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Track Shabad

This shabad has been sung by the following:
Title Artist Album Shabad Submitter
02 - Harjinder Singh - Mere Gobind Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Lakh Khushian HSinghDCWale
01 - Harjinder Singh - Mere Gobind Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale) Mere Gobind HSinghDCWale


This Shabad is by Guru Raam Daas Ji in Raag Sorath on Pannaa 607

soriT mhlw 4 pMcpdw ]
sorat(h) mehalaa 4 pa(n)chapadhaa ||
Sorat'h, Fourth Mehla, Panch-Paday:

Acru crY qw isiD hoeI isDI qy buiD pweI ]
achar charai thaa sidhh hoee sidhhee thae budhh paaee ||
If one eats the uneatable, then he becomes a Siddha, a being of perfect spirituality; through this perfection, he obtains wisdom.

pRym ky sr lwgy qn BIqir qw BRmu kwitAw jweI ]1]
praem kae sar laagae than bheethar thaa bhram kaattiaa jaaee ||1||
When the arrow of the Lord's Love pierces his body, then his doubt is eradicated. ||1||

myry goibd Apuny jn kau dyih vifAweI ]
maerae gobidh apunae jan ko dhaehi vaddiaaee ||
O my Lord of the Universe, please bless Your humble servant with glory.

gurmiq rwm nwmu prgwshu sdw rhhu srxweI ] rhwau ]
guramath raam naam paragaasahu sadhaa rehahu saranaaee || rehaao ||
Under Guru's Instructions, enlighten me with the Lord's Name, that I may dwell forever in Your Sanctuary. ||Pause||

iehu sMswru sBu Awvx jwxw mn mUrK cyiq Ajwxw ]
eihu sa(n)saar sabh aavan jaanaa man moorakh chaeth ajaanaa ||
This whole world is engrossed in coming and going; O my foolish and ignorant mind, be mindful of the Lord.

hir jIau ik®pw krhu guru mylhu qw hir nwim smwxw ]2]
har jeeo kirapaa karahu gur maelahu thaa har naam samaanaa ||2||
O Dear Lord, please, take pity upon me, and unite me with the Guru, that I may merge in the Lord's Name. ||2||

ijs kI vQu soeI pRBu jwxY ijs no dyie su pwey ] vsqu AnUp Aiq Agm Agocr guru pUrw AlKu lKwey ]3]
jis kee vathh soee prabh jaanai jis no dhaee s paaeae || vasath anoop ath agam agochar gur pooraa alakh lakhaaeae ||3||
Only one who has it knows God; he alone has it, to whom God has given it - so very beautiful, unapproachable and unfathomable. Through the Perfect Guru, the unknowable is known. ||3||

ijin ieh cwKI soeI jwxY gUMgy kI imiTAweI ]
jin eih chaakhee soee jaanai goo(n)gae kee mit(h)iaaee ||
Only one who tastes it knows it, like the mute, who tastes the sweet candy, but cannot speak of it.

rqnu lukwieAw lUkY nwhI jy ko rKY lukweI ]4]
rathan lukaaeiaa lookai naahee jae ko rakhai lukaaee ||4||
The jewel is concealed, but it is not concealed, even though one may try to conceal it. ||4||

sBu ikCu qyrw qU AMqrjwmI qU sBnw kw pRBu soeI ]
sabh kishh thaeraa thoo a(n)tharajaamee thoo sabhanaa kaa prabh soee ||
Everything is Yours, O Inner-knower, Searcher of hearts; You are the Lord God of all.

ijs no dwiq krih so pwey jn nwnk Avru n koeI ]5]9]
jis no dhaath karehi so paaeae jan naanak avar n koee ||5||9||
He alone receives the gift, unto whom You give it; O servant Nanak, there is no one else. ||5||9||

This translation is an updated version.

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