Aws ckvI idnu crY ]
cheeth chithavo mitt a(n)dhhaarae jio aas chakavee dhin charai ||
In my consciousness I remember You, and the darkness is dispelled, like the chakvi duck, which longs to see the dawn.

nwnku pieAMpY ipRA sMig mylI mCulI nIru n vIsrY ]4]
naanak paeia(n)pai pria sa(n)g maelee mashhulee neer n veesarai ||4||
Prays Nanak, O my Beloved, please unite me with Yourself; the fish never forgets the water. ||4||

Din DMin hmwry Bwg Gir AwieAw ipru myrw ]
dhhan dhha(n)n hamaarae bhaag ghar aaeiaa pir maeraa ||
Blessed, blessed is my destiny; my Husband Lord has come into my home.

sohy bMk duAwr sglw bnu hrw ]
sohae ba(n)k dhuaar sagalaa ban haraa ||
The gate of my mansion is so beautiful, and all my gardens are so green and alive.

hr hrw suAwmI suKh gwmI And mMgl rsu Gxw ]
har haraa suaamee sukheh gaamee anadh ma(n)gal ras ghanaa ||
My peace-giving Lord and Master has rejuvenated me, and blessed me with great joy, bliss and love.

nvl nvqn nwhu bwlw kvn rsnw gun Bxw ]
naval navathan naahu baalaa kavan rasanaa gun bhanaa ||
My Young Husband Lord is eternally young, and His body is forever youthful; what tongue can I use to chant His Glorious Praises?

myrI syj sohI dyiK mohI sgl shsw duKu hrw ]
maeree saej sohee dhaekh mohee sagal sehasaa dhukh haraa ||
My bed is beautiful; gazing upon Him, I am fascinated, and all my doubts and pains are dispelled.

nwnku pieAMpY myrI Aws pUrI imly suAwmI AprMprw ]5]1]3]
naanak paeia(n)pai maeree aas pooree milae suaamee apara(n)paraa ||5||1||3||
Prays Nanak, my hopes are fulfilled; my Lord and Master is unlimited. ||5||1||3||

This translation is an updated version.

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